Weekly Vocaloid Ranking #114 – “Here comes a New Challenger!”

Last week, the Vocaloid community saw the release of SF-A2 Miki, Hiyama Kiyoteru and Kaai Yuki to the public. However, it was only a couple of days before this week’s ranking tally, which leaves their first impression up in the air. Will any of their songs be able to make it into the Top-10? Will they be able to last, or will they have the same popularity lull that GUMI had?
Let’s head on over to this week’s chart review and find out…! The chart review is still incomplete at the moment, but I’ll let the other editors finish the job (I am paying them in M&M’s, after all).
-Editors: Crimson = DK, DarkGreen = DT, DarkBlue = JM, Violet = dez, Orange = red2
-Song Stats: Rank Up, Rank Down, Unmoved, Previously Unranked, NEW
- #30: 【miki】 グッドナイト 【オリジナル曲】 (NEW) – 1 for Miki I really like this one. Unique sound.
- #29: magnet【初音ミク・巡音ルカオリジナル】 (Down from 19) – minato is clearly one of the most successful producers this year. Don’t ask why I’m telling you this :3 Almost gone, almost gone…
- #28: 【オリジナル曲PV】結ンデ開イテ羅刹ト骸【初音ミク】 (Down from 22) – Our Best New Producer nominee continues to shine in its 22nd week.
- #27: 【miki】 wish 【オリジナル】 (NEW) – 2 for Miki …Meh.
- #26: 【初音ミク】Named After You【オリジナル】 (NEW) – <no comment>
- #25: 初音ミクのちょっとアレな曲14 脱げばいいってモンじゃない! -Full ver.- (Up from 50) – This song is unique for getting Teto to sound tolerable to me; even with diphone I still don’t care for her. What about the new Teto sampling? Oh sorry, that’s what I meant by “diphone.” That’s the new recording process they’re using to make the UTAU sound godly. Sorry, should’ve expanded on that a bit. ^_^;
- #24: 【めぐっぽいどオリジナル曲】カムパネルラ【PV】 (Down from 16) – Stop falling! Stop! (Well it worked last time…)
- #23: 【初音ミク】月屑【オリジナル】PV (NEW) – <no comment>
- #22: 氷山キヨテルにオリジナル曲「jewelfish」を歌ってもらった (NEW) – Hiyama-sensei with his 1st. Rock on. Icemountain is looking pretty かっこいい here. Yum.
- #21: 初音ミク オリジナル曲 「裏表ラバーズ」 (Up from 37) – Another BNP nominee still going strong. Noooo it’s back argh. I know why, but still.
- #20: 【初音ミクオリジナル曲】*ハロー、プラネット。【ドットPV付き】 (Up from 27) – a 2nd for sasakure again. It just keeps going up!
- #19: 【miki】龍天に登る【オリジナル】 (NEW) – This is… siGrE meets tsumugiuta. Therefore, awesome.
- #18: 「ロミオとシンデレラ」 オリジナル曲 vo.初音ミク (Down from 13) – <no comment>
- #17: 【巡音ルカ】ダブルラリアット【オリジナル】 (Up from 20) – <no comment>
- #16: GUMIで「君の知らない物語」【supercell】 (Down from 2) – See, songs like this show the full benefit of having a skilled singer as your Vocaloid template.
- #15: 【神威がくぽ KAITO 鏡音レン】「Fate:Rebirth」オリジナル曲【PV付】 (Down from 8) – <no comment>
- #14: 巡音ルカオリジナル曲・Queen Nereid (Down from 12) – Points for originality.
- #13: 巡音ルカ「ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー」【オリジナル曲】 (Up from 33) – I’m thinking this is a residual effect. Of what, I won’t say yet :3 But where’s Megu Megu? Saving up for a big jump later hopefully.
- #12: 【リンレン・ルカ・KAITO】 プリティふんどし☆悪マレン 【オリジナル】 (Down from 3) – <no comment>
- #11: 【初音ミク】ユメクイ【オリジナル曲】 (Up from 28) – FISHY OM NOM NOM. Now this is more like OSTER’s usual.
- THIS WEEK’S PICK-UP: 【鏡音リン】 *tear* 【オリジナル曲】 (NEW at 34) – Sounds very Dixie Flatline, which isn’t a bad thing. There’s apparently two of these in the top 200? Just to clarify things, the one at #153 is a remixed version of the original song, titled “*tear* two-step mix” which is also from DATEKEN.
- #10: 【GUMI】Bad Apple!! を歌ってもらった(Full) (NEW) – More Bad Apple for all y’all Finally having the lyrics on screen is pretty nice, but I’ve already learned them. >_> So what’s the difference from the first one besides the video? This is the full version of Bad Apple!! as sung by GUMI, the previous one was only 3:39 minutes long.
- #9: 【巡音ルカ】Just Be Friends【オリジナルPV】 (Up from 11) – Speaking of Dixie Flatline :3 STILL love this song. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it.
- #8: 【初音ミク】good bye monochrome【PV付オリジナル】 (NEW) – Something about this song… I love it.
- #7: [初音ミク] ラヴゲイザー [オリジナル曲] (Up from 120) – One of those songs that barely hit the deadline last week and is still super popular.
- #6: 【初音ミク】 おきあがれないよー 【オリジナル】 (NEW) – If only my boredom was this cute x3 The takoluka video had me grinning like crazy from cuteness. Daaaaawwwww. *is cutified*
- #5: 初音ミクのオリジナル曲 千夜一夜千日手 -Full ver.- (NEW) – So THAT’s why #25 is here this week!
- #4: 初音ミク オリジナル曲 「積み木の人形」 (NEW) – This Best New Producer nominee isn’t sitting on their laurels. If s/he changed up the style, I might actually start to like the songs. I hate the style, really.
- THIS WEEK IN HISTORY: May as well make a note of this, since I’ve been gone for a bit: this week is approximately 13 months since I started to follow the VocaRan. (I either came in at 58 or 59) Also, “Honey” is still awesome xD Honey was my first HD Vocaloid video. Took FOREVER to load, oh and I’m still addicted to Plug Out.
- #3: miki「ミキミキ★ロマンティックナイト」【オリジナル曲】 (NEW) – This is why LukaLuka got a bump. samfree obviously dipped into their Initial D sounds 😛 I hope you’re not saying that’s a bad thing. We might have problems if you are. ParaPara and MechaMax baby! Someone put this in DDR!
- #2: 【初音ミク】祝ってやる【オリジナル】 (NEW) – What really makes this song is the music. At the risk of sounding really cheesy, it’s almost magical. But the lyrics are just plain brutal.
- #1: 【オリジナル曲PV】clock lock works【初音ミク】 (Unmoved) – This is the 8th song in the past 12 months to top the charts in consecutive weeks. A loss of only 40k means there’s a good chance it stays at or near the top. That wouldn’t bother me any. :3 I’m going to have to take a really close look at this for the next few weeks.
- ED Song: 【鏡音レン】雨の歌【オリジナル曲】 – <no comment>
(Don’t listen to him, we don’t get any M&M’s. At least, I don’t…) =/This week saw the release of all three of the new vocaloids, and the December 8th release of the January 2010 issue of DTM Magazine announced that “Hatsune Miku append: dark/soft” is being recorded. How much more are they going to do…?
A further elaboration of a prior point. The #1 spot has been held on consecutive weeks only 20 times in the VocaRan’s history, and 3 times only twice. Hachi has had two of the songs this year (the other being the one I can never properly write), and “clock lock works” has a very viable chance of landing in the Pantheon of Vocaloid Songs.
Additionally, this has been only the second time in 2 years that no ryo song has been in the top 30 (The other being week 91). A lot of the other 2008 songs seem to have been phased out, which is good news for some of you.
- 2 Million: Koi wa Sensou (Approx. views: 1.85M)
- 1 Million: Yokkora Sex (941k)
- 500,000: Ura Omotte Lovers (450k)
Yeah, sorry about being late with this. This will probably be my new time slot from now on. Oh, and the candy is a lie.
The introduction of the AH-crew Vocaloids has shaken up the countdown in ways I hadn’t expected. The old favorites have been dropped down on the countdown at least five spots. It was a day of gains for Luka and the newer bloods. Fate:Rebirth is falling slower than the others, and, shattering all of my expectations, CLW only lost 11% by gaining twice the amount of views!
I had to retire Desire, Boukyaku Alice, and InfiniteHOLiC from the tracker from dropping down underneath the 100 mark. R-18 just barely squeaked by at 97. Chain Girl (sad as I am to see it go) and Gravity=Reality won’t make another week.
Fate:Rebirth, Pretty Fundoshi, and GUMI’s Bakemonogatari, will sink down into the 20s, or possibly worse. With the new flood of Miki, Yuki, and Kiyoteru songs and their first full week on the countdown, we might see quite a few leaps. The chaos isn’t over yet. I’ll be keeping a close eye, I hope you will too.
Even with the Miki/Yuki/Kiyoteru rage, Paradichlorobenzene made it to 36. WITHOUT THOSE NEW SONGS IT WOULD HAVE BEEN AT 32. AT 31 IF IT HADN'T BEEN FOR LUKA LUKA NIGHT FEVER.
I'm still in my desperate hopes. I love that song.
No songs for Yuki this week. I kinda understand that…her songs were not really exceptional.
And I was wondering if Eternal Snow would make it, but it didn't. Too bad.
Hey, I'm with you. Shoutariffic science forever! o/
I, too, am sad about a lack of good Yuki songs this week. I'm optimistic about "forbidden fruit" though. =)
you did not just say "shoutariffic". Remember "Chotto matte hora! Orei wa otoko da!"
Tripshots + Kaai Yuki = Countdown Debut? I think that's a recipe for success.
Oh man, I'm sorry. "Shotariffic." Better?
「俺は男だ!」 only works when Len isn't being shotariffic. =D
About Yuki, I thought so too, but there haven't been that many views/mylists since last week's bokaran, so at this point it'd be a long shot. Haha. Long shot. Get it.
I really can't wait to see magnet get kicked out of the top 30. Half of the people who like it seem to be like my sister and just like the picture…
I think that Named After You was really great and I hope to see CLW and JBF stay around for quite a while.
Then you probably won’t like part 2 of the Vocaloidism Awards D:
magnet is a very good song that deals with a VERY taboo subject in asia. Its popularity is more than just a picture.
I'm glad that Hello Planet is increasing. We need more chiptune x Vocaloid. Also, I don't know why, but I really don't like the #1. Who knows, maybe it will grow on me like JBF did.
It's very… Vintage, I guess the word I'm looking for is. It's not normally something I'd like but I couldn't bear to turn away. I also noticed the drips, cracks, and flowers blooming all were in synch with the music. It was a good effort.
I predict a JBF Phenom with that one, matching Mylist points and Views to create a stable floating point.
Does anyone know where I could get a list of the vocaloid weekly rankings with english titles? I just can't read Japanese yet.
I'm so happy and surprised that Miki had a #3 song, and she JUST came out!