Weekly UTAU Ranking #97: It’s Back!
Pokénatic here. deztora hasn’t been on for a while, so until she’s back, I’ll take over the UTAU Ranking posts.
<deztora/rebecca’s translation will be coming up. So stay tuned!>
-Editors: deztora, chibikarla, Aster Selene, Holocauxt, Bunnychan, Pokénatic
-Song Stats: Rank-Up, Rank-Down, Unmoved, Unranked, NEW
- OP: 【UTAUオリジナル】雪上の曼珠沙華【音魂屋二太郎+コト】
Digging the rock beat here.WEEKLY RANKING PART 1:
- #20: 【重音テト】Ready For The Future!(大停電の夜に)【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
Ohh, catchy.- #19: 【テト】ばだだー (↑22)
<no comment>- #18: 【穂歌ソラ・数音ヨシ】マトリョシカ【UTAU-PV?】 (!!)
It begins….- #17: 【UTAU】卒哭鬼の調【デフォ子オリジナル】 (!!)
Great use of Defoko’s voice here.- #16: 如月千早の歌唱から抽出したパラメータで桃音モモを調声してみた (↓4)
This is one of the examples of the new UTAU program or something right? The voices sound so different!- #15: 【重音テト】般若心経ポップ【アレンジ】 (↓6)
Ugh… How long is this meme gonna last? Forever and ever.- #14: 【重音テト】リキッド般若心経ファンク【アレンジ】 (!!)
Am I the only person who is not bothered by this meme?- #13: 【MMDモデル配布】Q-BLOCK風モデルでミラクルペイント【UTAU】 (!!)
I really like the 8-bit-like design in this. Can’t but help think that it’s Miku singing too.- #12: 【穂歌姉弟】シャンティー・チャパティー・シャバダバヤ【オリジナル】 (!!)
What in the world is going on here??- #11: 【こじゅっぽいど】とある竜の恋の歌を右目にUTAわせてみた【戦国BASARA】 (↑12)
Happy to hear another deeper voicebank.THIS WEEK’S PICK-UPS:
- #32: 【穂歌ソラ】-最後に-【オリジナル】
Very nice.- #45: 【重音テト】恋文【オリジナル/修正版】
<no comment>- #57: デフォ子とフィヨが謎かけに挑戦するオリジナル曲
Defoko ANDYufuFjord (dur, I’m stupid)? Count me in!- #84: 【UTAUオリジナル】ハイパーコスモシップ【波音リツ】
Ritsu sounds great here.- #114: Smile
<no comment>EXTRA RANKING:
- #12: テトさんへの熱い気持ちを歌ってみた、らテトさんに引かれた。
<no comment>- #11: 簡単に「HANASU」を作ってみよう【テトたび番外編】
<no comment>- #10: 【鏡音】あなたの後ろに黄色い影【きたよー】
I really wish I knew Japanese… Stickfigure KAITO FTW.- #9: 「驫麤~とりぷるばか~fullver.」をねんどろいどで再現してみた再うp
Man, this song never gets old. I loled pretty hard at this.- #8: 【MMD】吹っ切れたミクさんの困難な初恋【おちゃめ機能】
<no comment>- #7: 聖ちゃんマジ般若心経
What the heck is on her head? It’s good to see this meme hasn’t died either.- #6: 【MMD】ラッパの激しくなったあの曲でテトさんが・・・
What in the world?? XDDDDD (MyListed)- #5: おうちへかえろう。【描いてみた】
<no comment>- #4: UTAU-CMPV祭 作品発表!
<no comment>- #3: もはやHANASUをやってみようとした形跡すら残ってないPV
<no comment>- #2: リリィがこんな性格だったら俺だけが萌える。に声をあててみた
Again, I still wish I knew Japanese… Same here.- #1: Vocaloanthems 絵描き歌
<no comment>WEEKLY RANKING PART 2:
- #10: 【重音テト】般若心経が吹っ切れたようです (↓3)
Call me a cultural ignoramus, but what is that dance exactly? Fukkireta? It’s exactly what you see here.- #09: 【重音テト】 紫苑幻想曲 【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
Like the music here.- #08: 【UTAU】マトリョシカを歌わせてみた【重音テト】 (!!)
<no comment>- #07: 根音ネネ『TSUKIYO』 (↑26)
Not a huge Nene fan, but I do like this song.- #06: 【ルコ+リツ+ルーク】 IMITATION BLACK 【UTAUカバー】 (!!)
<no comment>- #05: 【MikuMikuDance】なごり雪(イルカ)【Bar巡音】 (!!)
Nice and soothing, good video too.- #04: 【雪歌ユフ・穂歌ソラ】star fruit falling【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
<no comment>- THIS WEEK IN HISTORY:
Pretty good English in number four.- #03: 【テト・リンオリジナル曲】 はかいのいでんし 【パクリPV】 (↑8)
…What just happened? Is Rin supposed to be Mewtwo? This is really interesting and I’d love to have a translation. *now wants to cosplay as Mecha Rin*- #02: 【雪歌ユフ】 hp 【オリジナル】 (!!)
Beautiful. *such a Yufu fangirl now*- #01: 【UTAU】重音テト・波音リツでマトリョシカ【カバー&PV】 (!!)
I can’t get enough of Matryoshka. The animation in this is even better than the original. SOO happy this made number one. So well done~- ED Song: 【テトスバルソラオリジナル】虚構のタントラ【UTAUをメタらせる祭り】
Wow, really loving this one.
<deztora/rebecca’s translation will be coming up. So stay tuned!>
Well… I really don’t have much to say, but it seems that Matryoshka fever has come, whereas that Buddhist meme is ending soon.
That’s it for this week. Join us next week for the next UTAUran!
I don’t know what Tei was going on about in the beginning, but darrrrr, I love her so much something is planned for October first, the “day of tei” and submitting artwork?)! So many great songs this week, including some good originals. Number one may be a cover *waits for deztora to not be pleased* but I think this cover may be better than the original. The voices and animation are stunning. And this new UTAU program…. Color me interested.
The second one (hp) is very good, it sounds almost like a miku's append song.
#57 is Defoko and Fjord, actually. And I'm not really bothered by the Heart Sutra boom either.
Opps, thanks for the correct info, I didn't double-check like I should have.
Hey, I sent my review over, but it's not in the article.
Whom should I be sending it to?