Weekly UTAU Ranking #92 – Moving right along…

Image Source: ka_01

I had something here about how I shouldn’t use this space to rant about my personal life, but then I ended up without computer access for the better part of a week for no real reason (except perhaps that the universe doesn’t like me anymore), and I realized something. A couple of days ago, I busted out my PS2 and decided to see which game I had in it, and play it to pass the time. The computer was occupied, so I couldn’t work on anything, so I thought, why not?

The game was SSX3. All right, I thought to myself. I can continue my quest to get platinum medals. Well I played and I saved and I played some more– after the second save, I realized that the name I had used to save my progress was ‘deztora’. I didn’t start using the name deztora until I signed up with this blog, since my other online handle was sort of well-known in other parts of the internet. That meant that I began playing my copy of SSX3 after I joined the blog.

I began playing my copy of SSX3 quite a while ago.

It made me realize that it’s been a long time since I joined V-ism. It’s coming up on a year, in fact– I joined in October of last year. It’s been wonderful; everything– from feeling like I’m a part of something big, to getting to pretend I’m a real translator, to feeling immensely stressed out over minor things, to getting to pretend I’m a real journalist– every part of being a member of V-ism has been great. I wouldn’t ever give it up willingly, although I would gladly step down as translator if someone who actually knew what s/he was doing happened to volunteer for it full-time. TL;DR… I love you guys. :’D

But enough of all that. Time to rock out. (Hey, do you think Jim Morrison is actually dead?)

Sorry for the wait. It’s time for this week’s UTAU ranking.

August is already over half over, huh. Did everyone enjoy the extra holidays last week?

This weekend the final selection for the 5th MMD Cup begins. Even as the super-hot summer continues, it’s going to be really fun♪

As we mentioned before, the second “Let’s vote on songs we like and make an album!” project is happening! The voting begins on August 21st (Friday). Be sure to check it out♪ URL: http://a-sanutau.sakura.ne.jp/

-Editors: deztora, chibikarla, vio, Aster Selene, Holocauxt, Bunnychan
-Song Stats: Rank-Up, Rank-Down, Unmoved, Unranked, NEW





Here is this week’s information corner. First up is the new voicebanks section♪ But before that, we’re including Souhoku Teru/Ten this week with an apology, since we missed them the first time. There are 13 new voicebanks this week, but since Hibiki Shinji was in the ranking, here are the next top ten, ordered according to points. You should check out all of the new voicebanks, though~

Kakita Teru (I think?)
Kaji Ayaka
Azairo Zi and Cing (I guess?)
Hibanane Chiyoko (Aster would like everyone to know that she is the one who made the video for this, because it wasn’t shown on the UtaRan clip.)
Shikine Seiji
Blank Shou and Senne Ruri
Jaku Satori
Allegra Latin
(I omitted one of the videos– Riru– because it was blatantly a pitchloid.)


Can I mention that Googling Ito’s full name pulls up lots of noodle stuff and that amuses me to no end. Anyhow, not a bad week and I’m happy an original song got the number one spot. Hopefully Ito will become a common face on the UtaRan. Also, can anyone help me with this out-of-nowhere love I now have for Yufu? I’ve never much cared for her before but lately…  This isn’t healthy. >.>

This week had a ton of Yufu…I dunno why, but I got nothing against it –shrug-

Indeed. More Yufu is always good because it balances out all the Teto. But I digress. No surprise at what was number one this week, although I have to say I’m surprised 毎夜P’s newest song only made it to number five. I hope it goes up in next week’s UtaRan. I also hope Light My Fire doesn’t tap out and fall off in next week’s ranking; it’s still a really awesome song, and it’s about time something from Marble got number one. Still looking for a (somewhat inexpensive) way to buy the CD… *sigh*

Anyway, that’s it for this week. Join us again in approximately… *glances at calendar* three days for the next UtaRan. See ya!

About: deztora

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