Weekly Vocaloid Ranking #117 – “Christmas Edition”
Vocaloid NND Weekly Ranking: LINK HERE
Weekly Vocaloid Ranking #116 “Unselected”: LINK HERE
Hmm… T’is the season to be jolly, yes? But something seems to be a bit… off.
Overall, it’s a pretty unpredictable week for the rankings. I have no idea if Luka’s newest song: “Tower” will be allowed into the charts since it’s being retailed into -Pallete2-, a DVD of well-done PVs of different Vocaloid songs.
Oh well, we might as well wait and find out…
…Actually, if my understanding of how the WVR works is correct, it won’t be allowed in the ranking anyway because it’s just a PV version of an already-released song (since “Tower” was released months ago).
-Editors: Crimson = DK, DarkGreen = DT, DarkBlue = JM, Violet = dez, Orange = red2
-Song Stats: Rank Up, Rank Down, Unmoved, Previously Unranked, NEWNAHO’s OPENING STATEMENT:
Good evening! Let’s get the final weekly Vocaloid ranking for this year underway! Also, Rin-chan, Len-kyun, happy birthday you two!! Please continue to use your cute and powerful singing voices from here on out!Also, the year is finally at an end… I’m sure everyone will be busy with things like events and a lot of cleaning… After just three more days, let’s happily welcome the new year!
Anyway, here are the top thirty songs in the ranking. There’s… a lot of revival songs…?! Well, I guess this is what you wanted…
- #30: [初音ミク] リア充爆発しろ! [オリジナル曲] (Previously Unranked) – …Yeah, color me confused. What in the… why were 20 percent of the points from comments?! Actually, now that you brought up the comments thing, I do seem to recall something about a countdown to Christmas going on, or something like that. Also, the comments in the ranking video talk about the “Christmas effect”…
- #29: 初音ミクのオリジナル曲 機械仕掛けのサンタクロース -Full ver.- (Down from 15) – <no comment>
- #28: [初音ミクオリジナル曲】*ハロー、プラネット。【ドットPV付き] (Down from 21) – <no comment>
- #27: [オリジナル曲PV】結ンデ開イテ羅刹ト骸【初音ミク] (Up from 35) – *sigh* I knew it was too good to be true.
- #26: 初音ミク が オリジナル曲を歌ってくれたよ「ワールドイズマイン」 (Up from 40) – Was it the release of the figure? That’s what the comments point to… Seems like it to me, the figure is nothing short of beautiful. I think it’s more that the regulars are starting to reappear.
- #25: 初音ミク オリジナル曲 「裏表ラバーズ」 (Up from 37) – <no comment>
- #24: 初音ミク が オリジナル曲を歌ってくれたよ「メルト」 (Up from 41) – <no comment>
- #23: [鏡音レン】パラジクロロベンゼン【破壊系洗脳ソング] (Unmoved) – I somehow knew it would keep its place… better than falling, I guess.
- #22: [初音ミク】みくみくにしてあげる♪【してやんよ] (Up from 44) – <no comment>
- #21: 鏡音レンオリジナル曲 「マジカル☆ぬこレンレン」 (Down from 3) – I want a PV to this song so much it almost hurts. I am with you on this, a PV would definitely be great. I’d boycott it. Pass.
- #20: mikiオリジナル曲「サテライト」 (Down from 7) – It’s a shame about this one. I thought it would have a better showing.
- #19: 「ロミオとシンデレラ」 オリジナル曲 vo.初音ミク (Up from 30) – <no comment>
- #18: [初音ミク・鏡音リン] アン・イノセンス [PV付オリジナル] (NEW) – The PV may be in black and white only but it definitely seems intriguing to me, like the music as well. They did a good job making her sound like Miki.
- #17: [初音ミク] 二息歩行 [オリジナル曲] (Previously Unranked) – …Again. Comments point to a… PV?
- #16: 初音ミクより『クリスマス中止のお知らせ』(再通知Ver.) (Previously Unranked) – Because it’s Christmas, I guess? Christmas effect there.
- #15: [巡音ルカ】ダブルラリアット【オリジナル] (Up from 29) – <no comment>
- #14: magnet【初音ミク・巡音ルカオリジナル】 (Up from 26) – <no comment>
- #13: 【巡音ルカ】Just Be Friends【オリジナルPV】 (Up from 17) – It actually LOST 15k this week. Guess that goes to show how many were too busy during the holiday to nicosurf.
- #12: 【オリジナル曲PV】clock lock works【初音ミク】 (Up from 14) – This one might be a keeper. Even 結ンデ開イテ is back… The points have leveled out, that’s for sure.
- #11: [鏡音レン】魔法の手【オリジナルPV] (NEW) – <no comment>
- THIS WEEK’S PICK-UP: [古川本舗] スーパー・ノヴァ [miki] (#38 – NEW) – 古川P!! *spazzes* A rather peaceful sounding song, pretty much like it.
- #10: [初音ミク] サイレント [オリジナル曲] (NEW) – <no comment>
- #9: [初音ミク】エレクトリック・ラブ【オリジナル] (Down from 1) – Nostalgia alone can’t cut it. Sorry Love.
- #8: ストロベリー fullver./初音ミク (NEW) – Insanely cute. Enjoyed watching this, it’s simply cute.
- #7: [レンオリジナル曲】ソライロ!【青春テクノポップ] (Up from 34) – Words cannot describe how awesome I think this song is. Good illustrations + Cool Len Techno Pop song = Love it This week’s shocker.
- #6: [初音ミク】ラブアトミック・トランスファー【オリジナル曲] (Down from 2) – <no comment>
- #5: [初音ミク】Unfragment【オリジナル] (NEW) – <no comment>
- #4: [初音ミクオリジナル曲] 計画都市 (Up from 9) – Loved the feel of the music in this song, it’s another Miku song on loop for me.
- THIS WEEK IN HISTORY: – I find it kind of sad they can’t– or won’t– even show the clip of the video to Meltdown. At least they play the song, I guess… We’ll be seeing a lot of that in the next few This-Week-Ins. It really is a shame.
- #3: [オリジナル曲PV】恋人のランジェ【初音ミク] (Up from 4) – Saw this coming. hachi’s songs have that…appealing effect that makes people listen to more of it, or at least for me. This one actually LOST 10k, but had 13k more views than last week. *cough*Skewed scale*cough*
- #2: 初音ミクオリジナル曲「君の体温」 (NEW) – Anyone who commissions this PV artist always winds up in the top 5 for premiere week.
- #1: 【初音ミクオリジナル曲】 来年からがんばる (NEW) – ==|/-_-\|====== Kotatsu Miku if you’re wondering.
- ED Song: オリジナル曲「幸せはここにある」Vo.初音ミク – <no comment>
Well, this was the last weekly Vocaloid ranking of 2009… After next week’s songs (2009/12/28~2010/1/4) have been totaled, we have plans for a major changes.According to uploaders, the totaling system needs work too. I wonder what’s in store for next year…
… Mmm… nothing like a nice warm kotatsu at the end of the hardest work day of the year….
Well, guess I have to do my part. I’m still searching for the reason why Bakuhatsushiyo jumped back up with all those comments (five digits… good god…). It’s the first one that I’ve had to pull OUT of retirement. Not only that, but I didn’t have to retire any today. Looks like the countdown stabilized a week early. But let’s look through the numbers.
It was a relatively slow week, probably because of most users spending more time celebrating the holiday than surfing the net. Fate:Rebirth and Celebrate only lost 1k each, and gained some of the ground they lost in the holiday rush. However Romantic Night, Synchronocity, Blindness, and Yandere Luka took pitfalls in exchange. CLW is slating to have a stable run on the countdown, the Mylist and View points nearly equaling out.
Transfer Robot Miku kept a lot of its points, so there might be quite a few more countdowns for it in the future. As I said above, Koibito no Range had lost points but gained spots, but I’m afraid it might be all downhill from here. The other two on the top spots this week will slip down a few spots, especially if it’s a high scoring week ahead, as it tends to be after a weak week like this one.
Once the new ratings system is released, I’ll give my analysis in a separate blog. I hope to see a lot of improvements in the scale from now on. Now back to my kotats… TARI! Get out from under my kotatsu! I said you could warm your feet! Just the feet!
Looking for a Len Len PV?