Weekend Spotlight – Cup Runneth Over
The 3D Anime Olympics known as the 4th MMD Cup has now concluded and all the awards have been given out. Over 200 people created over 11 hours of MikuMikuDance footage, which ended up being watch over 4.3 million times. Above is what was deemed best of the best, but I think some congratulating should be in order for everyone who participated in another successful Cup.
In order to celebrate, we’re taking a slight tangent this week in order to highlight some of the rest of MMD Cup’s 200+ entries.
Actually, we may have to take a tangent to the tangent because there’s been . . . A MURDER!
Okay, so maybe not. This one won two of the Judge’s Choice awards, so it can’t be that bad. Up next is the best show you won’t see.
Not as bizarre and dissonant an opening as maybe, Kurenai, but it’s attention grabbing. Plus, any Kubrickism is a good Kubrickism.
Our next video didn’t win anything, but it’s silly, and that’s good for something.
Finally, a song that allows me to get on the happy soapbox.
See, I like this type of reinterpretations of songs. It’s nice, simple, clean, and is free of hoopla. It’s music composition at its core, and it’s awesome. This is why if you find a singer-songwriter or group around your neighborhood, and they’re good, then support them as best you can.
A couple paragraphs ago, I talked about dissonance. Our entry for the UTAU Ranking watch is an example of just that.
The fact that I despise idol pop culture makes it all the more amusing. Meanwhile, there were a couple of good options on the Senior Circuit, so I decided to pick the one not associated with EXIT TUNES.
At 211,000 points, it has plenty of merit, and is less abrasive on my ears. It’s not like I don’t like EXIT; I just prefer their trance.
Where can I see all the MMD cup winners?
There’s no MyList for them, I don’t think.
This is the Closing Ceremony video
And the list of awards (in Japanese) is here:
I found the Mylist of all the final contestants:
I'm not sure how they decide the winner. A lot of the videos with the most views didn't even show up in the closing ceremony video. Are these decided by judges?
I thought they were decided by mylists. That's why Chaining Intention won; it had the most mylists out of all the entries…