Sakura no Ame

I’m pretty sure most Vocaloid fans would be familiar with this song. Created by halyosy and played by halyosy’s band “absorb”. The song itself concerns the thoughts and emotions surrounding graduation, and was played live for a high school graduation this month. The song itself is now used throughout Japanese high schools as their graduation song. They released a maxi single of the song, containing 7 versions of the song, including two less-vocal/karaoke versions. 2 versions by Hatsune Miku and 3 versions by absorb. So what’s next? A movie based on it.
That’s right, a movie. No details have been announced, but SMN (School Multimedia Network) is holding an audition for the main and extra cast of the movie. Apparently the main cast have been selected, so only places for the extra cast is available. If you’re interested, go to their website and contact them. They’re holding an audition for the extra cast between tomorrow, 28th of March until 30th of March. Anyways, it’s interesting to see a movie based on Sakura no Ame. I’d love to hear what’s it about, and will keep you informed with more updates. Interestingly enough though, the film would be made by Tetra Film Studio, which are mainly students. If you haven’t listened to this song, now is a good time to listen to it. It’s an awesome song made by halyosy. Or click here to watch the PV on YouTube.
A movie? I thought this is going to tell about a particular event like schools actually using this as their graduation song.
@Ace: I did say that in the post if you read it carefully =D
I know that they are using the song as their graduation song but a movie? o.O They are quite fast to plan out a movie based on the song.. Good find BTW.. xD
lol movie?! wow that is interesting x3 Would like to see how will it turn out… Maybe Miku as the protagonist? x3 lol