Weekly Vocaloid Ranking #107 – “Checkin’ in early” (Updated)
Shhhh… be vewy vewy qwiet… I’m hunting Vocawoids…
The nostalgia barrage continues on as more songs from way back (figuratively and literally) return to the Top-30. But V-ism marches on to give our fellow Vocafans the latest review of WVR!
(yeah, I ran out of things to say… sorry ’bout that.)
Update: Included information from the “In Other Vocaloid News” section of the WVR. Translation thanks to deztora.
History: Red = DK, Green = DT, Blue = JM
- #30: 鏡音リンオリジナル曲 「右肩の蝶」 (Down from 28) – Butterfly? On the right shoulder!? UNPOSSIBLE!!! Well, at least I don’t have to shoot my monitor nowadays (except for the time I view SP4… EEEEEAAAAAAAARRRRRRGH~!!!) Hmm…so DK must be rich then, destroying his monitor every time Len’s version appear on the rankings. =P
- #29: 初音ミク が オリジナル曲を歌ってくれたよ「メルト」 (Down from 24) –
- #28: 【初音ミク】みくみくにしてあげる♪【してやんよ】 (Down from 26) – Ooh, me popularity’s slippin’!
- #27: 【初音ミク】月夜ノ森【オリジナル】 (Down from 6) –
- #26: 【初音ミク】星屑サテライト【オリジナル】 (Down from 13) –
- #25: 【KAITO】千年の独奏歌(オリジナル曲) (Up from 29) –
- #24: 初音ミク オリジナル曲 「裏表ラバーズ」 (Up from 27) –
- #23: 「ロミオとシンデレラ」 オリジナル曲 vo.初音ミク (Down from 21) –
- #22: 【オリジナル曲PV】結ンデ開イテ羅刹ト骸【初音ミク】 (Up from 23) – A (sorta) appropriate song for the given occasion.
- #21: 【初音ミク】 ココロカラ 【オリジナルPV】 (Up from 25) –
- #20: 【初音ミク】Endless∞Summertime【オリジナル】 (Up from 93) – This one kinda catapulted back up here, didn’t it…?
- #19: 初音ミク – 岬めぐり (Previously unranked) –
- #18: 【鏡音レン】パラジクロロベンゼン【破壊系洗脳ソング】 (Down from 12) – What does 1,4 do anyways? Lubricate stuff? From what I know, it’s mainly used as a deodorant (such as mothballs) as well as an intermediate for the production of other chemicals.
- #17: 【鏡音レン】君は無慈悲な僕の女王【レンオリジナル】 (Up from 105) – ARTILLERY STRIKE!!! Holy crap! Where did this song come from!? Well, the music’s not bad anyway.
- #16: 【巡音ルカ】Just Be Friends【オリジナルPV】 (Unmoved) – For your consideration to be included in Project DIVA Arcade.
- #15: 【巡音ルカ】ダブルラリアット【オリジナル】 (Up from 19) – This one too. Wouldn’t mind these two songs for the Arcade version as these are rather notable (and great) Luka songs.
- #14: 【初音ミク】ぱそこんの前で。【オリジナル】 (Up from 32) –
- #13: magnet【初音ミク・巡音ルカオリジナル】 (Down from 10) –
- #12: 【がくっぽいど・KAITO】poetaster_and_singing_dolls_【アレンジ】 (NEW) – And here come the new songs! It’s mostly new from here on end.
- #11: 【巡音ルカ】BEAUTIFUL DREAMER【オリジナル曲】 (NEW) –
- THIS WEEK’S PICK-UP: 【シンクロ × ユミソラ】足りない女の子【初音ミクコラボ】 (#62 – NEW) –
- #10: 【鏡音蓮・鈴】 そいやっさぁ!! 【オリジナル曲】 (Up from 51) – Another long ranged strike.
- #9: 【初音ミク】 恋は戦争 (Anti-Material Mix) 【オリジナル曲アレンジ】 (Unmoved) – Mmmmmeh. I still prefer kz’s future retro remix over this (for those who didn’t know, some P’s got together and released a remix album of KoiSen in C76, supercell included).
Okay, I am liking this arrange version after listening to more of it.- #8: 【初音ミク】 LINK 【オリジナル曲】 (NEW) – Nice song, but what caught my attention about this song was that this PV was created using the Project DIVA music video creator. Hope to listen to the full version soon.
- #7: 【初音ミクオリジナル曲】イツデモフワリ。【2年ぶり】 (NEW) –
- #6: 【巡音ルカ】ヒト(リ)ゴト【オリジナル】 (NEW)
- #5: 【初音ミク】「彼氏の財布がマジックテープ式だった」【オリジナル】 (NEW)
- #4: 初音ミクオリジナル曲 「Starduster」 (NEW) – AHHH…! This song is just so sad. ;_;
- #3: 初音ミクのちょっとアレな曲14 脱げばいいってモンじゃない! -Full ver.- (NEW)
- #2: 【初音ミク】1925【オリジナル曲】 (Down from 1) – Knocked outta the top spot in place of…
- #1: 【オリジナル曲PV】Mrs.Pumpkinの滑稽な夢【初音ミク】 (NEW) – Figures a Halloween-themed song would top this week’s ranking… TRICK or TREAT!!! Anyone here into the mood for Halloween already?
In other Vocaloid news:
“The ika-san of Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru fame has returned! MOSAIC.WAV and 鶴田加茂 featuring Hatsune Miku: Heartsnative, to be release on 10/21!This is the start of a CD release rush in November! But, my poor wallet…”
For those of you interested to get the above CD or know more about the song content in the album, here’s the link on Amazon Japan (ships internationally).
In other news… well…
(looks around)
We’re still short on staff to translate/interpret the “other Vocaloid news” section of WVR. Please inquire within to be a part of the V-ism blog team! Well, I am still enquiring with a Vocaloid fan who may be interested to help out. Still needs confirmation though. Okay, we now have a new translation staff here on the Vocalodism blog, if you were to notice the “In Other Vocaloid news” section is now up. =)
And that’s it for this week!
Are all the V-ism team just using translators? Cuz thats what I do XD
Tsh, using translators?! Believe me, when you REALLY know a foreign language, you see just how bad machine translation is.
Paradichlorobenzene’s poisonous if swallowed, and apparently hazardous to the enviorment. If that helps any. Glad to see it still in the ranks, not quite ready to see it fade away yet.
Thought it was a carcinogen that's used in fungicide.
Title pic fail
It does that from time to time. You said it best: Ctrl+F5 is your friend.
Is my translation all right? If anyone has a better way to word it or if I somehow missed something important in the translation, please let me know. I'm still learning, after all. ^_^
I was really shocked when 1925 got #1 last week, so I'm actually really happy Mrs. Pumpkin's Comical Dream got it this week. I already loved that song, so I'm satisfied. =D
It's okay. Both Kevin (the site owner) and I are fine with your translation. =D By the way can you please register on the blog so that Kevin can give you a proper position on the blog team, or just refer to my PM in the forums. Thanks. ^_^
Uh, wait, I think I'm signed up for the blog, but do I register for "intensedebate" too? Because it's still saying I'm a guest…
Added you as the blog editor – welcome to the Vocaloidism team! =)
IntenseDebate account is only for commenting purposes. =D
Oh, okay then! I-I'll do my best! Thank you very much for this opportunity! (I want to use a "bowing" emoticon, but all I can think of is orz… that's not right…)
Welcome on board Vocaloidism, deztora. =D Will be looking forward to working with you in the team. =)
We’re going to need more colors. :3
ending song of bakemonogatari fell sharply..
Without a doubt, Starduster is the latest song to actually capture my heart.