Two New Append Power Demos by Kagamine Len

Crypton has earlier tweeted through their Vocaloid2 CV account regarding two new Append Power beta demos from Kagamine Len, which you can listen to them below:
Servant of Evil (Aku no Meshitsukai) short version (1:30) (Unedited VSQ) by mothy/AkunoP
IkeLenka short version (1:30) (Unedited VSQ) by LeleleP (Lyrics – darari)
That’s about it, we will be bringing you more news updates as they arrive.
Wow. Len sounds so…. Weird in Servant of Evil. I guess I'm too used to the original but it's. Weird.
I love these hahaha 😀
oh my!! i'm gonna die!! Len is perfect… ikelenka is epic!!!!
he sound awesome ><
I really want to hear more of him
also i want more demos from rin ><