Weekly UTAU Ranking #71 – The Drama! The Suspense!
A strange thing has been happening lately concerning the UTAU Ranking. Of course we here at the UtaRan are on the case to try and find out why. We’ll keep you informed, but for now, just enjoy this week’s ranking and try not to fret too much over it. We know how much the UtaRan means to all of you. 8D
Sorry for the wait. It’s time for the Weekly UTAU Ranking.
Last week was the last time for the Monthly UTAU Original Song Ranking. The video ID: sm10097984
If you want the ranking to continue, you can contact them through BBS here.
For everything that’s been done up until now, good job, and thank you.
-Editors: deztora, chibikarla, Aster Selene, Holocauxt
-Song Stats: Rank-Up, Rank-Down, Unmoved, Unranked, NEW
- OP: 【UTAU】夢桜【オリジナル】 – Not an ideal Momo type song. Actually, I like it.
- #20: 【桃音モモ】ストレリチア【オリジナル】 (NEW) – Not quite Momo style either. I agree here. Doesn’t really work with her voice…
- #19: 【重音テト】イントロが長い曲【オリジナル】 (NEW) – Way to provide fuel for my Nightmare Car…
long intro is longI like this too, actually. It’s cute if not taken seriously.- #18: 【重音テト】 Azure 【UTAUオリジナル】 (NEW) – An intriguing idea…Azure?
- #17: 【耳ロボP】 耳のあるロボットの唄 【ラ・ズィマッキエ/他】 (NEW) – …Help. My brain cannot comprehend. It’s a cover of Eared Robot… with frogs. Not much to comprehend here. Sounds okay, could’ve been better.
- #16: 【UTAUカバー】ぷっぴぴ【重音テト】 (NEW) – …? Ahahahahaha, cute.
- #15: 【重音テト】閃光のカドルヴェイン【オリジナル曲】 (Down from 2) – The Return of the Unreadable Katakana.
- #14: 穂歌ソラによる瑞典男子賛歌【ジャンプ!スウェーデン男子】※修正版 (Down from 9) – All I can say is…WTF? And I will second that sentiment.
- #13: 【波音リツ】はなゆりかご【UTAUカバー/連続音ver1.5】 (NEW) – To be honest a different UTAU (probably Mako) would be better with this song. But I guess Ritsu likes iroha(sasaki)… Sounds good, but might’ve sounded better with STRONG VOICE MATERIAL.
- #12: 【ボカロとUTA う合唱団】 桜ノ雨 【総勢36名】 (NEW) – It’s graduation time for the Japanese.
- #11: 【重音テト】最終鬼畜全部テト【MMDでMIDIアニメ風】 (Down from 1) – And Kasane Teto Insanity continues…
- #21: 【重音テト】人の赤【オリジナル】 (NEW) – This and 20 should have switched. I like this better than 20.
- #30: 和音マコ連続音 オリジナル曲『華ニ願フ』 (NEW) – Lonely and sweet Mako song.
- #46: 【UTAUオリジナル曲】しあわせなこねこ【重音テト・んにゃん】 (NEW) – Kittenz!
- #48: 【根音ネネ オリジナル曲】せい【MARIKO☆STARDUST】 (NEW) – Cannot comprehend a single word. Yeah, this is… yeah.
- #49: 【配布】セレヴァリーン【露音ロト/オリジナル】 (NEW) – Roto? Never heard of the UTAU before. Actually, he’s kind of new–but very cute. I hope he becomes popular…
- #15: 【ピアノ弾き語り】デフォ子の唄【PV】修正版 – Defoko looks completely bored. She’s sad…
- #14: 【3/31~4/1】公式生放送『テトたん2010』のお知らせ【ニコ割公開!】 – Happy birthday, Teto. May your twin drillness live forever.
- #13: 【3/31~4/1】公式生放送『テトたん2010』のお知らせ【ニコ割公開!】 – Would have liked to hear her…you know…talk.
- #12: 【MikuMikuDance】 重音テト誕生祭 【CM】 – Happy birthday again.
- #11: 【MMD】デフォ子さんの日常-第三話【HANASU】 – The idea of the UTAU as generic schoolgirls honestly kinda…miffs me. I like it. Cuuuuuuuute. Talking coulda been better here, though.
- #10: 【穂歌ソラ】池から来たモノ【MMDモデル紹介】 – I don’t want to ask what’s going on. I have an idea, and I think it’s cute and funny. Of course, I think almost anything with Sora is great, as I am very biased.
- #9: トリップ・トリップ カバー – Trip Trip? What the hell? Uh… the Arika song from two weeks ago? And last week? Short term memory loss much? =P Anyway, great cover. Now I wanna sing it.
- #8: 【鏡音レン】オリジナル曲「春慕えど君遠く」【歌造ツバメ・鵞鳴建】 – Len you’re adorable, but what’s the purpose of having UTAU in the back if I can’t even hear them? I can hear them pretty well, but maybe it’s because I was listening for them…
- #7: 【重音テト】テト嬢が4月1日聖誕祭をおーえんしたよ!《TOF NewS》 – And now, Teto appears to advertise herself along with her appearances in strange vague anime imitations.
- #6: スイートポ テト作ってみた【料理】 – Teto will sadly never have a Nendoroid. おいしい。。。
- #5: 【重音テトさんアニメ】テトテトさん・第2重6音・成長 – Hearing them all sing together in a chorus would’ve been nice. Especially if they sang Happy Birthday.
- #4: MMDで辞めてやるよ歌い手なんか(スナック羅刹風味) – Teto improvs again…
- #3: やよい・重音テト 辞めてやるよ歌い手なんか – A smooth transition into DanceXMixer. Pretty sure that’s not DxM.
- #2: 【トークロイド】ボーカロイドたちの日常26『ミクと家族の絆』 – In which Vocaloids freak out at the thought of UTAU. Oh you guys… I love you all. Especially you, Gumi. So adorable!! XD
- #1: 【テニミュ】最終決戦見に来たよ!【KAITO】 – Teto returns with her tsun tsun.
- #10: 【UTAU】重音テト/10/04/01版で「フライングスタート(short)」【重音テト】 (NEW) – …happy birthday…getting tired of saying this… Well no one’s forcing you to. =P
- #9: 【男声音源5人】「いろは唄:男性目線」カバー【UTAU】 (NEW) – Unknown UTAU to me. Which ones? All of them?? No love for the guys, huh… =[ I fangirled hard when I heard Shin~
- #8: 【欲音ルコ】辞めてやるよ歌い手なんか【UTAUカバー】 (NEW) – Ruuuuuko! You returned!
- #7: 【神と対話】Pine dhiria【シテヤンヨ】 (NEW) – I shall now back away in fear for my sanity. *shudders* Ugh…
- #6: 【UTAU】薔薇の童話(オリジナル)【重音テト】 (NEW) – Eerie, but not as eerie as #7. –shivers-
- #5: 【重音テト】どうしてこうなったwww【オリジナル】 (NEW) – The only thing I know about this song is that it’s a silly song (and I only get that from the www)… I could swear I’ve heard this song before. Is it really an UTAU original?
- #4: ケロイドガール (NEW) – Cannot understand. Yay, Nene returns!
- THIS WEEK IN HISTORY: Don’t recognize most of these.
- #3: 【雪歌ユフ】ガクブチガール【オリジナル曲】 (NEW) – Yufu! I avoid listening to it because I know it’ll get stuck in my head, but not in a good way. Just because it’s catchy doesn’t mean it’s good, guys! D:
- #2: 【重音テト】辞めてやるよ歌い手なんか【オリジナル】 (Up from 4) – …happy birthday Teto… This is actually really good, and I’m glad it went up.
- #1: 【重音テト】twice 【オリジナル曲・PV】 (NEW) – Teto, next week, this had have better calm down or I’ll use your own drills to drill your head. Yeah, saw this coming a mile away… but the song’s pretty good and the PV’s all right, so it’s okay.
- ED: 【重音テト】潜行【オリジナル】 –
Here is this week’s news corner. First, a commercial! It’s a commercial for Macne Nana’s birthday celebration (March 28th). They’re accepting celebration videos and illustrations. Here’s the Macne community ID: co24212
Next is the new voicebanks section. First, an apology. Ichine Luna was somehow overlooked last week, so that video will be included with this week’s new voicebanks. With Luna, there are eight new voicebanks this week.
Ichine Luna
Ukene Misaki
Chika Rii
Koune Muro
I have only one thing to say.
This is the weirdest ranking I have ever commented on.
Well aside from the slew of Teto videos, which was entirely expected, okay week this week. The average of points is steadily increasing bit by bit, and this is a good sign! Overall the quality of videos was good, and I didn’t find myself too annoyed with the onslaught of doriru because most of the stuff is good. It’s when people use her badly that I cannot stand Teto.
As you must know, we’re quickly approaching Teto’s birthday on April 1st. Remember from the UtaRan article a couple of weeks ago the events that will be going on, and be sure to tune in for the fun! I would like to, myself, and I might, but I probably won’t. Busy death tiger is busy. *frantically works on research paper*
As for the mysterious happenings mentioned at the beginning of this article… Look forward to news on that as well. >:]