Welcome to our new home! I’ll begin posting more VOCALOID news and updates in this new domain.
We finished the move! Starting from now all new content would be posted in here!
Thanks everyone for their support in this move! xD
And in case you haven’t noticed, we also have a new forum. Be sure to visit it! =)
By the way, all systems have been upgraded to WordPress 2.7 and we now use vBulletin 3.7.3 Patch Level 1 for the Forums!
*waves hands around* Are the forum posts gonna be moved as well? xD
Congrats on moving! ^^
Btw kok jd semakin sama punya kyk gw vin… Ukuran bannernya jadi sama juga… xD
@Krystal: *waves hand around too* =D
I’ll try to move the forum posts =)
@kazearashi: Thanks! =D
Uh… soalnya belom ketemu theme yang lebih bagus, sama banner yang temen gw bikin ukurannya segitu xD
Btw, update blogroll kita yah =)