Happy News: Miku on the Starting Line
Remember yesterday’s post about how Miku couldn’t race because it couldn’t meet the fuel regulations? Well, it was a really sad news to hear. But today, here’s a happy news. She’s allowed to be in the starting line, although she’ll not participate in the race. As some of you may know (if you’re following the SuperGT), the finals have been delayed due to the bad weather in the area. Two days of heavy rain. Thankfully the weather cleared up and the pit stop is open to public. Which received the most attention? Miku, of course. Read on for a special video and some nice pictures from the event!
Even though she couldn’t race, this appearance would surely make her more popular! And the car itself is an awesome piece of art! Want to see how it was created? STGT have kindly made a video on how did they created the full car.
I would also upload it into YouTube and embed it later on today! So that’s Miku on the starting line!
Source: ピアプロプログ
Well, that’s better than nothing I guess. (‘:
Go Miku go! I’m sure Miku is more than happy to see ‘her’ actually being able to be at the starting line of the race. 😀
Ohmaigawd I WANT that Miku umbrella so badly! T^T
Aww…. that’s too bad ;_; but at least they were allowed to be on starting line. The staffs look disappointed though ;_;
wow i want one of those stickers T_T