Happy 2nd Birthday To Hatsune Miku!

Image source: 真琉樹
Image source: 真琉樹

Yes, our leek-loving virtual idol will be celebrating her birthday today and everyone here at Vocaloidism have definitely not forgotten that, and so this post will be dedicated to Hatsune Miku on her very special day. Happy Birthday, Miku! 😀

Image source: 戎かな
Image source: 戎かな

Hatsune Miku, created two years ago as the first installment of the Vocaloid2 Character Vocal Series by Crypton after MEIKO and KAITO, gained immerse popularity when producers started uploading songs created using the new Vocaloid software onto Nico Nico Douga and viewers begin to take note of the presence of Hatsune Miku.

Image source: 央
Image source: 央

Through collaborative efforts between different producers and creators, many awesome and wonderful songs sung by Miku were produced and it all helps to establish her place as the virtual diva that we all know now.

Image source: 肱
Image source: 肱

Since then countless merchandises related to Miku have been produced, including books, CDs by many different producers, figures (Nendoroid, figma, PVC and etc) and even a PSP game with her as the main character. (Anyone here looking forward to a sequel of Project DIVA?) ;D

Image source: うり子
Image source: うり子

Hatsune Miku still remains the most popular and well-known Vocaloid character even after two years and this shows in the amount of Miku songs produced every month and the number of products associated with her coming out every now and then, especially the Vocaloid Nendoroid Puchi Set 01 which was up for pre-order on the same day as her birthday.


And today there was even an festival held in Japan to celebrate Miku’s 2nd birthday and it’s none other than MIKUFES’ 09, in which well-known artists such as supercell, OSTER project, doriko, livetune (kz), deadballP, 19’s sound factory will be participating in the event.

Image source: いより
Image source: いより

And last but not least, hopefully Miku (and the rest of the Vocaloid) will continue to do great and remain as popular as before, if not more. 🙂 Once again, Happy Birthday to Miku~ 😀

About: DT

18 thoughts on “Happy 2nd Birthday To Hatsune Miku!”

  1. Happy birthday to you~
    Happy birthday to you!
    Happy birthday dear Mikuuu~
    Haappy birrthdaaaay toooo yooooou~!
    (And many more, on channel four, and scooby doo, on channel two…)

    I don't know about everyone else, but I'm looking forward to more Miku in the future!

    1. Actually I have been waiting for you to complete this article when you started it earlier but you wasn't around, so I had no choice but to do it by myself.

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