Weekly Vocaloid Ranking #129 – Sans editors…
Vocaloid NND Weekly Ranking: LINK HERE
Weekly Vocaloid Ranking #128 “Unselected”: LINK HERE
We here at the V-ism blog are a very relaxed bunch… so relaxed, in fact, that some of us have started to disappear one after the after. I really have no idea where the other editors have ran off to, but hopefully they’ll all come back if I beg enough, right? Right? RIGHT!? Don’t judge me!!! Ye Guilty Have been ill and busy with work commitment last week, that’s why.
Anyways, on to the-Whoa!? Why’s the ranking so freakin’ early this week!? It’s, like, right there already! I feel sooo inadequate this week… Oh well, might as well get this off the publishing block first before I get to the comments (or lack thereof). ON TO THE CHARTS!!!
Naho’s Opening Statement:
Everyone, good afternoon! It’s time for the VocaRan! In Tokyo the cherry blossoms will soon be blooming! From the gloomy winter, the bright spring has finally come!
All of you who are students will probably have a lot of things you want to do over spring break. I sincerely ask that you don’t go overboard, okay?
-Editors: Holocauxt, DTKel, Joe Mello, deztora, redemtion2, GreenSage
-Song Stats: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)
- #30: 【初音ミク】 シューティング・スター【オリジナル曲PV】 (!!)
A peaceful sonding Miku song with simple but nice animation.- #29: 【鏡音レン】 あまつきのひかり 【オリジナル】 (!!)
Somehow I find myself listening to this on repeat, it’s soothingly nice. I love the PV.
- #28: 【鏡音レン】 ボクモテ【オリジナル】 (↑125)
Wait, Meiko’s a dude? And how did you deduce that? Meiko’s not mentioned anywhere in this song… o.O;- #27: 【巡音ルカ】 ダブルラリアット【オリジナル】 (↓22)
Years from now, when this is still at the top of the ranking, this week will go down in history as one of the few times this song came close to being kicked off the top 30.- #26: magnet 【初音ミク・巡音ルカオリジナル】 (↓17)
<no comment>- #25: 【新番組】メ イドの星からS・O・S【鏡音リン】 (↓2)
Ow, my filling. I know I shouldn’t be saying this (not wanting to sound biased as a Kagamine fan) but I would LOVE to have Rin as my meido. <3 Why? I agree! I love just about all of Katahotori’s stuff with Rin. Sooo cute…!- #24: 「ロミオとシ ンデレラ」 オリジナル曲 vo.初音ミク (↓18)
<no comment>- #23: 【デュラララ!!】 池袋ラバーズ【替え歌カバー】 (↓15)
It sure is hangin’ in there, isn’t it? Well we do need more Gakupo songs in the ranking… but still…- #22: 【鏡音レン】 パラジクロロベンゼン【破壊系洗脳ソング】 (↑24)
<no comment>- #21: 【初音ミク】 鬱くしい花【オリジナル】 (↓1)
<no comment>- #20: 【初音ミク】 みくみくにしてあげる♪【してやんよ】 (↑33)
Back after a 10-week absence, the longest slump to-date And such a wonderful slump it was. Hopefully it’s gone again next week. OTL- #19: 【巡音ルカ】Ignition 【オリジナル】 (–)
A bit of a departure from typical Dixie. Not sure what to think of it. Luka’s singing goes well with the beat of the song, a nice chill-out and enjoyable feeling. Is it me or is there a trend with Luka songs having one word names? Uh… anyone care to expand on why this song took a sudden leap up after SEVEN MONTHS? Or did no one notice? I remember when this came out though…- #18: 【初音ミク】 Re;セット 【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
Could this song be a little more hard rock, please? The design together with the melody of the song goes well in my opinion.- #17: 【巡音ルカ】Just Be Friends【オリジナルPV】 (↓12)
<no comment>- #16: 【巡音ルカ】 Perfect Liar 【オリジナル曲・PV付】 (–)
Whoa where did this one come from? I was wondering that too! :O This and Ignition; what in the world’s going on…?- #15: 【鏡音レン】 ナゾトキ (–)
Oooh, I love whodunits!! Was it Rin, in the dining room, with a knife?- #14: 【初音ミク】sweet capsule【オリジナル】 (!!)
Something about the artwork is appealing. I agree! It’s very sweet pop-ish.- #13: 【初音ミク】 はなゆりかご 【オリジナル】 (↓4)
Iroha(sasaki) is back with another new song, which is beautifully done from the art style to the song itself. I love what Iroha did with Miku’s voice.- #12: 【初音ミク】Wonderful Days【PVつきオリジナル】 (↓10)
ENGRISH! D: I would like some wonderful cake please. :3
- #11: 【初音ミク】 恐山ル・ヴォワール【オリジナル】 (!!)
<no comment>
- THIS WEEK’S PICK-UP: 【Megpoid】 後追い自殺に定評のあるみっちゃん 【オリジナル】 (#67 – !!)
Wow, random Gumi- #10: 初音ミク オ リジナル曲 「裏表ラバーズ」 (↑13)
<no comment>- #9: 【KAITO】 メルト -Band Edition- 男性ver 【PV付】 (!!)
I’ve…heard better >: Truth be told I am impressed with this version, it’s definitely fitting of its “神調教” tag. かっこいい兄さん!- #8: 【古川本舗】 ピアノ・レッスン asp-mix【初音ミク】 (!!)
FurukawaP returns!! And all was good in the world.- #7: 【鏡音リン・ レン】 I WANNA TRUST YOU 【オリジナル】 (!!)
Rin sounds a bit like Meiko here, doesn’t she? This is actually kind of normal for maigoddoP, but still rockin’.- #6: 【初音ミク】 泣き虫と花束【オリジナル】 (!!)
<no comment>- #5: 氷山キヨテル オリジナル曲「Guilty Verse」(PV付き) (!!)
Interesting entry from the Sensei Nice song, I am amazed Kiyoteru got such a high spot. Amazed? At this spot?? This should be in the top three! Oh PeperonP, even with your amazing use of the AHSloids, why do you keep getting almost there but not quite…?- #4: 初音ミク オ リジナル曲 「ローリンガール」 (↑8)
Really? Come on. I love this song too, but really?
This spot is for a look back at the VocaRan one year before. Here are the top five songs from that week.
- H5: You know you love Conchita.
- H4: <no comment>
- H3: <no comment>
- H2: <no comment>
- H1: <no comment>
- #3: 【鏡音リン】 告白センセーション 【オリジナル曲PV付】 (!!)
I want to like it, I really do, but there’s something just off about it all. :/ What I like about this producer is that he produces pretty realistic sounding Rin songs. This one is cute, sweet, and amazing. I personally do not like how it does not flow, but it is still a good song. I love this song. It’s so amazing, I like it even better than SignalP’s. Is this really Act 1 Rin?! :O- #2: 【KAITO】 「つけるよ。」【オリジナル曲】 (–)
Someone tell me that’s not what I think it is. It can’t be, can it? Wouldn’t it be too explicit otherwise? Yes, yes it is; even so it is a nice Kaito song.
- #1: 【鏡音リン】UNBALANCE【オ リジナル曲】 (!!)
Good song, even without the influence from the upcoming album, but lord, the Engrish D: As usual SignalP’s newest Rin song doesn’t disappoint, this song is on loop for me. The PV does the song justice.
- ED Song: 【初音ミク】 あおのうた【オリジナル・PV付】
<no comment>In Other Vocaloid News:
This is the last CD news of the month. Including this week’s number one song “Unbalance” (by Dios/SignalP), a compilation album “VL-SCRAMBLE” will be released from King Records on March 24th.
Also! Project DIVA Additional Songs Collection “Miku Uta, Okawari” will have included in the carefully selected songs the minigame song “Hello, Planet.” Furthermore, the high-polygon PVs look amazing. The distribution will begin March 25th.
Final Thoughts/Analysis:
Well, if you want new, how about 8 of the Top 9? Also, good to see score bounce back from last week.
…And so with that, we end this week’s Vocaloid Ranking review. Please join us again next week, and… PLEASE COME BACK, EDITORS!!! I MISH YUU~!!! ;_; Only if you give me a raise. More M&Ms for you then? If you go take my Calculus exam X3 But I was here last week… just didn’t comment… D:
woooo! Finally! something different
ith have variety and less miku >o>
I really like the songs :3
i also noticed that many songs of kagamine Up in this rank
like prisoner, proof of like, kagamine len no bousou and fire flower!!
Good week ;D
Aaaargh now this computer is spitting a "your comment is too long" error at me. It's a different one than the one before. What's the deal here?
The blog was been wonky the past couple of days. Sometimes the right sidebar doesn’t load at all. Let’s just hope Kev does something about this.
Looks like the Kagamines ruled the ranking this week, which is not good or bad, but an interesting shift from the norm. But other than that, here are a few songs I felt compelled to comment about:
#28 – Heh, really, this made it to the top 30? >w< Btw I'm pretty sure the dude in glasses is Kiyoteru, not Meiko.
Pickup – Makes me think of Durarara for some reason…
#16 – Whaaat? Perfect Liar is back? This song is quite old, I mean, it was one of the first Luka songs I ever downloaded. The PV isn't even different. I wonder what brought it back?
#5 – YAAAAAY! I am so glad to see that this song made it so high!! Go Guilty Verse! Go Peperon-P! Go Kiyoteru-sensei! :3
I like how there's ads for rope, box cutters, and what appears to be a bottle of potent detergent in the NicoNico Ichiba space for Gumi's song about suicide in this week's pick-up. Oh Nico, you are as pertinent as always. It's a pretty catchy song too.
What's the name of the opening song? :O
It's the number one ranking song from last week. Forgot what it was called…
It’s Utsu kushii Hana (The depressive flower) by OnyuuP.
Old songs are popping up here too huh? There's no new PV or high profile Utatte Mita's for either of those songs either. The Utatte Mita ranking had a string of abut 4 songs that had been revived as well… I wonder what's happening…
now that you mention it I feel the same way when watching newest utattemita rank…
looks like len has ruled this ranking!!
Great songs by Signal-P and raimu too.
28 is cute, but what's it about?
30 – Surprisingly Miki would have been better.
29 – Sad and sweet Len song.
28 – Kinda…weird? Yandere Len.
27 – Deeeaaaaargggghhha;oejt;oiwegamlw/
26 – See my comment for #27.
25 – Meido Rin is cute.
24 – See my comment for #27.
23 – See my comment for #27.
22 – See my comment for #27.
21 – Translate please someone?
20 – See my comment on #27.
19 – Very different from JBF but I like it much more. Her voice is definitely more peachy.
18 – Reset what?
17 – Ugh. I prefer Ignition
16 – Must be some Luka event. VoMas 11 was recently; new authors likely promoted.
15 – No, it's Len; he's the butler.
14 – Meh.
13 – I actually like this song a lot.
12 – More like Gratuitous English. Just spelled wrong.
11 – Meh.
Pick-Up – Weird.
10 – Was it the new PV? Or just randomness?
9 – WHOA.
8 – Kinda boring.
7 – Upbeat but WHOA.
6 – kinda random.
5 – Welcome to the ranking Kiyoteru.
4 – Yay! Well-deserved. For the rest of its run I require it be above Ura-Omote.
History –
History – Yay, Conchita. Bleh, Double Lariat again. Hehe, Roshin Yuukai. Song does not recognize. Isn't this one of the more famous Meiko songs?
3 – Pretty awesome song.
2 – Why did this resurrect? What is this anyway?
1 – This is Signal-P? Hard to believe. Such an epic song.