Weekly Vocaloid Ranking #121 – VanaN’Ice Rules!
Vocaloid NND Weekly Ranking: LINK HERE
Weekly Vocaloid Ranking #120 “Unselected”: LINK HERE
Talk about a spoilerific title, but given their debut album release on Vocaloid@Master11, this shouldn’t really come as a surprise (I’m more surprised at the fact that they “renamed” KAITO as Kyte… XTREEMLY KOOL LETTERZ FTW!!!).
On a minor note, my presence here in V-ism may dwindle for the next 3 months due to my Internship, so I’m really hoping for the other editors to step up and fill in the gaps that I will be missing. I am especially hoping that they got the whole “adding song links + song stats“-thing pat down. <-- I am with you on this.
-Editors: Crimson = DK, DarkGreen = DT, DarkBlue = JM, Violet = dez, Orange = red2
-Song Stats: Rank Up, Rank Down, Unmoved, Previously Unranked, NEW
It’s time for this week’s VocaRan. This week, the weather has gone back to more winter-style… and there are still more cold days to come.
It’s already almost February, and there are many events coming up. Setsubun, ehoumaki, Valentine’s Day… Be sure to pay attention to Valentine’s Day!
We girls buy special chocolates for Valentine’s Day! And hinamatsuri is exciting for girls too! And in March, there’s White Day, and we buy lots of special presents– …Wait, it’s not just one way!
- #30:[巡音ルカ】 星空と雪の舞踏会 【オリジナル] (Down from 1) – …That was quite a drop. I guess everyone else thought it was pretty forgettable too.
- #29: 「ロミオとシンデレラ」 オリジナル曲 vo.初音ミク (Down from 23) – <no comment>
- #28: [初音ミク] アルビノ [オリジナルPV付!] (NEW) – <no comment>
- #27: [初音ミク】falldown【オリジナル←] (Down from 4) – <no comment>
- #26: [オリジナル曲PV】結ンデ開イテ羅刹ト骸【初音ミク] (Up from 29) – <no comment>
- #25: [初音ミク】 ぶらっくきゃっと 【オリジナル曲] (Previously Unranked) – <no comment>
- #24: 初音ミクオリジナル ZOU+ (Down from 15) – <no comment>
- #23: 初音ミク オリジナル曲 「裏表ラバーズ」 (Up from 25) – …Oh well. Maybe next week.
- #22: [巡音ルカ】アクアリウム【オリジナル曲] (NEW) – <no comment>
- #21: [巡音ルカ】ダブルラリアット【オリジナル] (Up from 24) – <no comment>
- #20: [巡音ルカ】メモリーバイステイ【オリジナル] (NEW) – <no comment>
- #19: magnet【初音ミク・巡音ルカオリジナル】 (Unmoved) – <no comment>
- #18: [鏡音レン】雪解けのダイヤモンド【オリジナル曲] (Previously Unranked) – New Len song! :O
- #17: [初音ミク】シキザクラ【新オリジナル] (NEW) – <no comment>
- #16: [鏡音レン】パラジクロロベンゼン【破壊系洗脳ソング] (Up from 17) – Old Len song! 8D
- #15: 巡音ルカ「ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー」【オリジナル曲】 (Up from 35) – …Welcome back.
- #14: [初音ミクオリジナル曲】*ハロー、プラネット。【ドットPV付き] (Down from 10) – <no comment>
- #13: 【巡音ルカ】Just Be Friends【オリジナルPV】 (Down from 9) – <no comment>
- #12: [KAITO] 月雪花 [オリジナル] (NEW) – Number twelve? In only three days? The power of KAITO compels you!
- #11: [弱音ハク】白ノ娘【中世物語風オリジナル] (Down from 3) – Not bad for the third week. Coulda done better, but…
- THIS WEEK’S PICK-UP: [初音ミク] ilaw [オリジナル] (NEW) – <no comment>
- #10: [巡音ルカ】MEGANE【オリジナル] (NEW) – <no comment>
- #9: [KAITOオリジナル】逆罪行進曲【大正風ロック] (NEW) – More Kaito! Huzzah! Also, this song is really cool.
- #8: [鏡音リン・レン】送墓唄【オリジナル] (NEW) – Welcome to the ranking, mayuko-san! Hope you enjoy your stay. 😀
- #7: 【巡音ルカ】ディスコミュニケーション (Up from 12) – <no comment>
- #6: [Vocaloidオリジナル】iDOLLA【GUMI・Appendミク] (NEW) – I don’t dislike this, but… I’m finding it hard to like it. I tried.
- #5: [初音ミク] ボーカロイドのうた [オリジナル] (Up from 8) – <no comment>
- #4: 【鏡音リン】 恋は戦争 SignaRemix [Dios/シグナルP] (NEW) – Ah, thought this would be higher… but four is a good spot too.
- THIS WEEK IN HISTORY: – <no comment>
- #3: [初音ミクオリジナル曲] 可能世界のロンド (Up from 7) – Anyone following this song knew that this was going to happen. It’s a really good song, though.
- #2: 【神威が くぽ KAITO 鏡音レン】「刹月華」オリジナル曲【PV付】 (NEW) – Number two’s fine, when you consider what got number one. 😀
- #1: [KAITO】Pane dhiria【オリジナル] (NEW) – KAITO! Hurray, a number one spot! The fans really seemed to latch onto this one, though… I’m actually kind of surprised.
- ED Song: [巡音ルカ】時の硝子【PV付きオリジナル曲] – <no comment>
Luka-sama is coming! So exciting!! On January 29th, “Nenderoid Megurine Luka” will be released.
With the face part from the song “Double Lariat” and the nenderoid puchi “Takoluka” included, it’s really wonderful! I’m looking forward to it!
First, I need to point out that I am not perfect, and never will be. If my translations could ever be considered on par with those of a professional, I would die happy, but as for now this is just a labor of love. I try my best, but I can, and will, make mistakes. I know there are lots of people out there with skills that trump mine easily, hands down, so if anyone notices mistakes in my translations, please point them out so that they can be fixed. Never be afraid to tell me I’m wrong! (^^)v
Also, there’s a few notes I’d like to make about the ranking itself. I thought this was a really good week– a huge improvement over the slumps we’ve been having lately. We got a new Len song, a new Rin song, and new Len/Rin song, a new ‘bananice’ song, and THREE new Kaito originals, one of which made number one. It was really a… diverse week, in terms of songs.
Why is this significant? Maybe it isn’t. Lately, though, the countdown seems to have watered down to half mainstays (only one of which isn’t Miku or Luka or both, and that’s Paradichlorobenzene), and half new Miku or Luka originals. Miku and Luka seem to rule the rankings pretty consistently– or at least, that’s what I’ve come to notice.
So, not only was this a higher-scoring week, but we also got some nice variety thrown in. Hopefully this trend will continue, and other Vocaloids will get to share the spotlight in 2010. ^_^
pane dhiria is the top song. nice prediction though =)
Oh god! Can't wait to see how did this week go.
I hope Miki had some song in the first 30…
But VanaN'Ice doesn't rule this week. Kaito rules this ranking by himself. ;P
Magnet's gone =o
oh, wait, I'm blind.. ><
Oh hell yeah. You freaken Go Kaito. I knew the song by Mayuko would get in the ranks high, it's a nice song.
We needs moar AHSoft in these here rankin's :C
I agree. Also more English Vocaloids, because i only have seen them in the earliest rankings and only a few appearances after…
We need a new Kiyoteru original and a Yuki one too.
Oh and WHY IS Deztora the only one who commented? Just wondering….
I have a clear reason not to comment… since I still haven’t watched the rankings due to my Internship. In fact, I’m only sneaking this comment from my office cubic- OH SHIT THE BOSS IS BACK!!!
Is it me or this week's pickup is just so… coincidental? The word "pulot" means "get" or "pick up" in Filipino. The title "ilaw" means "light."
@Manny Santiago
Look at his mylist, there’s pareHo and reLo’s too and his HP is called eruplano. Either he has Filipino blood or is just fascinated by our words.
Too much Kaito and no love for miki ._. Was Kaito's birthday this month or something? Rin's Love is War should be higher too, it sounds cool~
Also Kaito's #1 song's voice and picture really doesn't fit… No really, really.
Ahh! Ronde of Possible World! I'm in love with that song. I've been hoping to see it up there!a
OMG, Who's Miki?
a vocaloid2. her official name is sf-a2 miki