Weekly Vocaloid Ranking #10(9) – “I See What You Did There”
As an anonymous commented in the previous ranking review, there seem to be something major going on behind WVR’s drastically-fluctuating song ranks. LOL -lot of laugh-, which was once a ranking mainstay for a few weeks, suddenly dropped off into the beyond-30 section (even going as far as the hundreds just after a week in the top-10) never to return again. On the other hand, pseudo-classics that have been previously unranked from more than several months have suddenly jumped back into the top-10 of the ranking.
So this week, the V-ism community at large will try to figure out this conundrum of sorts. Is there a troll out there trying to destroy the credibility of WVR…? Maybe it’s a reaction to the MELTDOWN incident… What ever it is, we’ll find out soon enough.
History: Red = DK, Green = DT, Blue = JM, Purple = dez
- #30: 【初音ミク】 One for me 【オリジナル曲】 (NEW) – We’re off to a good start.
- #29: 初音ミク オリジナル曲 「裏表ラバーズ」 (Down from 17) – Almost there, almost there! Sorry, but I’m not a big wowaka fan. Mean. That’s not a very nice thing to say, dez. ;_;
- #28: 「卑怯戦隊うろたんだー」をKAITO,MEIKO,初音ミクにry【オリジナル】修正版 (Up from 31) – Happy 3 million! It’s now been 40th or better 7 out of the last 8 weeks. <– Uuuuh… who commented this one…? o.O
- #27: 【オリジナル曲PV】結ンデ開イテ羅刹ト骸【初音ミク】 (Down from 24) – <no comment>
- #26: 「ロミオとシンデレラ」 オリジナル曲 vo.初音ミク (Down from 13) – <no comment>
- #25: 【巡音ルカ】ダブルラリアット【オリジナル】 (Down from 23) – <no comment>
- #24: 【初音ミク】「彼氏の財布がマジックテープ式だった」【オリジナル】 (Down from 4) – <no comment>
- #23: 【初音ミク】片想いサンバ【DIVA応募曲】 (Up from 26) – Love the beat of this song, now that I have been listening to it. A bit surprising; I thought it’d be off the countdown, and actually it went up. Well I like this song, so… The dancing ahoge compels you!!!
- #22: 【初音ミク】Es〜dirty aspiration〜【オリジナル】 (NEW) – Wow, that’s actually pretty good. I thought it was just another Miku song at first. It’s a good song indeed, hopefully it will rise in the rankings. :3
- #21: magnet【初音ミク・巡音ルカオリジナル】 (Down from 18) – <no comment>
- #20: 初音ミク が オリジナル曲を歌ってくれたよ「メルト」 (Down from 10) – <no comment>
- #19: 【鏡音レン】パラジクロロベンゼン【破壊系洗脳ソング】 (Up from 20) – Yes, show them the power of shoutariffic science! This has been a rather eclectic mix, hasn’t it?
- #18: 初音ミク 「ナイトメア☆パーティーナイト」 (NEW) – The star in the middle of the title actually makes me think this is part of the “Endless Night” songs (LukaLuka Night Fever and MeguMegu Fire Endless Night)
- #17: 【初音ミク】オリジナル曲「PLAN」 (Previously Unranked) – <no comment>
- #16: 【初音ミク】piano【オリジナル】 (Previously Unranked) – It’s simply…..black. I wasn’t impressed before, and I’m still not impressed. What is this doing here? Iz in ur rankings, scorin ur pointz HOLY BALLS ANON MADE A VOCALOID SONG! THE END IS NIGH!!!
- #15: 【HOMECOMING】初音ミクがホラーゲーを実況プレイするようです【MMD】 (Previously Unranked) – Silent Hill wut? More like a Miku driving lesson to me…
- #14: 【巡音ルカ】Just Be Friends【オリジナルPV】 (Up from 19) – <no comment>
- #13: 【オリジナル曲PV】Mrs.Pumpkinの滑稽な夢【初音ミク】 (Down from 8) – Halloween has come and gone…
- #12: [初音ミク] 愛 think so, [オリジナル曲PV付] (Up from 27) – This song is simply adorable. Glad it went up.
- #11: 【オリジナル曲】雨降る街にて風船は悪魔と踊る【初音ミク】 (NEW) – …then again, I could be wrong with my previous statement. <_<
- THIS WEEK’S PICK-UP: 【KAITO】 Eternally 【コラボ】 (#33 – NEW) – What caught my attention here was simply how well KAITO sounds for this, and the MMD PV is nicely done as well. There it is! I was hoping it’d be on the actual countdown, but this is good too. For all the girls out there who were VK fangirls back in the day (like I was), this is for you. But it lacks Kaito decked out in J-Rock glam :<
- #10: 【ボカロオリジナル】ドリィムメルティックハロウィン【ハロウィン】 (NEW) – Looks like MachigeritaP is back at it again with another Vocaloid Halloween video for this year. Yyyyep, I’m definitely wrong… >_<
- #9: 【ミクオリジナル曲】崩壊歌姫 -disruptive diva-【ProjectDIVAac応募曲】 (NEW) – Am I the only one reminded of Saint Seiya by the picture?
- #8: 初音ミクのちょっとアレな曲14 脱げばいいってモンじゃない! -Full ver.- (Down from 1) – <no comment>
- #7: 初音ミク オリジナル曲 「ずれていく」 (Down from 2) – Meh… this is not as good as URA-OMOTE~!!! I agree, and that should say how little I like this song.
- #6: 【初音ミク】オリジナル曲「ズバッと三振毎度ありっ!」 (Previously Unranked) – #%$^ the Yankees >:(
- #5: 【めぐっぽいどオリジナル曲】カムパネルラ【PV】 (NEW) – Oh, a new GUMI song based on the novel “Night on the Galactic Railroad”. It’s simply beautiful. <3 And just as trippy. I always start tearing up toward the end… this song is just amazing. \o/ \o/ GUMI BANZAI~!!! \o/ \o/
- #4: 【初音ミク】 サヨナラ・グッバイ 【です☆めた】 (NEW) – <no comment>
- #3: 【初音ミク】おなかすいたうた リメイク版【MMD】 (NEW) – This song has been stuck in my head all day. And not in a good way. Is that because the anime is now out in the US? Uuuuh… so… can we call this a revival of sorts…?
- #2: [初音ミク] リア充爆発しろ! [オリジナル曲] (Up from 32) – An unfortunate side-effect of trance is that I’m more interested in the beat than the vocals. I don’t get it… is it a song about a trainwreck?
- #1: 【初音ミク】 鎖の少女 【オリジナル】 (NEW) – Chain girl! Yes, I remember this song. Glad it’s number one. Have been listening to this song since it was out actually. =3 I’m not impressed with the music, actually, but the visuals do make up for it. 505k squarely puts “Chain Girl” in the All-Time Top 25 and could be a late comer for Video of the Year.
- ED Song: 遠ざかるRadio【レンオリジナル曲】 – <no comment>
There have been changes made to the organization of the categories upon the arrival of Nico Nico Douga (9). We are dealing with this temporarily, but there is the possibility of revising the rules from here on out. Please bare with us.
So what does this all mean…?
Beats me, but I do think mylists should count for x10 instead of x20. Makes more sense to me that way, and it works for the SP rankings…
Just to add fuel to the mix, did you see what was missing? “Miku Miku ni (ry” is 37th. That’s its 2nd worst spot ever (41st in week 71) and only the 3rd time out of the Top 30, snapping a 37-week streak. I must also express my disappointment of “trick and treat” only getting 42nd.
I did notice that, actually, but not until after I’d watched the countdown. I’m glad though, and hoping that Melt will be next. *shot*
Anyways… did I forget to mention that V-ism is turning 1 year old…? Time sure flies by, eh?
I'm pretty sure #16 is only in the ranking because it's an anonymous P, and thus a lot of people mylisted/commented to guess who the P is or come back at a later date to see if it's been figured out. At least, that's what I get from the comments. Everyone seems to be guessing the P.
Also, I agree with dez–I want Melt off the ranking next. 😛
Anyway, congrats on your 1-year anniversary!
why 10(9) not 10+9? is it a unlucky number?
It is a reference to the fact that the new version of NND is (9), upgraded from (ββ), and that it is Weekly Vocaloid Ranking #109.
Anyways, last week's ranking certainly had a few oddities in it, but I think this week is a bit closer to 'normal'. It's mostly due to the fact that this week was a particularly high-scoring week (and there were a lot of songs that got in the ranking this week) that a lot of the long-runners went down ranks, including those below 30.
This. 44 songs scored 30,000 points or more. 40+ has happened only about half a dozen times since March, with the most recent being Week 97 (43).
I thought that #2's chorus meant "You should go die in a huge explosion."
And I can't believe Starduster fell to 53. That song is on my repeat list.
what is a repeat list?
Guest said:”last week’s ranking certainly had a few oddities in it, but I think this week is a bit closer to ‘normal’.”
Not at all.
i have never see 4 “Previously Unranked” songs in the top 30 before.
3rd place is a “cover” (sarcasm) of a very old song, now in 98th place. 【初音ミク】ドルアーガの塔より「おなかすいたうた」 sm1860373
i have rarely see a ranking with more “positions” of 110-120, this one is 155
if someone of the blog can read japanese should search 2ch, maybe the answer lies here, but maybe is wrong.
oh, and look at black rock shooter position…
I think there's explanations for these events:
It's not unusual for remixes or new versions of old songs to spike with high rankings the week they are uploaded. The old version of the Druaga cover ended in 98th, probably because of the existence of the new cover.
A few of the Previously Unranked songs were uploaded close to the end of the previous weekly ranking period (Oct. 26, 5am): #6 @ Oct. 26, 3:52am, #16 @ Oct. 24, 2:12, #17 @ Oct. 26, 4:17am. (I've got no explanation for #15, however.)
As for Black Rock Shooter, it earned nearly many points this week (28,455) as last week (28,742) – its drop was solely due to a big week for new songs, and a high-scoring week in general.
what comes next to a high-scoring week. A low-scoring week! =)