Weekly VocaRan #154: March of the Monkus

Source: ろくさん/Piapro

Vocaloid NND Weekly Ranking
Weekly Vocaloid Ranking #154 “Unselected”

Hello everyone, descent87 here, finally making my return from amongst the quagmire of illness combined with college to help with this week’s VocaRan (and yes to work on the blog more…). The amazing Holocauxt is a bit busy, so for now Pokenatic, TodayisOK, and I all did our best to fill the void by piecing this together. Special thanks are due to TodayisOK, one of Vocaloidism newest members, who took up the big challenge of coding all the links for today! Apologies if this is not up to par with the usual excellence, but here are this week’s rankings:

Naho’s Opening Statement:

<deztora/rebecca’s translation will be coming up. So stay tuned!>


-Editors: Holocauxt, DTKel, Joe Mello, deztora, redemtion2, GreenSage, descent87, bunnychan
-Song Stats: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)


    This spot is for a look back at the VocaRan one year before. Here are the top five songs from that week.

    • H5: Ah, re-living the birth of a classic. Even better when you watch it in concert.
    • H4: <no comment>
    • H3: <no comment>
    • H2: Is this the only song by mikumix? I found this when I discovered his site last week, I like it alot, nice PV too.
    • H1: Would be easier to reminisce about this classic if it ever went away, but thankfully epic wowaka lives on.
  • #03: 初音ミクアレンジ「般若心経ロック」 (↑21)

  • #02: 初音ミクオリジナル曲 「Calc.」 (!!)

    OneRoom’s Miku-tuning always makes me soft, and I really like this.

  • #01: 【初音ミク】般若心経ポップ【PVつき】 (↑2)

    The ONLY one I will put on my Itunes for posterity, all the rest can just leave kthx. Do not want!!!

In Other Vocaloid News:

<deztora/rebecca’s translation will be coming up. So stay tuned!>

Final Thoughts/Analysis:

Hope everyone sorta enjoyed the VocaRan this week. Enjoy it for me cause I really didn’t. 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 at least tell me there will be light and the end of the tunnel. I’ll let the others comment on the Sutra meme stuff cause I don’t get and don’t want to get it lol. You can see how disheartened I became as I continued to watch the program in horror. Have a great night and fabulous day tomorrow. I’m very glad to be back and will be around more!

About: descent87

7 thoughts on “Weekly VocaRan #154: March of the Monkus”

  1. Its the Heart Sutra from Buddhism. Its often set to music by Chinese and Hong Kong musicians. I don't know why it suddenly got popular but for whatever reason it is.

  2. Can someone just PUNCH those vocaloid artists and tell them to STOP doing that buddah song? I'm getting really tired of it… ;A;

  3. Wow! Only 10!
    Was expecting more of Heart Sutra to be honest.
    Though 10 is still 1/3 of the ranking…
    You were close JimmyThumb-P… but you couldn’t get past the main Heart Sutra…

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