Weekly VocaRan #153: Labor of Love

It's Weekly Vocaloid Ranking - live in HD

Vocaloid NND Weekly Ranking
Weekly Vocaloid Ranking #152 “Unselected”

It’s Labor Day in America, which means everyone gets the day off.  You would think this would apply to Vocaloid bloggers, too, but us being off actually means that we can all do our job.  Just take our word for it and enjoy this wonderful picture taken from my living room today.

Anyway, onward!

Naho’s Opening Statement:

August 31st is Miku-san’s third year anniversary! Happy birthday! I’m anticipating a barrage of greatness from here on out as well!

And September 1st is that VY1’s release day. Does this mean there will be a lot more new songs in the ranking…?! Also, a strange boom seems to be happening.

What kind of ranking will all of this result in… I can’t wait! Well, this week like the rest, let’s start with number 30.


-Editors: Holocauxt, DTKel, Joe Mello, deztora, redemtion2, GreenSage, descent87, bunnychan
-Song Stats: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)

    This spot is for a look back at the VocaRan one year before. Here are the top five songs from that week.

    • H5: Sexy time Rin!
    • H4: I don’t remember this at all D: I don’t either. :/
    • H3: <no comment>
    • H2: *bopping head*
    • H1: Visually interesting ^w^=b Not really a fan of the song, but the PV is mind-blowing.
  • #3: 【オリジナル曲PV】マトリョシカ【初音ミク・GUMI】 (↓1)
    God, this sounds like a UTAU, either Defoko or Teto (I feel ignorant ><) I wonder how long this will stay in the ranking. I do enjoy it.
  • #2: 【初音ミク】般若心経ポップ【PVつき】 (!!)
    I think there’s a winning formula here.  I’m not sure what, why, or how, but there is. Simple beat, repetitive lyrics, and a PV that catches your eye. That’ll do it.
  • #1: 【初音ミク】 深海少女 【オリジナル】 (!!)
    I like how the verse structure and continuous singing messes with the J-Pop standards a bit. Its J-pop, but yeah, a little different. Me likey.

In Other Vocaloid News:

The popular arcade game “Hatsune Miku Project DIVA Arcade” will begin its second song contest today. The cutoff day is October 17th (Sunday) at midnight (please note that midnight in Japan is approximately midday in America), so if you think your song can make it, show them what you’ve got!
All right, here’s the rest of the ranking, starting from 31.

Final Thoughts/Analysis:

We’re now up to 11 weeks in a row with at least one score of 500k or more.  With the summer unofficially over, it’ll be interesting to see if there’s a drop-off or if the Summer of Scoring continues into September.

Ahhh, is summer already over? I guess it doesn’t feel so much like summer when you’re in a full-time job. *sigh* I guess we’ll see if people will continue w/ NND as much as the past view months, or will school/work start controling lives again?

…And so with that, we end this week’s Vocaloid Ranking review. We’ll be back next week with our regularly scheduled lack of bloggers.

((Quick note: if anyone has any clue what the second part of the Other Vocaloid News is talking about, please please please let me know. I’m really curious.)) @_@

About: Holocauxt

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