Weekly VocaRan #149 – Tush tush tush tush tush…

Vocaloid NND Weekly Ranking
Weekly Vocaloid Ranking #148 “Unselected”
Huh? What you say? OP image is not safe for kiddies? Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of MEIKO shaking her booty. The Buns approves of the OP image!
Also, allow me to speak out my two cents on the Yunomi incident. At this point, I seriously doubt Minato’s magnet and Dixie’s Just Be Friends will ever be released for public viewing once more. That basically means we’ll never see them back in the VocaRan. But y’know what, that’s just fine with me. I pretty much went through the same thing with Roshin Yuukai/Meltdown, so I’m still gonna love magnet and JBF, regardless of them being associated with a plagiarist. Its really sad that the music is taking such a hit, ’cause the songs themselves are amazing and, honestly, don’t need Yunomi to stand on their own.
But enough about that, onwards to the subject at hand!
Naho’s Opening Statement:
The time has come for this week’s VocaRan. A new vocaloid release(?)… this is a busy week.
Well, this week is getting closer to Comiket’s opening. For that I expect a lot of new songs to rank high this week as well.
All right then, let’s begin! This week like the rest, from number 30, it’s time to start!
-Editors: Holocauxt, DTKel, Joe Mello, deztora, redemption2, GreenSage, descent87, bunnychan
-Song Stats: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)
- #30: 「卑怯戦隊うろたんだー」をKAITO,MEIKO,初音ミクにry【オリジナル】修正版 (↑34)
Classic KAITO is classic.- #29: 【初音ミクSoft】 ハロ/ハワユ 【オリジナル】 (↓9)
I’m finally starting to warm up to this song. Just as it falls off…- #28: 【オリジナル曲PV】結ンデ開イテ羅刹ト骸【初音ミク】 (↑43)
Happy anniversary! おかえりw- #27: 【初音ミク】 火星のタルト 【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
&Don’t recognize the song, but I’m glad this P is getting recognition.- #26: 【オリジナル曲】ひとり占め!summer☆girl【男性ボカロ】 (!!)
Do I need to say anything? Okay then… SMAP.- #25: 【GUMI】オーバーテクノロジー【オリジナル曲PV付き】 (→)
The video is cute, but I can’t really seem to get into the song itself. キープw- #24: 【鏡音レンオリジナル】白い翼の少年 (!!)
Len sounds great here.- #23: 【APヘタリア合作】 ヘタれ!? 【替え歌】 (↓10)
<no comment>- #22: 【初音ミクKAITO】サンドリヨン(Cendrillon)【オリジナル曲】 (↑62)
なつかしい ね… Sadly I’m pretty sure this is up due more to the Yunomi incident than the fact that its a great song. トレスPw- #21: 【GUMI】弱虫モンブラン【オリジナル曲PV付】 (↓20)
STAY!!!- #20: 【鏡音リン】 Last Night, Good Night 【カバー】 (↑21)
YESSSSS~ This is a great remix.- #19: 初音ミクオリジナル曲 「初音ミクの激唱(LONG VERSION)」 (↑31)
It’s back!! Huzzah!- #18: 【初音ミク】sound,word,heart,world【オリジナルPV】 (!!)
The PV looks great, will have to make a call on the music after another listen or two, but its not bad. This P has been busy.- #17: 初音ミク・巡音ルカ オリジナル曲 「ワールズエンド・ダンスホール」 (↓14)
<no comment>- #16: PENGUINS PROJECT feat. 初音ミク「蛍」 (!!)
It’s been awhile since we’ve heard from Penguins Project, hasn’t it? I was just watching a certain other Penguins Project song the other day. トレスPw- #15: 【初音ミク】パクりパクられて創るのさ【オリジナル?】 (–)
This is intriguing.- #14: 【鏡音リン】トワイライトプランク【鏡音レン】 (!!)
I saw this when it was first posted, so happy it placed. Very nice and mellow.- #13: 【初音ミク】初恋リグレット【PV付オリジナル】 (!!)
Bad touch? That was the first thing that popped in my mind too. XD I just feel weird right now.- #12: 【MikuMikuDance】ハートキャッチ☆ガンダム! / 初音ミクAppend【ガンダム00】 (↑29)
In the next Gundam series, wars should be settled by pop dancing and not colony dropping. So… make it more like Macross? ‘Cuz I’d totally support that. I think I understand why this went up, the first time I watched it, “meh”, then I watched it like 20 more times. Grows on ya.- #11: 【初音ミク】終わり行く世界と、最後の僕ら。【オリジナルPV】 (!!)
This feels familiar, musically.
- THIS WEEK’S PICK-UP: 【初音ミク】心海【オリジナル】 (67 – !!)
Wow, I really like Miku’s voice and those deep drums.- #10: 【初音ミク】夜行性ニワトリ行進曲【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
<no comment>- #9: 初音ミクオリジナル曲 「さよなら常識空間」 (!!)
Wait, a cosMo one-off? cosMoP + Hiro = WIN! I’m kind of glad this didn’t rank too high… I know cosMo can do better.- #8: 【神威がくぽ・他】ヴェノマニア公の狂気【中世物語風オリジナル】 (↓1)
At least its till in the top ten, this is too awesome to disappear.- #7: 【初音ミク(40㍍)】 トリノコシティ 【オリジナル】 (↓3)
The more I listen to it, the more I like it. I LOVE LOVE LOVE 40mP’s Miku! IMHO 40mP’s best Miku work, and I like many them.- #6: 【鏡音リン】 THE DYING MESSAGE 【オリジナル】 (!!)
Excuse me for one second…. FANGIRL SQUEEEEEEEE~ (also, this is a great song). This P could use a few lessons in proper Vocaloid-screamo, but otherwise this is God-tier.- #5: 【GUMI】モザイクロール【オリジナル曲PV付】 (↓4)
Is it at a million yet? Is it?- #4: 【初音ミク】家に帰ると妻が必ず死んだふりをしています。 (↓2)
I understand the meme a little more now, which makes this more more entertaining.
This spot is for a look back at the VocaRan one year before. Here are the top five songs from that week.
- H5: <no comment>
- H4: Another great DECO*27 song. Too bad I didn’t know Vocaloid existed back then, Deco*27 chart-toppers 2 weeks in a row, this time with my 2nd favorite song of all time.
- H3: When this one first came out, I spammed it on my Sansa in the car (poor Shin). UTAU has almost ruined this song for me. Thankfully I avoid youtube enough to where it hasn’t ruined it for me completely. Love all the artwork for this album.
- H2: <no comment>
- H1: I still think it’s pretty novel. Yeahhhhhh~ I find it fascinating. What a unique… method.
- #3: 【KAITO】ローリンガール【本家ver.+ラップver.カバー】 (–)
I never realized that a song could be “busy,” but here we are. My brain is still trying to process this, but its enjoying it at the same time. If you thought this sounds busy, listen to the original. It still sounds busy. Kaito is just duplicating the awesomeness here. もう一回!もう一回!- #2: 巡音ルカ・鏡音レン「Perfect Crime」【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
Don’t forget to put a sock on the door :3 (sock on the door???) samfree does it again! Len song as number two… I think the universe is trolling me. B| Well a cynic could say Luka song #2, but this is just really well done.- #1: 【鏡音リンオリジナル曲】タイガーランペイジ【PV付】 (!!)
Another visually stunning PV tops our charts. The PV is amazing, and I’m always a fan of how sasakure modifies the voices (high notes, but never enough to kill your ears). This is really amazing. And hurray for a Sasakure song that’s not using Miku getting number one!
- ED Song: 【鏡音リン】 not Alone 【オリジナル】
<no comment>In Other Vocaloid News:
“A new standard for singing voices.” The form, the contents, everything is shrouded in mystery concerning “VY1.” It seems the details will be announced on August 13th (Friday).
And on the same day as the details to VY1 being revealed… At the Tokyo Big Sight, Comic Market C78 will open! Vocaloid-related circles’ displays will be on the 14th (the second day). It looks like over 400 circles will appear.
This year we have record-breaking temperatures! Be sure to wear a hat and keep drinking water to help avoid heat stroke! Don’t forget your manners when you’re there, and listen to the people in charge!
Having said that, here’s the rest from this week, starting with 31.
Final Thoughts/Analysis:
Wow, three of my fav producers (mothy(AkunoP), UtsuP, and SAM(samfree) release a new song in the same week. The Buns is very pleased. But otherwise not a bad week, and I’m very happy to be seeing more Vocaloids besides Miku getting high placements; lets hope thats not just a passing trend.
Have you noticed an uptick in scores lately? I have. We’ve gone six weeks in a row with at least one score of 500k or more. There were six weeks like that in the rest of 2010. More to come on this later.
…And so with that, we end this week’s Vocaloid Ranking review. Please join us again next week, and hopefully, DK will get his head out of her butt by then.
No Miku in the top three?
Kidding, this was a good week~
I didn't notice that! Yeah, that's pretty rare.
haha I love the picture at the top =) poor Rin…
*touches Mei-chan*
Oh and for #3: Congratulations かとぅでとぅP and yoshian for finally making it big ='D <3
I never realised how full of awesome the rap version of Rollin' Girl was until now…
I was going to ask "Hey, Where's アウト オブ エデン?!", Then I saw it on place 47… It should be higher! ;A;
I saw Kaito's rap version of ローリンガール a few days ago, I really liked it~ I'm suprised that it came so high, But I'm happy too that it did~
Mweh, No song stuck on me today…
Ps, on the "opening picture" of this post:
I like it how Meiko and Luka is all confident.
Haku looks jealous.
Miku doesn't care much.
And Rin who is all "I will come into their league one day… One beautiful day…"
Rin may be the smallest in size, but she's #1 in this week's ranking.
Come on, dez, the universe did its best!
someone knows waht happen to Just be Friends?
I cant see it in Nico Nico D:
I must say, I love Neru (I think it's Neru)'s expression in the picture. XD