Weekly UTAU Ranking #85 – Tei Tei ni Shite Ageru~
Another week, another LATE UtaRan. Seriously, the person/people who upload/s the UtaRan videos is/are almost as unreliable as I am. It’s kinda scary. 6_6
Anyway, this week marks the entry of Sukone Tei into the UTAU ranks. Watch as she utterly dominates this week’s ranking, then fades in popularity, then gets revived and becomes popular again as more original songs for her come out by producers who like her voice. In other words, wait for her to become like Ritsu. I kind of.. giggled at the music. But the voices blend nicely on it.
Given how much I love Ritsu, I’m looking forward to it. Now then. Onto the ranking!
<my translation will be coming up. So stay tuned!>
-Editors: deztora, vio, Aster Selene, Holocauxt
-Song Stats: Rank-Up, Rank-Down, Unmoved, Unranked, NEW
- OP: 【雷詩ルノ・暗音ザンダ・型破ルト】REBELLION【オリジナル】 – <no comment>
- #20: 板東英二も吹 っ 切 れ た っちゅうねんっ!【UTAU替え歌】 (NEW) – Still hating this song. Please, go away.
- #19: 【UTAU】自作音源に「炉心融解」を歌わせてみた (NEW) – Oh, this is the “special” UTAU.. Too much reverb or something. And she sounds like, autotuned.
- #18: 【UTAUカバー】UTAU三人娘+2で「ゲゲゲの鬼太郎」 (NEW) – And another “Papa Bear” video. I love songs like this.
- #17: ゆっくりが本気で歌う超電磁砲のOPをゆっくり見ていってね!!! (Up from 27) – … I do not know. Words cannot begin to fathom.
- #16: 【波音リツ】The Supreme Waltz【オリジナル】 (NEW) – <no comment>
- #15: 【KAITO& 穂歌ソラ】夢みることり【カバー】 (NEW) – &They sound really nice together. Getting difficult to tell Vocaloid from UTAU.
- #14: 【重音テト連続音】shineRock【UTAUカバー】 (NEW) – I really like this song. Tei has some pretty hard core originals. Is…there a UST?
- #13: 重音テトに「パンツ脱げるもん!」を歌ってもらった【4/1版+extra】 (NEW) – Oh, oh god it’s this hilarious song. I need this. Like, no joke. Teto sounds good singing it!
- #12: 【すこってい】おちゃめ機能歌ってもらった【健音テイ】 (NEW) – …Again, still really hating this song.
- #11: 重音テトのための「Intermedio」 (NEW) – <no comment>
- #28: 【UTAU】 LaL,LaL 【重音テトオリジナル曲(PVっぽいもの付)】 – I get Visual Novel vibe from this…
- #37: 【穂歌サラ】雨の人【オリジナル曲】 – <no comment>
- #39: 【地味音オトセ】山に月に記す【オリジナル】 – Kind of… haunting sounding.
- #77: 【UTAU・羽音りり】DEEP FOREST【オリジナル】 – <no comment>
- #101: 【雪歌ユフ】はじまりのうた【UTAUオリジナル】 – <no comment>
- #5: 蒸 っ 気 れ た【陸蒸気】 – Okay, I… Like this one. I laughed.
- #4: 【MMD】UTAU 三人娘のDream Fighter(これが最後) – <no comment>
- #3: 【トークロイド】ボーカロイドたちの日常28『めーちゃんの思い出』 – I have a feeling this would be funny if I understood more than “Len-kun”
- #2: 【MMD】デフォ子バウアー – <no comment>
- #1: 【健音テイ】ていていにしてあげる♪【MMD】 – Why is Tei’s model so… really kind of bad? is this a joke too?
- #10: 【APヘタリア】いぎろいどがオリジナル曲「Skein」を歌うようです (NEW) – This voice. Kind of scares me.
- #9: 【健音テイ】shineRock【オリジナル】 (NEW) – Oh, and it’s s h i n e R o c k. Lovely song~
- #8: [健音テイ] 胡瓜情歌 [おりじなるー] (NEW) – That cucumber… *shivers*
- #7: 【MMD】Dream Fighter ~UTAU三人娘~【UTAU】 (NEW) – <no comment>
- #6: ゆっくりに本気で 『君をのせて』 を合唱させてみた (NEW) – <no comment>
- #5: 【重音テト連続音】 ロミオとシンデレラ 【UTAUカバー】 (Down from 1) – <no comment>
- #4: 重音テト新音源『エクストラライブラリー』で歌ってもらったデモ (NEW) – …Again. orz Where did my chattiness go?
- THIS WEEK IN HISTORY: <no comment>
- #3: 【新型架空ボカロ発表】ていていにしてあげる【健音テイ】 (NEW) – Teii teii… Originally this was the video I was shown when she came out. I didn’t like her in this song, at all. Oh, how minds change.
- #2: 【VIPPER 健音テイ様による】 13km 【オリジナル曲】 (NEW) – I prefer number one to this. But this is a pretty cute song still. Even though the Len lovers are gonna hate like no tomorrow.
- #1: 【健音】全てのVOC@LOIDに宣戦布告【テイ】 (NEW) – I love this song. Like, I have had this video replayed 5 times in a row. It’s so deserving of spot number one~
- ED: 【波音リツ】望まぬ楽園 ~ Another side ~【オリジナル】 – What a happy uplifting UTAU song by our previous UtauRan Spot thief, Ritsu!
<my translation will be coming up. So stay tuned!>
It wasn’t as Tei dominant as I thought it was going to be. Probably because half of the songs she’s being forced into singing are sort of ran through UTAU USTs and uploaded on YT rather than on Nico. Anything Yandere, someone’s made her sing it. Also, The force I have to apply on myself to keep professional and not use cute little emoticons is STRONG.
Oh, and by the way, hi I’m UtauRan Member vio and I love UTAU. Yes. Nice to see you reading my blurbs. I hope to see your own reviews of the ranking too, faithful readers.
Sorry, dez. Can't do the ranking this week – recovering from surgery.
Tei week… But I expected even more. It's going to be true she's more popular in youtube. (j/k)
As -not Japanese- UTAU user I don't know how to feel about her. I don't dislike the voice and the character is funny and interesting for what it criticizes but… what if that's the only impression we can give?
I guess I'll like her eventually with songs like #2.
That Yukkuri parody opening I've seen before…an actual Yukkuri cover of it was inevitable. (By the way, the part shown is probably the most nonsensical part of it.)