Hatsune Miku Project DIVA 2nd – New Costumes Revealed

Image source: okidki

Earlier yesterday Piapro has announced more new costumes that will appear in the game and this time round there are a total of 11, so jump right in after this for a better preview of the new costumes~

Here are the 3D images of the costumes in the game, images are linked to the original design of the costume.

Idol style? costume (Image source: 帯之)
Angel Miku (Image source: 富夫)
Nurse + Spacy (Image source: 奈良立鹿)
White (Image source: しんれい)
Winter Ballad (Image source: ハノ)
SG Costume 2 - Rin (Image source: eb)
Geisha Luka (Image source: OHSE)
Lady Luka (Image source: 箱(はこ) )
Shirt and Tie and Glasses (Image source: あさひ)
70's Moga (Modern Girl) Retro Pop (Image source: shino)
Young Adult Dancer - Len (Image source: only1)

Additional info source: Project DIVA website

About: DT

41 thoughts on “Hatsune Miku Project DIVA 2nd – New Costumes Revealed”

  1. OH. That last Len costume’s name TOTALLY made sense. Seriously. That is wrong though—he is what? 14? (despite having been 14 for a few years now.) (ʘ …ʘ)

    Rin should be subjected to the same opposed gender clothes that Len seems to constantly get subjected to. (-`ω´- ) <3

    The game looks even more delicious with the release of these costumes! ヽ(゜∀゜)ノ

  2. That last costume listed (which is Len’s) totally made sense. Seriously. I saw it earlier on NotCliche and totally gagged. He is what? 14? (despite being it for a while now.) (ʘ …ʘ)

    His fanbase are cruel. (ಥ__ಥ)

    Rin should be subjected to more opposed gender inspired attire (especially of the arousing persuasion) just like what her brother/reflection is constantly subjected to. ヽ(゜∀゜)ノ

    NYAH. I can’t wait for the game, it looks so good! Ah, first things first, I simply must buy a PSP ( 。 。 )

  3. That last costume listed (which is Len’s) totally made sense. Seriously. I saw it earlier on NotCliche and totally gagged. He is what? 14? (despite being it for a while now.) (ʘ …ʘ)

    His fanbase are cruel. (ಥ__ಥ)

    Rin should be subjected to more opposed gender inspired attire (especially of the arousing persuasion) just like what her brother/reflection is constantly subjected to. ヽ(゜∀゜)ノ

    NYAH. I can’t wait for the game, it looks so good! Ah, first things first, I simply must buy a PSP ( 。 。 )

  4. So counted it out and Sega claims they have 34 costumes on the web page (three are not ready though two look like Miku adaptations of Luka and Rin costumes) An recent commercial boasts there will be 100 costumes in all. I assume then they are adding the old ones. Which I added it and that came out to only 87 which leaves 13 costumes left. I then figured in another 3 costumes because of the OP with the school uniforms. (4 costumes if you think Rin will be separate costume) that leaves us with 9 or 10 more costumes. I wonder what Sega has up its sleeve!

  5. Len… XD *facepalm*
    anyway, these looks FANTASTIC!!! Kaito in glasses, 70's Meiko, Geisha Luka? I'M IN LOVE WITH THIS GAME!! 😀 Sega, stop making want this game!

  6. what if the geisha luka was for Japanese Ninja No 1 song? It would make sense, but they haven't confirmed japanese ninja no 1 as a song yet…

    1. I looked on the official website though, they’re making a miku version of the luka geisha outfit, I now think they’re gonna use it for magnet. Too bad japamese ninja no 1 was good..

  7. Len is so sexy! orz

    I really want to see Gakupo in Project Diva. They probably don’t have him in there because he’s from a different company… I don’t know.

  8. Len is so sexy. orz

    I really want to see Gakupo in Project Diva… he’s probably not there because he’s from a different company. I don’t know.

  9. The other outfits look so cool like Miku's nurse outfit or Kaito's school teacher like outfit… (Okay I admit he looks sexy like that.)… But may I say this… WHY LEN WHY?! WHY DID YOU GO TO THE EVIL SIDE OF THOSE DIRTY-MINDED FANGIRL BASES?! D: Seriously… Who would put him in a young adult dancer suit.. He is only 14 for god sakes. e e;;

  10. i have a little bit of trouble unlocking the suits i can barely unlock the songs so i guess i need to play more but i just got it 2 days ago..

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