Weekly UTAU Ranking #65 – Synthesized voice forces, unite!

As the gap between Vocaloid and UTAU closes bit by bit, there have been more and more instances of popular songs combining the two groups, such as the more recent 向こう. This week’s ranking should prove that Vocaloid and UTAU can be in harmony, with fantastic results. Curious? Read on to find out what the fuss is about!
Appropriate, too, since Aster will be joining the UTAU commentary team this week. I, for one, can’t help but sense a “Triple Baka” in this dynamic, and I say that in a good way (remember, I love Chibi Miku-san)! *starts whistling Triple Baka while strolling along*
Sorry for the wait! It’s time for this week’s UtaRan.
Last week was the start of the Defoko birthday celebration.♪ It seems like the number of celebratory videos has slowly but surely been growing. Until the anniversary of the release of UTAU on March 6th, people who want to celebrate should definitely participate!
Also, starting this weekend, the final selection phase of the 4th MMD Cup begins. Look forward to all those awesome videos.♪ This month there are a lot of things going on, so keep your eyes peeled!
-Editors: deztora, chibikarla, Aster Selene, Holocauxt, GreenSage
-Song Stats: Rank-Up, Rank-Down, Unmoved, Unranked, NEW
- OP Song: 【UTAU/デフォ子】 apple cookie【オリジナル】 – Peaceful song with Defoko’s echos. I really like this one. Apple cookie. That just makes me giggle…Sort of reminds me of those old-style songs.
- #20: 【櫻歌ミコ】とけないこおり【UTAUオリジナル】 (NEW) – Lovely ballad. I kind of think of a Western fairytale when seeing the picture, like Hansel and Gretel. Also, I don’t hear much of Ritsu and Ruko, even though they’re in the song…
- #19: 【デフォ子】デフォルト ♪プリセット【お誕生日オリジナル】 (NEW) – Happy Birthday Defoko!! c: I always have liked this Producer’s PV’s, I find them funny. Needs MOAR views though. Yes, same here. He’s really good with the UTAU program, too. Happy Birthday, Defoko. Hope you
achieve world dominationbecome successful in UTAU.- #18: 【UTAU】穂歌ソラで GO MY WAY!!【MikuMikuDance】 (NEW) – Wow! Another male UTAU model? Who next? But Sora’s hair is too thin here and needs a little bit of working on here. But I’m happy otherwise! I’m– happy but– it’s– so lulzworthy. I mean, look at it. 😛 He walks stiffly, and…golf clubs? Look like ladels to me. Probably curry related?
- #17: 【重音テト】 思い出のカケラ 【オリジナル曲】 (NEW) – Sounds good. A sweet little Teto song…if only I knew more Japanese…
- #16: 【UTAU新音源配布】カンタレラ 歌わせてみた【京音ロン】 (NEW) – Hmmm, how’d this get so many views? Uh… he’s cute? *shrugs* Has a Chinese look to him. Have we had a Chinese-themed UTAU yet?
- #15: 【波音リツ“強”連続音音源】twinkle【UTAUオリジナル】 (Down from 6) – Why the big drop? I still enjoy this song. We definitely need more Ritsu originals. No. No. Stay up. Please. I’m begging you. The same way I did once with Paradichlorobenzene…
- #14: 【VOICEROID】月読アイと月読ショウタに歌を歌わせてみた【UTAU】 (NEW) – Wow! The Voiceroids really like the UTAU software. They sound a tad mature though..Weird. They definitely sound better in UTAU than they do ‘singing’ on their own…Oh, definitely. She sounds real sweet and cute. In her regular videos however…-flinches- Talk about off-key.
- #13: 【海歌シン】Pane dhiria【カバー】 (NEW) – Great cover! I haven’t heard Shin in a while.. Cuuuuuuuuute– er, I mean, great cover. Yes. GJ. I never really understood the hype about this song to be honest.
- #12: 【波音リツ“強”連続音】深層【UTAUオリジナル】 (NEW) – I like Ritsu’s singing part, but the background music needs a little bit of balance. It sounded strange to me, like the singing was off beat. But then, this is hard rock…
- #11: 【デフォ子誕生祭】おはよう!!朝ご飯【MMD+UTAU】 (NEW) – Is the model on the left Utane Koe? Anyways, happy birthday again Defoko! The audio needs to be louder though. Defoko songs are almost always pleasant to listen to. =) Finally, in a video with both her and Momo in it, she gets to be in front. Except it would’ve been awesome if she dethroned Teto in her front spot.
- 【重音テト】 手と手をかさねて 【オリジナル】 (NEW) – The picture… it’s… uhhhh…Brain Bleach please. I hang out too much on TVtropes…
- 【重音テト】かさなる花びら【オリジナル曲】【弾き語り】 (NEW) – Very nice acoustics. Still love Teto’s vibrato, makes me shiver. What took off Teto’s hair?
- 携帯写真(UTAU/卯想月レノ/オリジナル) (NEW) – Awww… Adorable. Must keep.
- 【蟹音ぱん。】 Spoil!【UTAUオリジナル曲】 (NEW) – Kanino is impressive in speedy songs. ORLY? Let’s see him doing Shoushitsu. Er, I think you mean her… or wait, is it? Hold on, now I’m confused!
- 【重音テト】 はつテト 【オリジナル】 (NEW) – You’re not the only one who loves holidays Teto! ;D I FEEL FOR HER. So. Much.
- #10: 【UTAU】自分ルール【春歌ナナ】 (NEW) – OH NANA! So luffable! Finally. Nana is seriously under-appreciated. I had to skip through that whole ten-songs section. Can someone explain what it is? Anyway, Nana…To be honest, she scares me a little, even though she’s luffable. It’s the extra ranking, or ranking for songs that would’ve made the top 20 but weren’t allowed for various reasons (talkloid, etc.).
- #9: 【UTAU】波音リツ” 強”連続音配布/ラビリンス(鏡音リン曲カバー) (Down from 1) – I still like this. It’s a great use of Ritsu’s append, I’ll give it that. I’m still trying to get Ritsu’s append. But this song’s just awesome. A strong voice for a strong song.
- #8: 【波音リツ/”強”連続音】Bad Apple!!【UTAUカバー】 (Down from 5) – Wow, people still enjoy the strong voice add-on. I didn’t think there was anything wrong with the Bad Apple!! cover Ritsu had before this one…It’s hard to tell the difference until you compare the two side by side.
- #7: 【デュラララ】池袋ラバーズ【重音さんに歌って頂いた】 (NEW) – Is this a parody or something? Why so many views? I hate the original song, but the lyrics to this one… wwwwww I never saw what was wrong with the original. But I think this is funny too. Although it’d be nice if Teto was more in tune…
- #6: 【UTAU】Pane dhiria【重音テト】 (Down from 3) – Wow, not a bad drop. Guess it’s a very good Teto cover that I underestimated. Well, it’s Teto, and it’s Pane dhiria, two very popular things.
- #5: 【音源配布】耳のあるロボットの唄【手書きPV】 (NEW) – Such cute PV and such an elegant/original design! I have high hopes for this character as a whole. Adorable, but really? Another cover of this song? I suppose next will be Meltdown. That PV is adoooorable.
- #4: 【巡音ルカ・波音リツ】早く迎えにきなさいよ-M-【-オリジナル-】 (NEW) – There hasn’t been a VOCAJAZZ song for a while. I like the duet, and even if some parts of english sound weird, it still came out on top :3 This song hits me with deja vu something fierce. Is this a self-cover or something? Luka and Ritsu are…an interesting combo. I’ll leave it at that.
- THIS WEEK IN HISTORY: – Popipo FTW! I loved Mako’s remix too! I haven’t seen the Paradise Lost PV in a while. PARADISE LOST. Yes. Yes. Yes. Best thing ever. I love Ga-Rei. And I’m working on a Gumi version of that song…By the way, isn’t that the millionth Teto cover of Roshin Yuukai? Mako’s version of PoPiPo makes me lul.
- #3: 【雪歌ユフ】 nowhere【オリジナル】 (NEW) –Another great song by neL. Fits the wintery setting and needs translations :< It’s such a pretty and soothing song. As expected of 毎夜P (that’s what I’m calling him until he picks one. His tags list like, five of them!). A soft and sweet song. The snow was a nice touch.
- #2: 【穂歌ソラ+巡音ルカ】 Pillow Talk 【オリジナル曲】 (NEW) – OMG I LOVE THIS SONG. Deserves its place! Very lovey duet and dreamy tone. I knew it would place here, HUZZAH! But what bothers me is that some people say he sounds like KAITO or Gakupo :/ This is probably the first self-cover I’ve ever heard that COMPLETELY blows the original out of the water. Sorry Len. To be honest, the picture doesn’t quite fit the song…but I like it anyway.
- #1: 重音テト×初音ミク オリジナル曲「Alive」PV (NEW) – I like Teto’s tone here. Anyone who remotely cares NOT see this coming? No? Okay then, moving along. The voice mixing was done by yurahonyaP, so of course Teto sounds awesome here. =D She sounds really powerful with emotion, so that’s awesome.
- ED Song: 【UTAUオリジナル曲】手くらい届くかな【デフォ姉妹】 – BAWWW <3 I see Mako Roshin Yuukai at 72 and Ted Paradichlorobenzene at 84, which is awesome. The ED song’s really sweet, too.
I was afraid of my translation last week because I wasn’t sure if it was accurate or not. When dealing with information like that, it’s good to be as accurate as you can. Well, as evidenced by this week’s UtaRan video, I wasn’t wrong. The information corner is gone, and now we just have the new UTAU section. I promised to do it anyway, but be warned that romanizing names is my major weak point. If you see a glaringly obvious error, as always, please point it out so that I can fix it. Well, let’s get to it!
Here are the new voicebanks. There are five of them, but Ron was in the top ranking, so the clips are of the other four.
Koune Arisu
Keine Ron (number 16)
Shiroga Noi
Kaine Varo
Monone Sashi
First, one note. I had a hypothesis about why there were always new songs on the ranking, so I tested it this week to see if it was true. It was, or rather is, and the hypothesis was that songs are taken off of the ranking for good after two weeks. Look at YFLLM, a day in the loop., and other top songs. This week’s number two’s popularity resulted in a nice boost of views and mylists to Sora’s 追憶, and it would’ve remained in the top 20… but instead is nowhere to be found. Well given the nature of the UtaRan (the number of views and mylists it takes to remain in the top twenty, for example) this is probably the best course of action to take, although it would’ve been nice to see a day in the loop. get V3 (which I think it would’ve). Now I’ll hand it off to chibikarla.
In my humble opinion, I am very pleased with Sora hitting the rankings regularly. I hope this trend stays! I was hoping for more Defoko and for number 23 to make it though…despite all that, i am glad that Vocaloids and UTAUs are still collaborating, TOGETHER. 😀 What else I look forward to is what will be in store for the UTAU Anniversary! It’ll have to be bigger and better that last year! (Man years have gone flying >.>”) And the year has started GREAT with the spur of UTAU originals! Keep up the good work!
On another note, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEFOKO! I adore you! I hope you have a fantastic month to enjoy with your fellow mates!
Hehehe. Happy birthday Defoko, and thanks to the Vocaloidism staff for letting me onto the countdown. I hope UTAU songs will get big, and that they can be appreciated well…By the way, that means the American UTAU too (like Kanochi Neko on YouTube)…some of them, while lacking in Japanese pronunciation, can be awesome, and they do get put on Nico too…anyway, that’s just my rant. (And trust me, I’m not just saying that because of my own. ^.^) Looking forward to next week!
…Wait a second, where’s the video? ._.
Included in the article. ^ ^;;
Yeah. We had a chinese themed UTAU which was Yurika Sayu and Sai and that green one callled Midori.
Huh, weird, no information section?