Weekly Vocaloid Ranking #112 – “Steppin’ it up!”

Y’know… I was really, really tempted to subtitle this week’s rank-review with some corny “Color-Coded” joke, like “Power Rangers“, or “Rainbow Brite“… However, my pride and sanity got the better of me, so I just went for something simple and tells readers exactly what’s going on with each and every WVR article I make: an evolution.
Honestly speaking, I take pride in making these articles for the V-ism staff and the community in general. It may not be much, but for me it really means a lot when I can contribute whatever I can to the Vocaloid fans, and for them to benefit from it. That’s why I’m also grateful to get whatever help the community gives back to me, like positive feedback and volunteer editing (deztora and redemption2 have done an excellent job so far at tranlation and statistical work). Really, it’s a great honor to work with and for you guys and the V-ism community.
Gah-! I’m starting to get sappy. Alright! Let’s just move on with the rankings! Take note that there will be slight color changes on rank status and editor comments from this point onwards, for easier reading. Also, some editors might refrain from commenting on the individual songs altogether so the song chart wouldn’t be too cluttered.
-Editors: Crimson = DK, DarkGreen = DT, DarkBlue = JM, Violet = dez, Orange = red2
-Song Stats: Rank Up, Rank Down, Unmoved, Previously Unranked, NEWD’oh!!! This week’s ranking is EXTREEEMLY early today, like, 8 hours early… It really screwed me up big-time… I apologize for our apparent lateness.
- #30: [KAITOオリジナル】月光トータルイクリプス【月光ロック] (Down from 23) – <no comment>
- #29: [巡音ルカ】 Fantastic 【オリジナル曲] (NEW) – Well, that diary’s secure at least.
- #28: 初音ミク が オリジナル曲を歌ってくれたよ「ワールドイズマイン」 (Up from 32) – I’m sure there’s a kaomoji to describe my feelings on this, but I don’t feel like finding it.
- #27: 巡音ルカ「ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー」【オリジナル曲】 (Down from 15) – <no comment>
- #26: 【巡音ルカオリジナル】千年一夜の夢 (NEW) – <no comment>
- #25: [初音ミク】 鎖の少女 【オリジナル] (Down from 11) – Still here; nice!
- #24: [巡音ルカ】 envy. 【オリジナル] (NEW) – <no comment>
- #23: [初音ミク】記憶ノ箱【オリジナル] (Down from 12) – <no comment>
- #22: 初音ミク が オリジナル曲を歌ってくれたよ「メルト」 (Down from 18) – This and Paradichlorobenzene need to switch places NOW. >:(
- #21: [巡音ルカ] Desire [オリジナル] (Down from 3) – Well, it survived after all.
- #20: 初音ミク オリジナル曲 「裏表ラバーズ」 (Up from 26) – Ehhhhh…
- #19: [オリジナル曲PV】結ンデ開イテ羅刹ト骸【初音ミク] (Up from 28) – *Headdesk* Is there no end?! Hey, I gotta live with wowaka being on the chart every week, so…
- #18: 「ロミオとシンデレラ」 オリジナル曲 vo.初音ミク (Down from 16) – <no comment>
- #17: [巡音ルカ】ダブルラリアット【オリジナル] (Down from 10) – <no comment>
- #16: magnet【初音ミク・巡音ルカオリジナル】 (Down from 13) – <no comment>
- #15: [GUMI】Eraser【オリジナル] (Down from 9) – Well, you got your wish dez, it lives another week. I thought that was for Campanella? I’m still happy though.
- #14: [初音ミク】忘却アリス【オリジナル] (Down from 2) – <no comment>
- #13: 初音ミクオリジナル曲 「R-18」 (Down from 1) – <no comment>
- #12: 【巡音ルカ】Just Be Friends【オリジナルPV】 (Down from 7) – <no comment>
- #11: 鏡音リン「Bye-Bye」【オリジナル曲】 (NEW) – Part three!
- THIS WEEK’S PICK-UP: [鏡音リン・レン] B.O.M. [オリジナル] (#67 – NEW) – I don’t get the appeal of this one. It’s… hypnotizing…
- #10: 初音ミク「Prism Heart」【オリジナル曲】 (NEW) – Part two!
- #9: [めぐっぽいどオリジナル曲】カムパネルラ【PV] (Up from 17) – YYYYYEEEEESSS~!!! Thank you, die-hard GUMI fans!!! Well, whadya know. It lives!! HURRAY~!!
- #8: 『siGrE』ver.KAITO・MEIKO【PV付】 (NEW) – Both the vocals and the video are amazing. I would’ve been stunned if this didn’t make the single digits.
- #7: [GUMI] AGAINST [オリジナルPV付!] (NEW) – Looks like GUMI’s starting to pick up some steam this month. Too bad raid of glass didn’t make it. If this made it, raid of glass most certainly will next week… Maybe…? Ask red2? That’s not my department. 6_6
- #6: [巡音ルカ】 7/8 【オリジナル] (NEW) – <no comment>
- #5: 【KAITO】千年の独奏歌(オリジナル曲) (Unmoved) – What? There’s gotta be a spambase or something going on here. It’s almost at a million views, I think that’s why…
- #4: 【メグッポイド】Bad Apple!! を歌ってもらった(影絵PVサイズ) (NEW) – Sorry, GUMI, but I like the original version better then yours… Ugoku no naraba, ugoku no naraba~ Subette wa kizuno mada~ I heard the GUMI version first so I like it better, but the original’s okay too…
- #3: 初音ミク・ルカリンオリジナルコース 「Infinite∞HOLiC」 (NEW) – <no comment>
- #2: 巡音ルカ「Gravity=Reality」【オリジナル曲】 (NEW) – And that’s all four. 112 is officially Samfree week. And part one! This song is amazing, and I almost thought it would overtake my bananice for the number one spot…
- #1: 【神威がくぽ KAITO 鏡音レン】「Fate:Rebirth」オリジナル曲【PV付】 (NEW) – Did I call it or what? …Almost thought it would, but it didn’t! Both the video and the song are delicious. 😀
- ED Song: [メグッポイド】明日からの僕【オリジナル曲] – Aaahh, and a peaceful GUMI song to round it out. ^_^
Ooh, I love my new color. 😀
Once again, CD news! The creator of “celluloid,” “kanaria” and such, the highly recommended baker-san’s major debut album, “filmstock,” will be released November 25th.
This week and hereafter there will continue to be more Vocaloid CD releases! With Christmas coming, well…
I think I’ll leave this part for red2 to explain some complicated science-y stuff now…
What… ME?! Why am I suddenly being thrown under the bus here?! *sigh* Give me a second while I crunch some numbers. Mmm… yummy.
This week was actually pretty low-scoring in comparison with some of the others. I didn’t expect Desire, which got under 40k, to survive, especially mid-countdown. This was a very up week for major artists, as I predicted last week. Samfree got four spots, and natsu clenched the top. But enough with last week’s predictions.
Speaking of current ranks, Pararoro-I-can’t-pronounce-it dropped off the countdown. Not only that but I had to retire Druaga, Bakuhatsushiyo, and Kimi-Boshi because they dropped under 100th place (Kimi-Boshi didn’t place at all). So far the 50% to 75% point dropoff remains true, however if they reach a stable fanbase level, which basically means that the amount of views nearly equals the amount of Mylist points, it may hover around the countdown for a while.
As for future predictions, I’m really really hoping that raid of glass makes it up the charts. I can’t stop listening to it. Chain Girl seems to be reaching a stable level, however it could fall off the countdown before it stabilizes. Desire won’t make the cut, while its 111 counterparts might stick around for another week if it’s another low-roller. This week’s top three will stick around the low 10’s, however I’m thinking Fate:Rebirth will stay in the top 5.
Re: 千年の独奏歌
More like people pushing views for the song to reach the 1 million mark, rather than random spamming shenanigans.
imo it's such a great song it deserves its place regardless of what people are doing. One of KAITO's best.
Agreed. And some very epic Utatte Mitta have been made. Including this one by SquaDus. [youtube 3p2c_NIF_d0
Hello, Planet seems to be creeping up in ranks. Its 31 today. It may end up in the next ranking, which is nice, since I like the song/chiptune in general.
songs that were ranked 28-34 have only total scores of 34000-35000. i felt sorry for paradichlorobenzene because i removed it from all my mylists, so i could add it again for next week's ranking. i hope i am not the only one who did that. =(
IIRC, the ranking counts MyList removals against the song
yes, and since there are 14 MyList lists, there goes our 14×20 points.
And as I've said before that is a horribly skewed system that does not show true popularity of a song.
I added Paradichlorobenzene to the Vocaloid Wiki, which might raise awareness and bring it back to the countdown. It only missed it by 4 slots.