2009 Vocaloidism Awards – Part 2
Welcome back to the Vocaloidism Awards. Before we continue, I must say hello and welcome to those who were pointed to us by the Hatsune MikuMiku blog, who translated Part 1 of our show to Japanese. Whether it was to laud us or mock us is moot, because we like being famous. 日本語が苦手ですけど、日本のみんなあさん、いらしゃいませ。 m(_ _)m
Today, we announce the winners of last fortnight’s awards and announce the nominees for the Major Awards, but a surprise lies ahead.
Like most shows, we gave out some technical awards out earlier. These are of lesser import than the 5 awards up for voting, and thus get doled out beforehand. It also allows the editors to recognize their favorite songs without having to bend to democracy. >_>,
Video Game Music Award, Mixed Media: のろいのめか゛ね ~ stray girl in her lenses
Video Game Music Award, Chiptune Only: *ハロー、プラネット。
Live-Action Video of the Year: KUMA BEAT クマ・ビート
Upper Class Twit of the Year: Sonika
Chuck Barris Memorial Gong Trophy: one more kiss
Best Vocaloid A Cappella Song: Lostsheep
Best Prank Song: ボカラン詐欺
Most Improved Song via Utatte Mita: エンドレス
Biggest Kerfuffle: Iroha & 炉心融解
PU of the Year: サン・パライーソへの道
Nightmare Fuel Song of the Year: 結ンデ開イテ羅刹ト骸
Best Video You Feel Guilty Watching Afterward: かるあみるく☆せんせーしょん (sort of NSFW)
One Week Wonder of the Year: アンバランスコミュニケーション (Also Best Unassociated Video Reference for the MiKUMA.)
Yeah, we would’ve been here until 2010 if these were all up for nomination. Congratulations to all the winners. Speaking of winners, it’s time to announce the winners of the awards YOU voted on. We only have you to thank for our 531 votes (which is about 500 more than I expected), and here are the very close results.
Best New Producer: ハチ
Video of the Year: Campanella
Congratulations to those winners, as well, in addition to all the nominees. Now it’s time for the most important of the awards: Producer, Vocaloid, and Song of the Year.
At the risk of sounding silly, I don’t feel like having a straight-up Vocaloid of the Year, because 1) I think we all know who would win, and 2) we could do this any day of the week. So, I decided to make it interesting and restrict it to only the newcomers. Your de facto nominees are (in order of arrival):
Luka Megurine
SF-A2 Miki
Yuki Kaai
Kiyoteru Hiyama
The poll will be at the bottom of the article. All things considered, it will be an interesting vote. I have an idea as to who will win, but I would not be surprised if I’m wrong. Moving on:
This is a friendly reminder that we are judging these nominees on their songs from 2009 only. With that out of the way, let’s get to our finalists.
流星P (minato)
This vote will be at the bottom as well. Now, it’s time for what I think is the most important of the 5 main awards.
I’m sure these songs took hours of hard work, dedication, and a bit of the artist’s soul. They’ve all been publicly acclaimed, and this award will just be icing on the cake. Here are your nominees for Song of the Year.
“RIP=RELEASE,” minato
“RIP=RELEASE” still holds the all-time Weekly Vocaloid Ranking record for best one-week and two-week scores (843k and 1.48 million respectively). It’s also the most-ranked song of 2009.
“Just Be Friends,” Dixie Flatline
In its 22 weeks on the VocaRan, it has never ranked worse than 19th, the longest active streak of its kind.
“パラジクロロベンゼン,” オワタP
After debuting at #6, it captured the top spot the next two weeks. One of the most successful Len songs of 2009.
“magnet,” minato
“magnet” spent its first 8 weeks in the Top 10 and its first 32 above 30th. Just about every Vocaloid has covered this
“結ンデ開イテ羅刹ト骸,” ハチ
A unique song with familiar styles, it has scored 4 Top 5’s, and 6 Top 10’s in 22 weeks.
“ロミオとシンデレラ,” doriko
The #1 song of VocaRan’s 4th special, it’s 10th most-viewed Vocaloid video of all time. It’s also had some…interesting covers? ^^;
Good luck to all. You have until 24:00 JST on December 29 to vote. Choose wisely, and thank you for voting.
do it for the Gumi
Luka for Best Vocaloid. Gumi is most realistic, but she can sound whiny if done badly.
Producer…well, I like all of them 😀
Paradichlorobenzene For. The. Win. (Knowing other people, though, most will probably pick the more mainstream ones like JBF or magnet or Romeo/Cinderella or RIP=RELEASE…)
Please give our chemical shouta-ness some love, everyone, it really deserves it.
Gawd, I know. Gotta love it. I voted for JBF, but Paradichlorobenzene was so close.
SO close.
I voted Teru T^T and Hold;Release aswell as Samfree.
The AH-loids just…sucks in my opinion…both in idea and character design. I don't think any school faculty should ever sing, and the that goes for floating robots and elementry children as well… Miki just needs character redesign >.<
Interesting enough I love the robot/doll-ish design of her.
And what do you mean school faculties shouldn't sing? No love to your school's chorus? D:
Yep. It likens me to a Butterfly. And tells me to Work, Rise and Serve. I feel like a slave.
Also, the lifespan of a butterfly is friggin short. Are they cursing me? And I still feel that Miki needs a costume change of some sort…
I'm torn between Magnet and JBF. I love them both but in different ways. I'm a sucker for piano but JBF has such a wonderful dance rhythm.
Luka is new? I never really thought of her as new. x.x
Sorry if this is a bit off topic, but just a little suggestion, for the next part of the Vocaloidism award is it possible to include the best singer who covered Vocaloid songs? With how good their voices are, I reckon its the least we could do for those great singers such as Mimu, Usa, Wotamin, etc.
They already included an utatte mita one up there. There was talk about it on the forums but I think this is it. (And even if we're to do an award for that section it'd be a whole different post by itself. Too many good utatte mita out there.)
Luka For the Win^_^