Weekly Vocaloid Ranking #106 – “Wait, what?”
WHAT THE-!? Why is this thing up so early this week? Last week it was so late, I actually missed reviewing it! Not to mention how SP4 got past the radar… IS THE RANKINGS TRYING TO SKREW ME UP!?
Then again, I’m actually running out of things to say to start out these weekly ranking reviews due to my recent inattentiveness to NND. I’ve actually been checking new Vocaloid songs less and less these days. Hmm, maybe I don’t enjoy Vocaloid songs as much as I did way back when… My current favorite is URA-OMOTE Lovers… and it’s not even the Hatsune Miku version!
Anyhow, let’s just get to the charts before I ramble on any further.
History: Red = DK, Green = DT, Blue = JM
- #30: 【初音ミク】celluloid【リミックス】 (NEW) – Wait, what? “Celluloid?” Wasn’t this a Miku song from WAY, WAY back!? Why is it considered new!? For one thing, have you entertained the idea that it may a different song with the same title? Uuuuuuuuh… no? o_o
- #29: 【KAITO】千年の独奏歌(オリジナル曲) (Up from 79) – Whoa… this song shot up like a frickin’ cannon ball!
- #28: 鏡音リンオリジナル曲 「右肩の蝶」 (Up from 29) – Yeah, this Rin song made it back up the Top-30 since last week… I wonder why, though… *coughSP4cough* Most likely so, maybe it’s because SP4 reminds the Nico viewers about the songs that they haven’t been watching lately.
- #27: 初音ミク オリジナル曲 「裏表ラバーズ」 (Down from 19) – Sorry, Miku. I like the 5-dude chorus version (and the other one with the girl) better than your original.
- #26: 【初音ミク】みくみくにしてあげる♪【してやんよ】 (Down from 18) –
- #25: 【初音ミク】 ココロカラ 【オリジナルPV】 (NEW) – Visually interesting, at least Nice new Miku song, wished it would have been longer though.
- #24: 初音ミク が オリジナル曲を歌ってくれたよ「メルト」 (Down from 9) –
- #23: 【オリジナル曲PV】結ンデ開イテ羅刹ト骸【初音ミク】 (Down from 13) –
- #22: 初音ミクがオリジナルを歌ってくれたよ「ブラック★ロックシューター」 (Down from 17) –
- #21: 「ロミオとシンデレラ」 オリジナル曲 vo.初音ミク (Down from 14) –
- #20: 【鏡音レン】 第三章「一縷の願い」 ~3D&アニメPV~ (Previously Unranked) – Where’s the 3D? I thought it’s there already? Anyway to think I just viewed the subbed version of this together with the first two parts over last weekend. Rin’s sacrifice makes me feel sad. ;_;
- #19: 【巡音ルカ】ダブルラリアット【オリジナル】 (Up from 22) –
- #18: 【初音ミク】Last Scene【オリジナル曲】 (NEW) –
- #17: 【初音ミク】 「それでも、恋」 【オリジナル】 (NEW) – DenwaporuP no desu ka? Naruhodo.
- #16: 【巡音ルカ】Just Be Friends【オリジナルPV】 (Down from 10) –
- #15: 【KAITO】時忘人【オリジナル】 (Previously Unranked) –
- #14: 【初音ミク】 ランドルトの環 (Landolt C) 【オリジナル】 (NEW) –
- #13: 【初音ミク】星屑サテライト【オリジナル】 (NEW) –
- #12: 【鏡音レン】パラジクロロベンゼン【破壊系洗脳ソング】 (Down from 1) – Can we just shorten this to C6H4Cl2 and get it over with? Even better, how about 1,4? You two are just getting lazy. =P
- #11: 【初音ミク】レイニーデイズ【オリジナル】 (NEW) –
- THIS WEEK’S PICK-UP: 【鏡音リン】第一次ウイルス抗戦_強襲編【オリジナルPV】 (#45 – Previously Unranked) –
- #10: magnet【初音ミク・巡音ルカオリジナル】 (Up from 16) –
- #9: 【初音ミク】 恋は戦争 (Anti-Material Mix) 【オリジナル曲アレンジ】 (NEW) – Oooooooh! New KoiSen remix. Where’s the remix part, though? The guitar? Well, I don’t mind listening to it for a few more times on loop.
- #8: 【初音ミク】加速世界 -アクセルワールド-【オリジナル】 (Down from 6) –
- #7: 【鏡音リン】月隠 -ツキゴモリ-【ヤスオ feat.骨盤P】 (Up from 81) – How are these songs getting a major revival? Perhaps it’s because these songs have been out of the Top 30 for quite some time already? We had a few songs that was previously unranked in this week’s ranking.
- #6: 【初音ミク】月夜ノ森【オリジナル】 (NEW) – Para Para must be relevant again
- #5: 初音ミクで 化物語ED「君の知らない物語」 逆?【カバー】 (Down from 3) –
- #4: 【鏡音リン・レン】空中庭園【オリジナル】 (NEW) – Dramamine is recommended
- #3: 【初音ミク(40㍍)】 Sing my Love 【オリジナル曲】 (Previously Unranked) – Man, the first 8 bars of 40mP’s latest effort got my hopes up for something awesome, but this is just lukewarm At least it isn’t that bad. Me likes. <3
- #2: 【KAITO】モーニングコール【オリジナル曲】 (Up from 76) – Ow mah gawd… What an EXTREMELY nasally-sounding KAITO… Fran called, she wants her voice back. OFU. 0’s animation style + 90’s anime OP music + 00’s Vocaloids = Epic Win
- #1: 【初音ミク】1925【オリジナル曲】 (NEW) –
In other news… I’m kinda thinking that we need translators for the “In other Vocaloid news” portion of the WVR. There’s been a lot of untranslated news stuff in the past that I really wanted to know about (like MikuFES ’09), but wasn’t able to until it was too late. So in short: V-ism wants YOU in the blog team! Please apply in the forums for more details.
Aaaaand that be for this week, y’all!
The celluloid is a remix of the original, Mister.
Didn't deserve #30 anyways.
But seriously, I never liekd OSTER's tuning, even for Miku >_> (Rin and Len is fine, Meiko was…)
Maybe it’s because newer vocaloid songs just don’t have that feel the old classics did? (like meruto, koi wa sensou, etc.) Granted, there are some really good new songs, but many of them lack that spark.
No.6 is pure win, imo
[youtube PhX7PlZpOH0
youtube] DK, I'm assuming you mean this one?