Weekly UTAU Ranking #88 – The one with the heat stroke
Aw man, I was kinda hoping the UtaRan would end up being delayed until Friday, so I could have a good excuse to push it off on someone else… It’s too freakin’ hot for this… [/epitome of laziness]
Yes, this Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I’ll be at an anime convention. Don’t look for me. You don’t know what I look like, and we’re keeping it that way. Trust me, it’s for your own good. >_>; Well this is no longer applicable. I didn’t want to post the UtaRan with no comments, and I was unavailable all weekend… I guess it doesn’t matter now, though, does it?
Now then… ranking time! Enjoy! Enjoy!
Sorry for the wait. It’s time for this week’s UtaRan. It was really late this time… there’s no excuse. The uploader will be reprimanded for it later.
Now, to change the topic… It’s almost time for students to begin their summer vacantion, right? This year we have a very hot summer. Has everyone already planned out how you’re going to spend your summer?
The uploader is already a little tired… I hope everyone has a fun-filled summer.
-Editors: deztora, chibikarla, vio, Aster Selene, Holocauxt
-Song Stats: Rank-Up, Rank-Down, Unmoved, Unranked, NEW
- OP: 【轟栄一】六花待ち【オリジナル】 – Blehhhh. Hey now, don’t “blehhhhh” my Eiichi. >=(
- #20:【UTAU】Nostalogic【実音とわの連続音源】 (NEW) – Well at least ONE Towano song made the ranking. I can’t believe such an awesome UTAU goes unused… Ohh, what a cute voice! I’ve been seeing this UTAU quite a bit recently actually. I like her~ Quite an interesting voice. Towano, you said? Yeah; remember her birthday CM a few weeks ago?
- #19:【鋼の錬金術師】「ミリしらロミオとシンデレラ」の替え歌(大佐) (Up from 211) – …Innnnnteresting. Is there’s some hidden joke here? Mako <3 I actually like the song funnily enough. Hm? You understand the lyrics?
- #18:【UTAUオリジナル曲】祈る【桃音モモ】 (NEW) – Wait, a Momo original? NO WAY. This voice… I’m not a big fan of how it sounds. Momo, one of my favorite UTAU. But not this song. She sounds pretty pathetic.
- #17:【初音ミクAppend・雪歌ユフ】ゆめのなかゆめのなか【オリジナル】 (Down from 7) – Yufu+Miku again… Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Is what you were going to finish with. Right? Right.
- #16:【重音テト】Magic☆Sunday【オリジナル】 (NEW) – Rather dull.
- #15:【UTAU+MMD】UTAU萌えモデル30人で『テイテイ★ロマンティックナイト』 (NEW) – Ugh another one of these slightly the same but not videos? Yeah, I’m with you on this. ‘Oooooh watch me show off all my models with this tired cover and pre-created motion data!’ Bleh. So…many…Nanami…models…-cries-
- #14:【波音リツ】初音ミクの激唱【VOCALOID→UTAUカバー】 (NEW) – This is really good, especially the fast part.
- #13:【UTAU】 『C』 【重音テトオリジナル曲】 (NEW) – Isn’t this AVTechNO’s? I don’t remember him releasing a song called “C”… I could check his mylist, though, I guess…
- #12:【UTAU】欲音ルコ♀に「Child’s Garden」を歌ってもらった (NEW) – Yay~ Deep voiced Ruko. I love her singing this song… And pretty much any Luka song, maybe except Heaven’s Door, where I was slightly disappointed. Ruko <3 Child’s Garden <3 This cover <3
- #11:【MMD】UTAU三人娘で“HELLO!!”【アイマスカバー】 (NEW) – Could be a lot better. Agreed. It’s kinda dull. No, the song itself is fine– it’s from Idolm@ster. I meant the voice tuning could’ve been better.
- #24: 【重音テト】 未来 【オリジナル曲】 – …That name could have been 300x more creative. Song names are normally not the standard by which I judge a song. Just sayin’. =/
- #35: 【根音ネネ】彼者誰【UTAUオリジナル曲】 – Another slightly eerie song~ It’s Nene’s niche, I think. I’d like Nene more if it wasn’t her niche. Well, if you watch her first video…
- #38: 【蟹音ぱん。】toy【UTAUオリジナル曲】 – Am I one of the only people who doesn’t really care for Kanipan at all? Yes. Yes you are. You are. (Except I still haven’t gotten to downloading Kanipan yet as much as I want to.)
- #45: 並行世界 – Oh, she’s really gentle… Su-i-mu…
- #86: 【UTAUオリジナル曲】おはよう【全部テト】 – I need a more, I dunno, exciting Teto song.
- #13: 【ウタマス】ciclo dell’acqua【クロスフェードデモ】– So much high vocal… MORE CDS I WANNA BUY~~ Who’s the main singer? Does it matter? It’s a CD. It doesn’t have to have one main singer. o.O
- #12: 【KAITO】StarRock【オリジナル】 – Okay, a song with an over majority of Kaito shouldn’t be here, unless the Kaito part was only shown? UTAU as backing = extra ranking. Look, it even rhymes! 8D
- #11: 【VOCALOID・UTAU】 ハトマメ ~Say Hello To The World~ – <no comment>
- #10: 【UTAU】時報女の声を抽出してみた(その3) – …whut?
- #9: 【KAITO】 パンツ脱げるもん!+俺得おまけ 【カヴァー】 – Fua? And what the heck is she doing with the Vocaloid all fangirls seem to gasp over?
- #8: 【キモ男3人で】おちゃめ機能踊ってみた【吹っ切れてない】 – *Insert whining about this song repeating* I STILL PREFER THE CUTE GIRLS
- #7: ショートアニメ「デフォ子のひとコマ」(UTAU) – This animation again~~ Inaphon is GOD! I call this “Teto and Momo being stupid”.
- #6: 【MMD】UTAU三人娘で『歩いて帰ろう』【モデル配布】 – Are those even Nanami’s? If not what are they? Another type of model? Honestly, do you think Nanami is the only person in the MMD world who knows of UTAU? There’s a Lat-model Teto, you know.
- #5: 【ウタマス】Graduation from Lie クロスフェード【重音テト】訂正版 – I’m guessing this is a promo for Graduation from a Lie. Sounds pretty decent. That would be what the title says, yes. Sounds pretty good, if you ask me. I’m telling you, crossfades should not be in the main ranking. And the uploader agrees, which is why they aren’t… they’re here in the extra ranking.
- #4: 【ボーマス】Compilation Album 理科室【クロスフェードデモ】 – …ahem. Shocked and amazed at the awesomeness, yes?
- #3: 【波音リツ】twinkle【手描きPV】 – Twinkle PV and Super Shoujo Ritsu for the win~ I recommend this song– and almost anything by てぃーたいむP– to anyone wanting to see good UTAU originals. OMFG THIS IS THE SONG I LOVED FROM SO MANY WEEKS BACK. And it finally has a PV!
- #2: 重音テト『おちゃめ機能』“勝手に”アニメ風?PV – *Insert Same thing from Number 8* This could’ve been so much better… -smacks vio on head- You can hate it if you want, but I – and pretty much everyone else on the Overseas UTAU forum – have heard you already. And I’ve already seen another PV of this. Another PV? Really? I’m unaware of any but the original one, ラマーズP’s 手書き and this one…
- #1: 【合唱風味で】鎖の少女【初音ミク×重音テト+波音リツ】 – epic Chain Girl chorus -hugs-
- #10: ケツカスタネットfeat.バンドー【UTAU替え歌】 (Up from 65) – OH MY GOD MY EYES I DONT AUUUUUUUHH MY GOD. S-seriously, there’s not enough brain bleach in the world… …someone…please…murder…me…
- #9: 【UTAU/重音テト】 return 【オリジナル】 (Down from 3) – It really is a nice song… if only it had more ‘oomph’. But it’s good for calming my head.
- #8: 【てぃらみす】青になれない【根音ネネ】 (NEW) – Ooh, this is also nice. Nene and Tiramisu (at least I think that’s how you romanize the second one)…It’s definitely a sweet song. You’re right on the romanization.
- #7: 【重音テト】 団地妻 【オリジナル】 (NEW) – Sounds cute and quirky. DELETED NOOOOO WHY Better one was uploaded.
- #6: 新型「ダイソンのアレ」作ってみた【ダイソンでいこう。】 (Previously Unranked) – WHAT THE FUUUUUU-
- #5: 【7/6】「ワールドイズ甲鱗」【MTG替え歌】 (NEW) – Wh..what the hell is that thing, Oh excuse me as I roll around in laughter. …whut. Well, at least Tei gets one song?
- #4: 【健音テイ】13km【FULL】 (Down from 1) – …okay, she also has this one, but this one’s old news.
- THIS WEEK IN HISTORY: I think I’ve seen WinDear before, but otherwise nothing I know…I’m definitely looking up the Momo *Hello, Planet.
- #3: 【初音ミク重音テト】 歯車世界と暴れ色ギター 【オリジナル】 (NEW) – Oh, Another Teto x Miku song; I guess it’s alright. ピコーン!☆ /saves This is a pretty cool song. Excitable and upbeat.
- #2: 【白滝イト】 #ffffff 【UTAUオリジナル】 (NEW) – I love this song. It combines harder rock music and UTAU, so instant win in my book. Ito is quickly becoming one of my favorite UTAU. This is the power of great original songs! #ffffff…isn’t that “white”? Well that would fit with SHIRAtaki Ito… considering her theme…
- #1: 【重音テト】 禁断の理は絶望の吐息の中に 【PV付オリジナル】 (Up from 6) – Oh, definitely good to see this at the top this week. All is right with the ran this week with the top two. Top three, you mean. And I respectfully disagree… this song could be better. But it’s still awesome /saves
- ED: 【UTAU/デフォ子さん】44100Hz【オリジナル曲】 – Why is it I rarely care for these? You have unreasonable standards/bad taste? I dunno.
Here’s this week’s news corner. First are new voicebanks. This week there are 20 new voicebanks. Here I’ll present the first ten.
Karune Gao (educated guess)
Min Fuunyan
Kaji Rai
Ryoune Shia (educated guess)
Macfu Fifi
Namika Lilith
Kawasaki Riku
Sakai Nina
Oh my god, the over amount of Furry UTAU springing up all over the place lately. I don’t even know anymore. Haha~ And I’m surprised to see Fifi in the ranking. Besides the eye-rape and unseeable I just witnessed, this was a pretty alright week. Though, only three songs really jumped at me. I feel like using vocaloids in collaboration with UTAU is slightly like.. super ego boost and slightly unfair, but meh. There’s nothing to be done and I’m sure some would love to disagree with that thought. And I would be one of those people, and I would also love to know what exactly you mean by that. What’s the problem, exactly?
Until the next ran release, because lately they’ve been so irregular and slightly annoying and hard to keep up with. See ya~
I see more crossfades in the extra ranking… I sure wish I could’ve gone to Utam@s. ;_; Having said that, good week overall. Nice songs, not too many covers. The crossfades make me happy and sad at the same time– happy people are making UTAU CDs, and sad that I have no means of buying them. >_>;
‘Til next time! 今日からもよろしくお願いします!☆
Could someone explain me what are songs with Miku or KAITO as the sole singer are doing in an UTAU ranking ?
However, the Chaingirl remix (鎖の少女 – Extra Ranking #1) is quite good, Teto's cover vocal is far better than what was done in Triple baka.
If they're the sole singer, the song won't be in the ranking. If they're singing with an UTAU doing backup, it will be in the extra ranking. If the Vocaloid is of equal or lesser importance, it will be in the main ranking. Simple.
The reason why Teto's Chain Girl is far better is because there have been several upgrades to her voicebank, and the Chain Girl cover (among most other Teto songs these days) use them. Triple Baka was made back when Teto was new and did not have a very good voicebank compared to now.
That Chain Girl remix/duet is really the first UTAU song I have listened to outside of "Kasane Territory" (an older Teto song which is really cute but has unimpressive voice work). Color me much more impressed, I guess I have to start giving a little more personal respect and attention to UTAU and keeping an eye on future works. It only took one song, "World is Mine", to get me into Vocaloid, I guess its only fair to give UTAU a chance as well.
@Shortcake Thanks for clearing that up, I was about to ask the same question as well.
…and I'm moving. -sigh- I get internet this week. Prepare for a very late review.
Giving a try to translate the strip (apologies for the knowlegeable here, I'm a beginner).
Momo: What kind of rice do you like ?
Ruko: Boiled
Teto: Golden
Kaito: Sticky
Momo: Well, then I'll do a sticky mix
did you go to San Japan or something????