Weekly VocaRan #155 – VOCALOIDISM, HO!

Vocaloid girls
IMAGE SOURCE: 櫻井悠@ついった

Vocaloid NND Weekly Ranking
Weekly Vocaloid Ranking “Unselected”

Well.. I’m back from a very busy week to say the least, and looking back at last week’s VocaRan, I don’t think I really missed that much. Heck, I might as well say that I’m glad I didn’t waste any time making an article for it because of that silly meme going on. No offense to Buddhists and any other people who like the Heart Sutra of course, but setting the chant to the tune of J-Pop and Rock is kinda insulting, don’t you think? (I think it’s amusing.) Anyway, let’s just hope that phase in NND has died down and spare us another travesty of a VocaRan.

In other news, if you guys haven’t bought Recettear yet, I strongly suggest that you do. It’s a fun little gem and Carpe Fulgur deserves all the fame (or infamy) they get from localizing it. Me personally, any translation team with the “spirit of Woolsey” automatically gets my vote. YAYIFICATIONS!

Naho’s Opening Statement:

The time has come for this week’s VocaRan. Did everyone get to fully enjoy the holidays in September? I hope we’ve finished with the Buddhist memorial service as of this past week.

Lately, we’ve seen a lot of activity and competition in the Vocaloid world, it seems… more information after the ranking.

Well then, let’s start the ranking. This week like the rest, we begin with number thirty.


-Editors: Holocauxt, DTKel, Joe Mello, deztora, rebecca, redemtion2, GreenSage, descent87, bunnychan
-Song Stats: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)

    This spot is for a look back at the VocaRan one year before. Here are the top five songs from that week.

    • H5: So sadz. But so good. Awesome.
    • H4: L-O-L, nuff said. Still amazing artwork. Awesome 2.
    • H3:KuwagataP’s best imo. Lovely~ Awesome 3.
    • H2: Awesome 4.
    • H1: Every time DECO makes #1 I am happy, even in the past lol.My favorite DECO*27 Miku song! <3 Awesome 5. Seriously, what an awesome top five. Yeah it’s all Miku, but they’re all GOOD Miku songs. And I remember all of them!
  • #3: 【鏡音リン】アンチクロロベンゼン【浄罪系洗脳ソング】 (!!)
    Obviously its predecessor helped in its rise, but this is really good in its own right. Why hello there~ A sequel to “Paradichlorobenzene,” I believe? Can’t wait for translation on this. Wow, this is… wow… I’m in love.
  • #2: 【ボカロおしゃべり】リリィがこんな性格だったら俺だけが萌える。 (!!)
    Even my patchwork Japanese helps me giggle her, and the drawings are just fantabulous!! *kicks herself for not knowing Japanese* It is pretty funny. I might do a skim-translation of it later, if someone more competent doesn’t do it first.
  • #1: 【初音ミク(1640㍍)】 タイムマシン 【オリジナル】 (!!)
    Such a powerful opening. Speechless, 40mP always delivers, just an epic collab here. 2 hits in a span of weeks. Epic P matchup is epic. The song also reflects the epicness. Well, saw this coming… but this song is pretty awesome. And what a collab– two Ps I absolutely love teaming up? I just wish there was a little more 164 in the 1640mP…

In Other Vocaloid News:

From pop love songs to ballads that make you cry, this is certainly a Vocaloid album for the girls! “VOCALOID LOVESONGS Girls Side” will be released from MOER on September 22nd.

Also, here is the famous Kittyloid! Don’t be fooled by its appearance as it seems to have a very capable voice, yo. “Hello Kitty to Issho! VOCALOID2 Nekomura Iroha” is planned for release on October 22nd from AHS.

In the October VocaRan, we’ll have two of the hugest names in Japan be included, so it could be an unbelievable battle… oh man…

And with that, here’s the rest for this week, from thirty-one onward.

Final Thoughts/Analysis:

Seems the latest meme has died down now. Wonder what the next one will be, hmmm? Anyhow, I was gone last week due to a getting ready for a con (if anyone was at AWA and saw the short Rin w/ the GIANT bow on Saturday, that was me) and now I have a whole Notepad and bookmark folder of Vocaloid-related songs/links to check on, especially after some of the great songs on this week’s Ranking. So much happened while I was busy! Personally, I’m excited for Iroha (AMAZING voice!) and on the fence about Gachapoid (I think I can enjoy the voice if I never have to look at the character). October should be an interesting month.

Much much happier now that sutra span has been reduced. Rather surprised the the only good one, the Miku(dark) x Iglesias mashup didn’t stay on the charts. Nice to see Miku Miku nu shite Ageru back on the charts to celebrate the anniversary, probably one of the most widely known song/pv combos of all time. I have to say that I am very, very impressed with VY1 so far. It is true that Miziki’s voice isn’t “unique” which is another way of saying its pretty “human” or “natural” sounding, but as such its just another amazing tool to write Vocaloid songs with. She is really going to be something special as her professional level voice quality will keep making professional sounding music in the hands of good producers. Can’t wait till next week, have a fabulous Tuesday!

…And so with that, we end this week’s Vocaloid Ranking review. Please join us again next week! Oh, and uh… can anyone tell me how to get the Obsidian Tower?

About: Holocauxt

13 thoughts on “Weekly VocaRan #155 – VOCALOIDISM, HO!”

  1. …After less than a day Anti-chlorobenzene managed to get enough views to get rank 3…
    …and it’s rushing to get rank one next week.
    Japan sure likes benzene…

    But I’m voting for #8!
    Go go Agoaniki-P!
    Your song can get further, I know it!

    Finally 40m-P got a rank one!
    A rank one that’s not on a pitifully slow week with a song that got a pitifully low amount of points for a rank one.
    Week was actually busier than I thought it was…

  2. Woo, Yowamushi hit 1 mil 13min ago. \o/ (I have a screenshot of the 1,000,001 hit. PF)
    Way to go Deco*27! YOU SHOULD FEEL PROUD!

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