Weekly UTAU Ranking #63 – New kids on the block
Hello everyone! deztora reporting in on the UTAU front for what will hopefully become another regular spot on Vocaloidism: reviewing the Weekly UTAU Ranking. Here we will review the ranking every week, following which songs go up and which ones go down, and keep up with the latest UTAU news during the “This week’s UTAU topic” section.
It is also my pleasure to introduce a fellow UTAU fan who will be working with me in this endeavor: chibikarla! *cue applause*
*curtsies* Thank you! Thank you! >w<
Hey everybody! Nice to see you and nice to be on this blog! I swear, it happened really quickly, but I wanted to be a part-time UTAU blogger by starting to rank the UTAU rankings! I’ve really been a fan of them ever since I got into Vocaloid (the December of the year before last year). I think UTAU has potential to be just as good as Vocaloid, yet still be part of this big, happy community. From all the voicebanks, character designs and personalities, UTAU lured me in rapidly. I’m very happy to be a fan of Vocaloid, UTAU and other voice synthesizers out there. I’m proud to be a part of Vocaloidism and I will try my best to keep up the good work. I might not be an experienced blogger or writer, but I sure am a hardcore UTAU fan. I just love these characters. I would also like to thank deztora, for helping me start up this collaboration, since I was really lost without knowing much of Japanese, HTML codes and much more. I’d also like to thank the staff here for helping me as well, and all my online friends here that I like to talk to about Vocaloid and skip across the meadows with, fangirling all the time. X3
Well, that’s all for the moment. Thank you very much for reading.
Although slightly different, the UTAU ranking works pretty much just like the Vocaloid ranking. With that having been said, let’s begin, shall we?
NAMI’s OPENING STATEMENT: (Nami is very, er, what’s a nice way to say wordy… she’s just like me! 8D Anyway. Due to that, these segments, for your sanity and mine, will be slightly abridged. Hopefully nothing of value is lost.)
Sorry for the wait. It’s time for week’s UTAU ranking!
The number of UTAU voicebanks is growing rapidly. Because of that, searching for the totaling of UTAU voicebanks became more difficult. That’s why we’re considering changing the current search keywords and the like. If we decide to make the changes, we’ll announce it beforehand; thanks for bearing with us.
-Editors: Violet = dez, Teal = karla, Crimson = DK
-Song Stats: Rank Up, Rank Down, Unmoved, Previously Unranked, NEW
- OP Song: 【UTAUオリジナル曲】夏華-natsunoca-【大和内庵・白鐘ヒヨリ】– Awww. A sad ballad, sung by a guy. Hmm, haven’t heard much of males singing ballad.
- #20: 【カバー】計画都市【重音テト連続音】 (Down from 12) – Owwweee. Harsh fall. Catchy song nevertheless. I think I like this more than the original, actually.
- #19: ハモリでつられる自分のための(←)magnet。カラオケ練習用【UTAU】 (Up from 21) – Magnet, still to this day? Their voices are OK together.
- #18: 【UTAU】初音ミクの消失-DEAD END-【桃音モモ】【ミクカバー】(修正版) (NEW) – I like this song when Momo sings it. This is great! And I had the original Momo cover mylisted, so I LOVE this.
- #17: 【UTAU童謡】 ライぶらり旅~鐵道唱歌前篇~ 【UTAUオールスター】 (NEW) – That’s a whole lot of UTAUs singing only one song. reminds me of some of the songs I used to sing on the elementary bus 8D. Neverending.
- #16: 【駒音クウ】空への約束【UTAUオリジナル】 (NEW) – Sounds like a heartfelt song. I like Kuu’s vibrato very much. Whoa! Meiko, where’d you come from?? But seriously, what a nice voice.
- #15: 【橙屋オリジナル】シンデレラ・メランコリック (NEW) – Snazzy song. Her voice needs more recognition, it’s very realistic to me. Short song though… Catchy.
- #14: 【UTAU】GO MY WAY!!【紫苑ヨワ】【アイマスカバー】 (NEW) – She’s been popping out in these past rankings. Must be her moe voice and look.
- #13: 【テニミュ】テトで鎬を削る者たちよ【UTAU】 (Up from 15) – JAPAN’S OBSESSION WITH PRINCE OF TENNIS. XD this deserved lower though… What the– this went UP??
- #12: 【重音テト】BLACK / ∃TIHW【オリジナル曲】 (NEW) – A Teto Rock song. Love the guitar and her soft parts. GUITAR SOLOOOOOO.
- #11: 【重音テト】モノクロ【オリジナル曲】 (NEW) – Another Teto songs, it sure is a trend 8O. But this one is different. I like it very much. Well she’s their flagship character, like Miku to Vocaloid. It’s to be expected.
- [重音テト]アネモネの涙[オリジナル] (NEW) – Lots of vibrato and high tone.
- 【UTAU】 Song of WING(紙芝居PV付) 【重音テトオリジナル曲】 (NEW) – A chimera song I suppose. i can see it now, Teto flying, flying… WEEE.
- 【ていら】夜空を翔ける子どもたち【オリジナル】) (NEW) – Reminds me a little of Animal crossing. Very calm.
- 【UTAU Camila Melodía】Deja Atrás la Espada【オリジナル】 (NEW) – Not bad for a second original. But it is hard at some parts to hear the spanish pronunciation. I do enjoy the meaning of the song. =w= We need more Spanish orignals. Camila original? Awesome! Finally! Now if she had a diphone voicebank, she’d officially be my favorite non-Japanese UTAUloid.
- 【UTAUオリジナル曲】言の葉の森で【歌十言葉・歌金魚・猫歌スキ】 (NEW) – Ah, a good piano original. It seemed difficult to pull of different voices at a time.
- #10: 【波音リツ連続音】炉心融解【UTAUカバー】 (NEW) – I like this cover of the song. Ritsu seems to pull it off. It’s a rule: every UTAU must cover this song. No exceptions.
- #9: 【MMD+UTAU】まっすぐ【紫苑ヨワ】 (NEW) – It’s her again, dominating the rankings. How does she attracts so many views? Two words: schoolgirl fetish.
- #8: 【重音テト】 Dreaming Leaf ‐ユメミルコトノハ‐ 【カバー】 (NEW) – Bawww. Cute.
- #7: 【カステロイド音源配布】サイレントバラエティ【オリジナル曲】 (NEW) – YES. AN ORIGINAL UTAU CREEPY SONG. Hasn’t been one for a looong time. Very good beat.
- #6: 【穂歌ソラ】追憶【UTAUオリジナル】 (NEW) – SHOULD’VE PLACED A WEE BIT HIGHER. Haha, very romantic of Sora. His voice gets to me. Ikemen Sora! This song’s already on my Sansa.
- #5: 【UTAU】UTAU三人娘で「エレクトロワールド」【MMD】 (NEW) – Classic trio. Classic song. I like the remake, choreography and special effect. The video is really nice. 8D
- #4: ゆっくりが歌う『LEVEL5-Judgelight-』【とある科学の超電磁砲OP2】 (NEW) – LOLWUT. I never understood the whole Yukkuri craze…
- THIS WEEK IN HISTORY: – THREE. IN A ROW. Holy crap, Teto Meltdown overload.
- #3: 水底 vo.初音ミク・根音ネネ (NEW) – Sounds like a ballet song. Don’t know why. I’m glad a lesser known UTAU like Nene sang with Miku. They sound really good together.
- #2: 初音ミク×雪歌ユフ/向こう(オリジナル) (NEW) – I love mia子’s songs. They feel so flowy and calming and stuff. Great use of Miku Append. Miku+Yufu=Win. Also, this placed 63 on the latest Vocaloid Ranking #121! 8D Yufu-chan! Beautiful song, but I wish she sung more in this. Although the use of Miku Append is nice…
- #1: 【重音テト】a day in the loop. 【オリジナル】 (Unmoved) – Nice use of castanets and bongos in the beginning. I love fusion of instruments. Soft rock is nice. Surprised that this didn’t drop, yet. I’m not, although I’ve been following this song since I still love it. Also, playing the “if this were allowed on the VocaRan” game: it would have been #13.
- ED Song: 【UTAU】 ヒトリタビ 【桃音モモ】–
A good song, could’ve been a little bit better. Maybe one more instrument in the background.
Here’s this week’s information corner. To start off with, in February we welcome the birthdays of many voicebanks. On February 5th, 2008, the first video using Defoko was uploaded to Nico Nico Douga. Defoko’s birthday is listed as March 6th, but in this corner we welcome both dates.
This year’s Defoko birthday celebration is planned to be from February 5th through March 6th. Anyone interested in participating should by all means check it out!
Also, February brings the arrivals of sixteen other UTAU on Nico Nico Douga. If any of them are UTAU you like, be sure to celebrate their birthdays~♪
Next is voicebank update news. There’s the beginning of distribution of new voicebanks, and one now has uar support.
uar support:
For details, see their respective videos.
It was mentioned in a previous “this week’s UTAU topic” that a new version of the UTAU program was released; however, I noticed while checking to see exactly what “uar” meant that there was a problem with the latest version (having to do with the “.uar installation”, whatever that means?). So it was pulled, and the site’s back to only the older versions being available. If you downloaded the new version before it got pulled, be aware of this.
The UTAU ranking has a few more segments that weren’t covered in this post: there’s an “extras” ranking, featuring videos that would have made the top twenty but were barred for whatever reason. There’s also a “new UTAU” section which lists and shows clips of videos from brand new UTAUloids. While these were omitted in this post for various reasons, we might include coverage of these sections at a later time. If you want them included, please comment and say so. ^_^;
Flarp. Please show the new UTAU section? D':
We might… But like a small section of the review.
It's an interesting concept, but I find it nearly impossible to keep up with the huge amount of UTAUs out there!
I do honestly try to give them love, but there's just way too many. This is not including the huge number of voicebanks made when people make their own!
While UTAU does have the potential to have the same quality of Vocaloid, maybe even better, the truth is that UTAU and Vocaloid cannot be put under the same category. This isn't meant to imply that Vocaloid is superior to UTAU – it's just that they're very different programs with a similar concept. I'm interested in seeing how the engine improves, as well as sampling techniques, and I'm looking forward to some very realistic voices coming out of UTAU. But they still need to be considered separate – the VocaRan involves the program Vocaloid while the UTAURan (which is what I'll be affectionately calling it now) involves the program UTAU. Simple as that.
Oh, and Nami's awesome. She's like me too…It's hard to compare her to Naho, but I prefer Nami's look over the plastic-surgery'd Naho 😀
I think Teto is to the UTAURan what Miku is to the VocaRan. Teto currently has domination over way too many of these songs…I'd like to see a little more of Mako and Ruko (although like I said I don't know too many UTAU because I keep mixing them up!)…
Also, I think UTAU the UTAURan needs more love, obviously – if the #1 song manages to remain unmoved, that means there aren't enough people caring about those songs or the Rankings to change up their preferences a bit.
I'll be looking forward to this, and maybe I can finally figure out all those UTAU ^.^
"Also, I think UTAU the UTAURan needs more love, obviously – if the #1 song manages to remain unmoved, that means there aren't enough people caring about those songs or the Rankings to change up their preferences a bit."
I have to disagree with you entirely there. The number one remaining unchanged means people just like it that much, just what it normally means. On "changing up preferences": notice that most of the songs in the UtaRan are "NEW". There are no mainstays on the UtaRan. This ranking is actually a more accurate reflection of what people are listening to and what is really popular that week, (probably because the fanbase for UTAU is still relatively small), as opposed to the VocaRan which is half mainstays (whether they're there honestly or not).
You probably didn't know, but "a day in the loop." was released only a few days before last week's UtaRan, and it became popular very quickly because it was -just that good-. It made number one in a few days because of that popularity. Now it has an entire week to gather more votes, so it's only natural for it to remain number one. Heck, it would have been #13 in the VocaRan, whether you kept the score it had here or if you adjusted it for the new system (since they're only a few hundred points different). And neL is apparently a new producer, so you can't attribute it to producer popularity (which is what I secretly think makes a lot of songs popular nowadays– who produces it, not whether or not it's a good song).
Sorry, went off on a bit of a tangent there. What was I saying? Oh, yeah. The UtaRan definitely needs more love, but it has nothing to do with #1 remaining unmoved. =)
But thank you for your comments. We actually put a lot of effort into this, so it's great to know that people are reading. ^_^
maybe Aster meant "those songs" as other songs sung by other UTAU that only stay for a week.
Yeah i always see that parallel from Miku to Teto.
I have noticed that in the UTAURan, there are songs that only stay for a week. Maybe there aren't enough fans to support the song for more than 1/2/3 weeks or the UTAURan worked differently. There still need to be more males up there in the Ranking in my opinion though. Heh…..
There also needs to be more male editors commenting in future WUR articles. Notice my name in the notes…? Yeah, I’ll get to that, I promise.
And is there something wrong with being female? O.O I'd offer myself if I could, but, well, I'm female…
There needs to be more of the senior editors commenting in future WUR articles.
(since most of the senior V-blog staff are male, I just kinda went for the easy route… my bad.)
If you’re willing to contribute to the V-ism knowledge pool, then by all means. But since WUR is not my specialty, you also need permission from deztora and/or DT.