Weekly Vocaloid Ranking #124 – Happy S.A.D.!!!

Vocaloid NND Weekly Ranking: LINK HERE
Weekly Vocaloid Ranking #123 “Unselected”: LINK HERE
Taking a cue from JM‘s spotlight article, I will now get into a soapbox and decry my current civil status: being single and married (to my job). *rimshot*
Looking back, there used to be a time when these WVR articles were as lively as the UtaRan reviews are now. All part of the cycle of fame I guess (the recent mediocrity/song lull doesn’t help, either)… though the WVR still clocks in at 10-15 reader comments per article for some reason. Maybe the UTAU is still a niche group, but c’mon guys, show the girls you appreciate all the hard work they put into making their reviews.
For now, however, let’s enjoy a nice, slow river ride from WVR.
Hello everyone! It’s time for this week’s VocaRan. How did all of you spend this past Sunday?
Anyway, for this week, other than Valentine’s Day, there’s the influence of the MMD Cup, and so the rankings are pretty shook up.
Well let’s hurry and go watch it!
-Editors: Holocauxt, DTKel, Joe Mello, deztora, redemtion2, Tari, GreenSage
-Song Stats: Rank-Up, Rank-Down, Unmoved, Unranked, NEW
- #30: 【GUMI】 アイノヨロコビ 【オリジナル曲】 (NEW) – A nice VocaR&B song from GUMI, delightful indeed. It’s always good to have GUMI back on the countdown. It’s nice to see GUMI come back, but this song could be better. =|
- #29: 【弱音ハク】白ノ娘【中世物語風オリジナル】 (Down from 18) – This may be the last round-up for Haku Well it had a pretty good run…
- #28: magnet【初音ミク・巡音ルカオリジナル】 (Down from 23) – <no comment>
- #27: 【初音ミク(40㍍)】 ジェンガ 【オリジナル】 (Down from 2) – Sharp drop in all metrics = Sharp drop in score
- #26: 【鏡音レン】パラジクロロベンゼン【破壊系洗脳ソング】 (Down from 25) – I’m actually pretty happy that this mainstay survived the new scoring system so well. I hope it doesn’t drop off, but if it does… well, it had a real good run. *tips hat*
- #25: 【巡音ルカ】ダブルラリアット【オリジナル】 (Down from 15) – もう一年か。。。?
- #24: 【巡音ルカ】Last flight【オリジナル曲・PV付】 (NEW) – Beautiful animation, a pleasure to watch and listen to as well. Fun stereo effects :3 Nice new Luka song altogether… Song’s not that impressive, but the PV is real nice.
- #23: 「ロミオとシンデレラ」 オリジナル曲 vo.初音ミク (Up from 24) – <no comment>
- #22: 【KAITOオリジナル曲】歩ノ路【3者コラボ】 (NEW) – Thank you extremely high B-mod for bringing us such wonderful KAITO songs this week. Happy birthday!
- #21: 【初音ミク】チョコレートは人体に対してこんなにも危険! (NEW) – Purin~ D:
- #20: 【VOCALOID】修羅ノ庭【オリジナル】 (Down from 11) – <no comment>
- #19: 【初音ミク】ワーディング・インスパイア【オリジナル曲】 (NEW) – Is it just me, or do I hear Miku singing, “Hentai~! Hentai~!”…? o_O Beat is awesome here.
- #18: 【巡音ルカ】 Child’s Garden 【オリジナル曲PV付】 (Down from 5) – <no comment>
- #17: 「Just Be Friends -NTMGmix-」 song by 巡音ルカ (NEW) – Maybe it’s just me but I simply like this remix version by baker other than the original one. What remix? >: I like any version of JBF, to be honest… This is a much better remix than the NTMG remix of Meltdown, IMO.
- #16: 【巡音ルカ】Just Be Friends【オリジナルPV】 (Down from 10) – <no comment>
- #15: 【初音ミク】 恋率方程式 【オリジナル曲】 (NEW) – <no comment>
- #14: 【鏡音リン】 迷子ライフ 【オリジナル曲】 (Down from 12) – Fitting of the “神調教” tag for this Rin song, I especially like the part when Rin goes high-pitched.
- #13: 【デュラララ!!】池袋ラバーズを歌ってもらった (Unranked) – Not as funny as Kaito’s “ni shite ageru” parody, I don’t think It made it after all! Yay.
- #12: 初音ミク オリジナル曲 「裏表ラバーズ」 (Down from 8) – They combo this but not the JBF? What kind of nut house is this? I think it has more to do with the two JBF’s beat and rhythm not matching up.
- #11: 【KAITO・MEIKO】ホール・ニュー・ワールド【アラジン】 (NEW) – Tender and smoothing, it’s good. Wha’dya expect, it’s a Disney song! Vocals on this are fantastic; even though this isn’t my fave Disney song, I still love the way it sounds here.
- THIS WEEK’S PICK-UP: 【鏡音リン】 Re:Start (NEW) – An upbeat sounding song from Rin, it’s on loop for me.
- #10: 【第4回MMD杯本選】Mの誘惑【MMDドラマ】 (NEW) – All-star cast but I MUST UNSEE Here, have some of my Brain Bleach.
- #9: 初音ミクオリジナル曲 「Pierrot」 (Down from 4) – It actually gained viewers, but the B-mod got nearly halved Saw it coming, sadly.
- #8: 初音ミク オリジナル曲 「ローリンガール」 (NEW) – N-no, it’s not possible… have I… actually found a wowaka song that I actually like?
- #7: 【初音ミク・巡音ルカ】太陽と月のロンド【オリジナルPV】 (NEW) – The pics don’t match the music, aesthetic-wise
- #6: 【第4回MMD杯本選】ボーカロイドM-1ぐらんぷり ミクandハク (NEW) – I’m still waiting for a Rahmens parody. shinBASH This had me laughing so hard. I love it.
- #5: 【初音ミク】 パラダイムシフト 【オリジナル曲】 (NEW) – Okay, this is EPIC. The quality of this song is really good. Not bad at all for a Vocaloid newbie.
- #4: 【初音ミク 巡音ルカ】合鍵ガンマンと合鍵忍者【オリジナル】 (Up from 14) – This has been going steadily upwards each week
- THIS WEEK IN HISTORY: I have to say this was one of the better Top 5’s in VocaRan history. Double Lariat is probably the weakest link here, but even that was good the first time out. Wait, the weakest link song is the one that’s still on the rankings after a whole year? What? Oh God, Wanderlast, how I miss thee…
- #3: 巡音ルカオリジナル DYE (Unmoved) – It’s been two weeks and I am still listening to this song… D: While the arrangement and rhythm are good, I just can’t help but feel that there’s unspeakable engrish hidden in there… It’s not unspeakable, but it is a little Engrish-y…
- #2: 裏表エラーズ feat.KAITO (Unranked) – WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN Oh my, why didn’t I noticed this earlier? 8D Wow… we have three versions of URA-OMOTE!!! on rank!? UNPOSSIB-*system error* Yes, very win. Very win indeed.
- #1: 【オリジナル曲PV】WORLD’S END UMBRELLA【初音ミク】 (NEW) – Comments below Called it… well, in part, anyways.
- ED Song: 【初音ミク】ベンチ【オリジナル】 – <no comment>
The MikuMikuDance event MMD Cup 4 final selection mylist voting is beginning. The voting period is from February 12th (Friday) through February 19th (Friday). Get your voting done early!Maybe if my job gets finished I can vote too…
(Also, the upload of the UtaRan video has been postponed until tomorrow, so the article will be posted later than usual. We apologize for any inconvenience.) m(_ _)m
We’ve reached a bit of a grey area. For all intents and purposes, WEU has retained its #1 spot, but technically, it hasn’t. Considering the turnaround we’re getting nowadays, this is likely to be as close to a repeat as we’re going to get.
That being said, there’s a little bit of dirty pool here. With the deletion of the old WEU, all the MyLists essentially transferred to the new video, plus it had a full week to get its metrics up.
Another interesting note: in the 6 weeks we’ve had the new system, we’ve had 3 top three repeats. Hachi, AVTechNO and AkuNoP have all been there twice. Add in 40mP, natsuP appearing once, and we may (emphasis on “may”) have a new problem: brand loyalty. With MyLists getting greater focus in 2010, well-known producers should fare better than unknowns because they already have a built-in fanbase. They’re all going to MyList their favorite P’s song regardless of its quality, so that’s going to boost their B-mod, in addition to MyLists and Views. Nearly half of the Top 3’s occupied by “famous” P’s support this theory, but we can only wait and see if this is actually more fact than theory.
I’m sorry to have to be the one to break it to you, but this “brand loyalty” thing has been going on for a lot longer than the new totaling system has been in place– I’d say it’s normal behavior, actually. It’s just natural for someone to want to support a P they like, even if the song itself isn’t that good. I’ve done it myself sometimes. Why do you think wowaka songs always shoot to the top of the rankings, even if– and I say this in complete objectivity, not just because I don’t like his style– they aren’t really that good? The song released right after 裏表 was just a clone of it, but not as catchy. It popped up, lingered for one or two weeks, then dropped off the face of the earth. That’s brand loyalty in action.
It may play a bigger part now because of the mylist modifier, but it’d be hard to prove, since it’s been happening already.
Thank you Holocauxt yet again! Really nice of you 😀
I really hope to see more comments on the ranking from you guys, it's only like 1-3 people…D:
Hnn… WEU is in the ranking mylist… It seems it was allowed…
*hides in a bunker to weather the approaching rage storm*
*does some maths*
So WEU beat out Kaito's Errors by almost 300,000 points, thanks in large part to all of it's mylists. *ignores any cries of foul play or cheating*
I did the math and assuming it's views and comments stayed the same* it should have only needed 7414 mylists to win (yes, this accounts for the lower multiplier)
So what does everyone think. Could it have pulled that off? Dye held it's 3rd place and pulled over 5000 mylists, so it's not completely unthinkable that WEU could have pulled 7000 in it's second week.
*I'm not sure if they really would have or not. I don't know if Nico counts a view when someone simply opens the page with the video, or if they have to watch start the video, or if they have to watch a certain length of it. Some help here would probably help any analysis…
I think P loyalty is starting to play a bigger part than any of us had initially thought.
lol 15 and 16 Just Be friends epic…
c´mon paradichclorobenzene up >o<
Side Note: It would have only needed 3631 mylists with the same number of views and comments to beat dye
I… I really can't find myself raging that WEU was allowed.
It's feels unfair but…. there's really nothing else I would rather have as number one this week.
Task & Utsushita improve with each PV they make. WEU's PV is probably in my top Vocaloid PVs.
As for the song itself, it's better than the original. It has more… oomph. One of Hachi's best now.
Plus…. I don't expect to see this situation happen a lot.
Mm… Can anyone tell me why #1 in this ranking is similar to #1 in 123 and in both ranking is's marked "NEW"?
It's identical actually. Hachi (the uploader) deleted the original for unclear reasons and reuploaded it. Apparently under the rules this counts as a "new" song entry. There's more info and analysis in the #123 comments.
Thank you!)
The transition from 13 to 14 is so funny! xD
Note: My comments were made before everyone else's, but I wasted a few hours writing them. I had to split the comment for length, but there was an error so I had to refresh. Ergo, some comments will look idiotic since some confusions have been cleared up.
I do watch the UTAU ranking, and I appreciate the hard work put in by the fans, but I don't comment for three reasons: First, it's very active and it feels a bit unnecessary to do some of my own coverage on it (which I have already begun to do for the VocaRan). Second, I find it a bit hard to follow because there are some segments not covered or even mentioned by the coverage. Third, I just don't find the songs as exciting as the Vocaloid ones. I think there's an inverse relationship of how much coverage done and how many comments there are: since so little is said on the VocaRan posts, fans comment with their own opinions. Since so much is said on the UtaRan, people don't have much to say that isn't already said. It's simple.
Split for length. What's the character limit, anyway? Whatever it is, it's getting on my nerves.
Anyway, my thoughts:
30: Gumi sounds nice in this one, but that's all it has going for it, unfortunately.
29: It only lost 3%, but yet it has a huge drop! I predict that this will be a good week, compared to the previous recent weeks. (Nothing against the song, but just in terms of activity.)
28: Didn't expect to encounter this one so close to the bottom.
27: Ouch. I'm getting to dislike the trend where top 3 songs fall hard.
26: …Okay, so maybe more activity can be a bit of a bad thing. At least it's still here.
25: I guess this is a mass regular purging?
24: I have a feeling that people only like this one for the PV.
23: GO AWAY.
22: I'm starting to wonder why the only popular Kaito songs can sound something like this.
21: When I started listening to this song, I started eating pudding. Coincidence? Probably.
20: This song really seems familiar to me, for some reason.
Splitting again.
Okay, I'm having some issues submitting my entire review. Suggestion: GET RID OF THIS ASDFING CHARACTER LIMIT. It wasn't there before, and it's really annoying. Especially since I have a long review this time around that will take around 10 comments to post.
I dunno why you’re getting a character limit… Aster seems to be able to post long comments below just fine…
Anyways, just bear with the system for a while since Kev’s not around ATM to resolve the issue.
30 – Sweet n' snazzy Gumi song. <3
29 – Aw, it's not doing as well as Meshitsukai did?
28 – DIE! Please!
27 – Whoa, HUGE drop.
26 – Steadily, steadily…
25 – Ugh, I'm getting sick of this song now.
24 – Whoa, interesting premise. Subtitles, anyone?
23 – Eeehhh…
22 – Another Let's-Make-Kaito-Sing-High-Again!
21 – …a…a…adorable…
20 – I'm curious now.
19 – I'm confused now.
18 – Big drop…but eh…
17 – I didn't really like this song to begin with…
16 – …and I have to listen to it AGAIN! What happened to fancy transitions in special cases?
15 – Miku sounds extra peachy.
14 – An interesting feel to Rin's voice.
13 – What's with the parodies of this song lately?
12 – And THERE's our fancy transition.
11 – I'm keeping the picture…except…Disney…Brain Bleach! For my ears!
Pick-Up – Forgettable, eh…
10 – How does this even make the top 100?
9 – Eh…
8 – wowaka is back, with a cheerful song this time!
7 – Luka's voice doesn't fit this song.
6 – I don't understand Japanese so I don't get it. I bet by the wwww's it's funny though.
5 – Where's the epicness? I'm disappointed
4 – What's special about a door?
History – MELTDOWN! Nuuuu…I miss you. Nebula is overrated, PV is awesome song is bleh. RIP=RELEASE is bleh as well. Only good one was Double Lariat, and I'm sick of that song.
3 – AGAIN? It's an interesting song, but…2 weeks? And the lyrics are kinda clichéd.
2 – I laughed. Oh God. It's like Hello Windows.
1 – And the controversy starts…
"3 – AGAIN? It's an interesting song, but…2 weeks? And the lyrics are kinda clichéd. "
Easy to say, but I think half of us can't make out the lyrics. I think last week you said something about finding them somewhere. Care to share? <33
http://avtechno.ukime.org/AVTECHNO/w/dye.html Here! On his official blog!
Oh, badass dude. Thanks. <3
…I'm female, but whatever.
Dudette XP