Weekly UTAU Ranking #79 – Fukkireta!
A thousand apologies for the tardiness; however, I wanted to wait until the UtaRan video was uploaded before I posted this article. Yes, it was just now posted a few days ago. The uploader was sick. Again, very sorry for the delay. m(_ _;m)
Today’s title comes from a strange meme that has swept over Nico Nico recently, thanks largely in part to ラm–er, ゴジマジP’s addictive song. A song that somehow slipped past me entirely during Teto’s birthday celebration, Ochame Kinou is a fun, catchy little song that was uploaded on April 1st, but is just now getting major recognition thanks to ラマーズP’s interesting style and lip-synced PV. Or… is it ゴジマジP? Saa…
Ochame Kinou is used as BGM for most of the “fukkireta” videos, hence the sudden jump in popularity. If the UtaRan allowed songs to stay more than two weeks, you would see Ochame Kinou become number one from out of nowhere. I, personally, think that would be pretty cool. But anyway. Onto the ranking!
We’re very sorry for the long wait. It’s time for the Weekly UTAU Ranking. Due to unforseen circumstances, the upload was postponed. Again, we’re very sorry for this.
We’re using this time to take into account the possibility of the upload getting postponed in the future, though. We’re looking for potential staff to help us should the need arise, so if you’re interested please let us know.
(Also, in case I forgot to post about it before, there’s a Yokune Ruko logo contest going on; that’s what the CM at the beginning was about. Check the website if you’re interested.)
Also this week is (was, that is; sorry) Momo’s 2nd birthday celebration. It’s coming up very soon (actually just passed; sorry), so this should be nice.
-Editors: deztora, chibikarla, Aster Selene, Holocauxt
-Song Stats: Rank-Up, Rank-Down, Unmoved, Unranked, NEW
- OP: 3こーどデフォ子さん – Although I hate to say it, it’d sound better with a different UTAU. Sorry Defoko. ;_;
- #20: 【UTAU】 フランスパン闘士 重音テト2 【重音テトオリジナル曲】 (NEW) – <no comment>
- #19: 櫻歌ミコ連続音配布【ミコミコ☆ロマンティックナイト】 (Up from 36) – This song has so much furitsuke potential, but it’s all squandered. Sad, really.
- #18: 【UTAU新音源配布】耳のあるロボットの唄 UTAUカバー【七音幼子】 (NEW) – <no comment>
- #17: 【お知らせ】ユニット「コトリ」支援サークル立上げました!【歌に翼】 (NEW) – I like this unit actually. Not surprising, though, since I previously liked both UTAU anyway.
- #16: 【MMD】【UTAU】UTAU三人娘に「Dream Fighter」を歌って踊ってもらった (NEW) – Finally, a Dream Fighter MMD vid where they actually sing the song…! I like it.
- #15: 【UTAUカバー】サボテンと蜃気楼【穂歌ソラ・サラ連続音】 (NEW) – AMAZING. ILU Sora!!
- #14: 【UTAU】only my railgun【カバー】(修正版) (NEW) – Tired of the song, but seeing/hearing 5 hot male UTAU all in one vid makes it worth it.
- #13: 【UTAU】月西江【王芳梅】 (NEW) – A Chinese song? Really? That’s pretty cool.
- #12: 【UTAU】Daybreak 【波音リツ強連続音源】 (NEW) – <no comment>
- #11: 【重音テト& 地ク音ケンタ】絶望ハンバーグ工場【ニコニコ生産ライン】 (Down from 8) – I mean nothing bad by this, but I have to say I never thought I’d see Kenta on the Rankings. I’m so glad Guroi Anderson proved me wrong. :3
- #32: 【穂歌ソラ、サラ】その太陽は闇と化す(仮)【オリジナル曲】 – AMAZING. ILU Sora!!
- #48: 【桃音モモ】すこしの眠気とともに。【UTAUオリジナル】 – <no comment>
- #59: 【UTAU Camila Melodía and 流星ユエ】Dolor de Cabeza (Headache)【オリジナル】 – Camila’s back! I love it when she sings in Spanish.
- #66: 【UTAU】 オリジナル曲 BEHIND 【貴野ユキ】 – This UTAU has such a beautiful voice.
- #87: 【UTAU/ 紫苑ヨワ】 Love This ・・・ 【オリジナル】 – <no comment>
- #16: デラーズP終了のお知らせ – Hoo boy, here it comes…
- #15: 【MMD☆うるせーんだよ選手権】テトたん・・・? – …Eh?
- #14: 吹 っ 切 れ た から飽きた寝る。 – There we go.
- #13: 【PV】 花になる 【描いてみた】 – SO CUTE. This PV is really fitting for this song.
- #12: 【MMD】モデルに組み込むドリル作ってみた – <no comment>
- #11: 【鳩山】 増税の翼 【CM】 – <no comment>
- #10: 【作ったら】ラマーズP終了のお知らせLong.ver【吹っ切れた】 – Yeah…
- #9: 【聖剣伝説2】ゆっくり性剣・第11話~S-KEN!【ゆっくり実況】 – <no comment>
- #8: 【トークロイド】ボーカロイドたちの日常27『初音ミクAppendの呪文』 – <no comment>
- #7: swfで 吹 っ 切 れ た – Yuh-huh.
- #6: 重音テト「ストロボナイツ」 – Ooooh. Pretty lights.
- #5: 【MMD+UTAU】HONEY【白鐘ヒヨリ】 – Hiyorin!! And… a sister I’ve never heard of. o.O
- #4: 【神威がくぽオリジナル】モノリシック・ラブ【茄子カレー葱・PV】 – I knew this would end up here because Gakupo’s the lead. But this song is still rockin’. SORAAAA!!
- #3: カラー化の為ラマーズP終了のお知らせ – Yep…
- #2: カラー化の為ラマーズP終了のお知らせ【Full】 – Uh-huh.
- #1: ラマーズP終了のお知らせ – Absolutely no surprise here. Look forward to more next week! 😀
- #10: 【淡水ウパ】スカイハイ【UTAUオリジナル曲】 (NEW) – Why is this UTAU so suddenly popular? What happened? The voice/design is okay but damn…
- #9: 【重音テト】よっこらせっくす【Re:カバー】 (NEW) – They’re not naked… or is that a bad thing?
- #8: 【重音テト】ほろ苦いアメ【オリジナル曲・PV】 (NEW) – <no comment>
- #7: LEVEL5 -judgelight- オーケストラバージョン【重音テト】 (Down from 5) – <no comment>
- #6: 【UTAU】初音ミクの暴走【桃音モモ】【ミクカバー】 (NEW) – Hearing Momo sing this makes me like it slightly more, but not much.
- #5: 【唄音ウタ】 ハイライト 【オリジナル】 (NEW) – This… now *this* is a winning Defoko song. This is how it’s done. I love it.
- #4: 【揺歌サユ】 MMDモデル配布デモ 恋愛サーキュレーション (NEW) – Sayu in MMD? ついにキタアアア!
- THIS WEEK IN HISTORY: I lol’d hard at number two. Woooooow. XD
- #3: 【雪歌ユフ/ 揺歌サユ】二人【オリジナル】 (NEW) – Only number three? But still good, though…
- #2: 【重音テト× 巡音ルカ】Paradox_Re-cord【オリジナル】 (NEW) – Ah, new song by this P, I forgot. Of course.
- #1: 【重音テト】 陽炎ノ向コウ 【オリジナル曲】 (Up from 3) – Yeah, pretty much everyone called this one last week. This song is pretty awesome, but for some reason the chorus is less awesome than the rest of the song. Wonder why.
- ED: 【穂歌ソラ・和音マコ】雪解けサンセット【オリジナル曲】 – Awesome. SORA!! Oh, and Mako.
Here’s this week’s topic. There are eleven new voicebanks this week, but Shichine Yoko was in the ranking, so here are the other ten (in eight videos).
Mizune Tenshi
Niji Subarashii and Niji Kohana (…yeah, I know)
Tree & Eert (this video is easily nightmare fuel)
Hibiki Mira (taking a stab in the dark here; no kana reading is provided)
Honoone Phoenix and Aratane Shiroki (…yeah, I know)
Shizune Neku
Yuukune Miyu and Fushoune Amu (thanks Aster!)
To be honest, I really really really want to start commenting on the “new voicebanks,” but I don’t because most of it would just be along the lines of “What was this person thinking??” And that wouldn’t be very nice. 🙁 Besides, that’s not what these posts are for.
Next UtaRan, expect more Fukkireta videos in the extras ranking (and expect the number one video to have a LOT of points), and also the Momo birthday videos will start rolling in. I’m looking at you, Door…
In other news, maybe I’ll actually get other people to work with me on the UtaRan posts again. It would be nice. Not required, but nice. Just sayin’.
Making this quick, don't have much time – I actually know the makers of Tree, Shiroki, and Amaterasu. I must say they're interesting…
If I can ask, please, just HOW was Tree Eert made? I mean, it's so… whoa. It's like the chainsaw UTAU, but I don't know what this is based on (and this is scarier).
Sorry to interrupt, but Tree and Eert are two seperate voices. Tree made its debut a few weeks ago, singing Ura-Omote, which wasn't exactly as frightening (it sure was ear-bleeding, though).
Just felt like clearing that up, carry on.
That's what I initially thought, but if you watch the UtaRan video, it's being portrayed as being one UTAU VB. This might be because Tree's version of 裏表 was not posted on nico nico, though I'm not sure…
They confused "Tree & Eert".
Tree is just a troll. The real creator was just having fun; he's actually made a legitimate UTAU.
And Ura-Omote probably wasn't on Nico. ("He"'s been singing Koi wa Sensou, SPICE, all sorts of stuff before.)
Pretty sure it was on Nico, actually, since it was used as a sample of Tree when "he" was in the new voicebanks section. I don't think they use YouTube videos, unless I'm mistaken.
They do not. It's a "new voicebank" when it's new to NND. =)
So what you're saying is, the real "new" voicebank is Eert, right? Just in a duet with Tree, who was already an established UTAU of sorts? Just making sure I got my facts straight.
Oh yea, and it's Amu, not Amaterasu. (Didn't want to inspire iconoclastic problems.)
Okay, sure. *edits*
But I checked youtube for affirmation, and I ended up just getting confused… I don't even know which one is which. DX
Honestly, I seriously don't get why Sora's "Cactus and Mirage" is so low. My god, I mean really, listen to the full version. http://nicosound.anyap.info/sound/sm10668812 . I mean really; that sounds, I think, almost nearly as real as an actual person, even vocaloid material. His singing is so smooth, and I love how the beginning's "Ah" was made to sound like a violin. Who was that. Sayu? Yufu? But seriously, I just don't get why it's not higher than just #15 on part 1. I like Fukkireta as much as the next girl, but really, 10 times on the ranking is enough. >_>