MMD Cup 3 Finals Preview – Supplemental

By now, you’re probably tired of V-ism’s coverage of the 3rd MikuMiku Dance Cup. After all, we’ve previewed all three themes’ top entrants pretty extensively and got you aware of something you may not have initially known about. You can’t think there’s anything else, right?
Well, you’re wrong. 46 of the 80+ entries score got a perfect score. We only looked at the top 15, and decided that some of those may not be as good as their MyList count suggests. So, now that I’m freed of arbitrary guidelines, I’m going to pick a few videos that interest me. Naturally, I’ll be using the time-honored tradition of Random Clicking, but with over 30 perfect vids to choose from, I was sure I would find something.
And you know what? I did.
For sake of space conservation, I’m just going to link the songs as opposed to embed the Nico box thing I’ve done previously. Yes, I’m lazy.
#20: Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru (mirai)
This is an interesting case, because we sort of know what to expect (or do we) and have another CG video to compare it to. As a critic, my interest is definitely piqued, but the fact that there’s already a decent vid out there makes it too hard for me to get really psyched up.

#23: Kunoichi Haruhi (raku)
Okay, never mind the subject matter (which rocks out loud, by the way). This is one of the few vids I’ve watched that, if I didn’t know better, would wonder if this was actually an MMD work. That’s high praise, and with the promise of full-bore period ninja action, the ceiling is practically non-existant.
If it lives up to the hype, the sole reason it will not win is because Miku isn’t in it.
#26: Hatsune Miku no Shoushitsu o Odotte Itadakimashita (kisetsu)
Never mind the excess kanji which I probably mistranslated. This is a Shoushitu vid, pure and simple. Like our first entry, it’s all going to depend on how close to the chest the video is going to play with its footage. Unlike our first entry, I see more potential simply because of the fast parts. If the video can keep up, there’s a bona fide hit to be had. I’m not big on the song, but the visuals draw me in.

Having an opening conducive to teaser trailers never hurts, either.
#28: 10 years (mirai)
For whatever reason, I’m reminded of Daicon III, or at least the bits that were summarized before the Daicon IV footage started. I am interested in putting these scenes into context, and the shots don’t look half bad.

#42: Mambo No.3939 (mirai)
Dear reader, I encourage you to go to your favorite wiki and type in “The Gong Show.” Why? Because this is one of those acts. Also, Lou Bega is officially off the hook (if he wasn’t already).

#44: Defen’ ya self, sis! (mirai)
“Weird” is all I can say right now. The song has a nice beat, and I can dance to it, but Luka’s dipping into the Uncanny Valley, and the American Kansai title leaves me a little confused.

So that’s it. The end. I got nothing else to say. Remember that the final round begins on August 14th and voting ends on the 21st. See you then.
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