Weekly UTAU Ranking #84 – Alive… But Barely.

After a lot of deep introspective thought and reflection on my part on the importance of the UtaRan articles and their place on the V-ism blog (read: I was lonely and depressed about being the only one who cared), the articles are back as of this week– but, they’re on life support. I’ll be trying out a couple of new things to see what works and what doesn’t. We have a tentative new addition to the staff as well! Everyone welcome vio! *waits for applause* And finally, for those of you still wondering (for whatever reason that I cannot fathom), Sukone Tei? Yeah. She’s one of ours. Sorry to the people who somehow thought “crvipton” was a legitimate site name, even for a second. (-.-;)a
Hey, don’t fuss about it. I wasn’t fooled about it, but I’m a little distressed at the wars that spout up about her…it’s a really intense hatred she gets. Me? Don’t love or hate her, but she’s an UTAU nevertheless…Anyway, that’s right, your annoying, TVtropes-obsessed, Overseas UTAU user with a low patience level is back. Did you miss me?
But enough of that. Although Suko*Tei is absent this week because the grading period was already over, expect her to totally dominate next week’s ranking, if ya know what I mean. But that means this week’s ranking is actually a surprise! What will come out on top? Will the Nene Nene tour get “morning dew”, a song that just missed last week’s grading, to the top of the charts, or will it go to something else? Let’s find out! Onward… march!
Sorry for the wait. It’s time for this week’s Weekly UTAU Ranking.
The rainy season has fully hit, huh. It doesn’t seem like you can let go of your umbrella for even a minute. The uploader forgot his umbrella and that didn’t turn out well, so everyone, please be mindful of it.
After a small delay which we are very sorry for, the video for “Let’s vote on our favorite songs and make an album video!” is finally completed! It was because of everyone’s help that it was finished. We cannot thank you enough for helping the uploader. The video ID: sm11113361.
-Editors: deztora, vio, Aster Selene, Holocauxt
-Song Stats: Rank-Up, Rank-Down, Unmoved, Unranked, NEW
- OP: 【重音テト×Aquestone】テイオンヤケド【オリジナル曲】 – This song’s kinda odd to me…techno and a music box in the same song. It kinda worries me a bit. *shrugs* Sounds fine to me.
- #20: 【波音リツ】StargazeR【UTAUカバー】 (NEW) – Likely for the new Ritsu thing (and whatever it is, I have no idea) If you’re referring to the CM that played before the ranking started, that’s just for the celebration of Ritsu’s Day (7/3, or nana/mi, or na-mi (Namine Ritsu, get it, yeah)). I’m kind of surprised no one talked about Teto’s new voicebank add-ons, actually.
- #19: 【根音ネネ】きみときみのワルツ【オリジナル曲】 (Down from 4) – Nene again. Something tells me the reason she’s so popular is the same as that of Shion Yowa – being a schoolgirl. What? No, it’s because of her awesome design and background. At least, that’s the reason I’m sticking with. Yowa is just boring. Nene is awesome. It has a nice beat, I like this very much.
- #18: 【広衣ウミ】おてんば姫の歌♪【UTAUカバー・MMD(PV)】 (NEW) – It’s this UTAU again…
- #17: 【鋼の錬金術師】「脱げばいいってモンじゃない!」の替え歌(大佐) (NEW) – Probably would have been better with an UTAU that isn’t Mako.
- #16: 【たぶんUTAU 向け】超初級MIX講座【超やっつけ】 (NEW) – Well that…is…an interesting…presentation.
- #15: 【貴野ユキ】紅一葉【連続音配布開始】 (NEW) – I kinda like the unsteadiness of the voice. Or maybe that’s just good editing. Listened to this when it came out. Was blown away. Sounds so realistic, it’s amazing!~ I love it. This UTAU has a very nice fitting voice for this.
- #14: 【月代はくぽ】 青葉 【オリジナル・UTAU音源配布】 (NEW) – Meh. I don’t know who he is, but I like him. Again a nice song and a nice voice. I kinda want this voice now..
- #13: 【UTAUカバー】UTAU三人娘+1で「ルパン三世のテーマ」(試作版) (NEW) – I see the Three UTAU Girls, but who the hell turned Nana into a polar bear? Eh? But… it’s Papa, and I figured it was because there isn’t a Papa model yet. …What Papa as the bear? xD
- #12: 【雪歌ユフ】 ペレグリン 【オリジナル曲】 (NEW) – Yufu. The picture unsettles me for some reason, and I don’t know what it is. It’s Hayabusa! The probe that just recently returned safely to Earth after completing its mission! :O At least, I think…
- #11: 【穂歌ソラ】shadowrun【オリジナル曲】 (NEW) – Epic Sora song is epic. Indeed. Already have this downloaded. The sound of the song is good, But I don’t know about the voice alongside it..
- #35: 【UTAU】パーソナル・パートナー【春歌ナナオリジナル曲】 – “Personal Partner”? Is this another one of those master-‘loid relationships?
- #50: 【甘藍】どうせお前もイケメン好きだろ【UTAUオリジナル曲】 – It’s that damned cabbage-head that’s haunting my dreams! Brain Bleach! What is this? I … Cabbage? xD Yep… Just… best not to dwell on it.
- #52: 【重音テト&デフォ子】星の想い~オリジナル曲【UTAU】 – I must say, that picture really is adorable. いい感じ!This song is really quiet sounding.. I’d like it if it were more loud, honestly. I agree, actually. I had to turn the volume up for this.
- #61: 【楓歌コト・翔歌トリ】 みんな大好き! 【UTAUオリジナル】 – Holy crap, Amazons! Hey, it’s unit Kotori! And guess what our article picture is this week! 😀
- #122: 【骨津ノラ】rainbow 【UTAUオリジナル曲】 – I think it’s the sound of a voice barely missing the note it wants to hit, personified.
- #6: 【MMD】雪歌ユフ&揺歌サユ-ぽっぴっぽーMkⅡ- – Why is this marked with MkII? It sounds like normal to me…
- #5: 【MMD】UTAU 萌えモデル23人で『ナナナナ★ロマンティックナイト』 This Nana gets this cover of this samfree song… Ohgod– Random street dancing. Very popular in unoriginal MMD videos.
- #4: MMDユフモデル比較動画 – Clean transition for the win. Anyway, I guess this is a Yufu test drive? Oooh, new Yufu model. Nice. The transition from the last video threw me off..
- #3: 【MMD】デフォ子バウアー – From what I can tell, Defoko has gone yandere. DEFOKO POWAAAAAH
- #2: 【MikuMikuDance】テトさんおちゃめ機能で第二形態 – Fukkireta is becoming such a meme now… Replace “is becoming” with “became” and take out the “now”, and I agree with you. I hate this song. I want it to go away so bad.. … D:
- #1: てとてすと3【教えて!! 魔法のLyric】 – This looks like a Lat-formula Teto. She looks rather classy. It is, and she does. I love this model. Nice model~
- #10: 【揺歌サユ】音を奏でたくて【オリジナル】 (NEW) – I don’t hear much of Sayu’s voice nowadays. SAYUUUU! <3
- #9: 【Voc@loidM@ster祭り4】デフォ子でフタリの記憶【開催決定!】 (NEW) – I honestly did not follow the VOC@LOID M@STERs very well before 10.
- #8: 【波音リツSVM】鎖の少女【UTAUカバー】 (Down from 5) – From last week – I still can’t believe this hadn’t been covered by Ritsu before. It probably was, just not done well. I need this song on my iPod, or something. Then again I love ritsu, So I’m biased.
- #7: 【重音テト】エンターテイナー【オリジナル曲】 (Up from 41) – So it got picked up, huh… Saw that coming a mile away. It is an interesting song, though. Big jump from last week…
- #6: 【耳ロボ2周年企画】耳のあるロボットの唄 大合唱リレー【UTAU】 (Down from 1) – 317 UTAU for the win! Although I’m still bitter my UTAU doesn’t make it when UTAU released after her got in Anyway, I find it funny there were so many that they couldn’t list all of them, just wrote “UTAU All-Stars” xD I find it almost disturbing how many UTAU I recognize– hey look, there’s Tony! *squees* This entire video was so win, I’m surprised it’s not atleast a rank or so up this week.. But… well, it couldn’t go any higher…
- #5: 【UTAU】 Stella 【重音テトオリジナル曲+MIDIアニメもどき】 (NEW) – Weird emoji creep me out.
- #4: 【重音テト】リンゴの森の子猫たち【カバー】 (NEW) –Well, that’s kinda…odd… It’s nostalgic. <3
- THIS WEEK IN HISTORY: Ted and Mikuo. I find that funny. Anyway, Teto dominated the ranking. And the first song to make me realize that people actually made original songs with UTAU debuted this week last year… yay Kiseki!
- #3: 【重音テト】 君がいてくれたから 【オリジナル曲】 (NEW) – Aw, a really really cute Teto song! It sounds so nice, but the lyrics seem sad… First impression was, “Pretty Picture~”, I kind of expected the song speed up a bit or something with some big emotional explosion, but alas…
- #2: 【根音ネネ】morning dew【オリジナル曲】 (NEW) – Nene Nene again. Sigh… Hey, what’s that sigh for? >B( This is a pretty and calming song, and nice little art/pv to go along with it.
- #1: 【重音テト連続音】 ロミオとシンデレラ 【UTAUカバー】 (NEW) – I seriously find this hard to believe that this hasn’t been done before. Unless this is a special version? It has; yurahonya’s version. However, that was before the diphone VBs came out, so this is a diphone rendition (not done by yurahonya). Someone pointed this out to me today; Very nice show of Teto’s VCV capabillities, but this song is soo.. Everyone’s heard it before. Dunno if this is #1 Material.
- ED: 【重音テト連続音】BlackOwlNo.2【オリジナル】 – …Chaotic? I must say… I kind of like it. Interesting feel.
Here’s this week’s information corner. First we’re bringing attention to the new voicebanks.
This week there are twelve new voicebanks released to the public. Please be aware whether there is distribution (of the voicebank) yet or not. With that, here are the videos.
Yuzuka Piko
Yama Gaaru
Mitsurune Mitsu? (Sounds like ‘Mitsurune’, looks like ‘Mitsune’, so…)
Azusa, Yanagi …and someone else I think? I don’t know, this one was really confusing.
Shiroutone Hokuro and Kumone Jakuon
Kagene Satsuki
Kumone Kaito and Kiine Bel
Another UTAU week, this time rather rich in diversity (but not enough Ruko). Anyway, it’s an eventful week, with some Ritsu thing going on and Sukone Tei’s release. Although I would prefer we not start a war over whether Tei is to be loved or hated in the comment box, okay? Oh, and I’d like to shoutout to the Overseas UTAU community, who pushed me to get off my lazy ass and hurry up with the reviews. Ciao!
Dayum, how come you guys are so much more chatty than the VocaRan editors…? I want this atmosphere… ;_;
Hey, people are free to have their own opinions… as long as they’re the same as mine. My opinions greater than sign your opinions, and all the like. But all kidding aside, I’m pretty sure you’re… supposed to dislike Tei. I mean, everything about her screams… well, Western. Think about it. In love with Len. Hates Miku. Unoriginal outfit. Bad color scheme. Sharingan?? Whoever said it was Japan’s version of ‘Kawaine Kagami’ had it right, I think. Having said that, I like her because of what can be done with her voice (much like how I like basically every Vocaloid/UTAU in existence). Say, for instance, 13km, which I’ve had on repeat practically nonstop for the past couple of days… Coincidentally (or not), guess what’s going to be number one next week.
Well, that’s it for this week! Be sure to tune in next week, and remember, it doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you look cool doing it!
I'm such a derp, I didn't realize I could do an Opening/Closing statement. xD
"Hey, people are free to have their own opinions… as long as they’re the same as mine. My opinions greater than sign your opinions, and all the like. But all kidding aside, I’m pretty sure you’re… supposed to dislike… Tei."
Dude are you RAPPING? xD That was some funky accidental pseudo-rhyming.
What? No, as a matter of fact, I was not. That is amusing, though. Perhaps I have a gift? XD (No, I don't think so…)
Perish the thought before you bite your tongue off trying to rap.