Weekly VocaRan #157

Vocaloid NND Weekly Ranking
Weekly Vocaloid Ranking “Unselected”
At work…
Too busy…
Must make money…
Just head on over down for the charts.
Naho’s Opening Statement:
Good morning everyone. It’s already October, so that means after this there’s just two more months to go in this year. I even heard news about the swans flying in.
Under the clear autumn sky, it seems the weather outside will be pleasant for a while longer. Whether it’s sports or eating or other things, it’s the autumn for that! Everyone, on the next break, you’ll try going out and seeing for yourselves, won’t you?
Also… this week there’s a lot of new songs in the ranking. I wonder what kind of ranking we’ll have? Well then, from number 30, let’s start!
-Editors: Holocauxt, DTKel, Joe Mello, deztora, redemtion2, GreenSage, descent87, bunnychan
-Song Stats: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)
- #30: 初音ミク オリジナル曲 「ローリンガール」 (↑47)
<no comment>- #29: 【miki】 夕暮れツイッター 【オリジナル イメージPV】 (!!)
miki! I’ve missed you!- #28: 【猫開発】虚言癖【猫村いろは×miki オリジナル弾き語り的なアレ】 (!!)
Ohh, Iroha and miki, they work well together.- #27: 【初音ミク】 深海少女 【オリジナル】 (↓25)
<no comment>- #26: 【亞北ネル】ゴチャゴチャうるせー!【オリジナル】 (!!)
I am so in love w/ this.- #25: 【GUMI】弱虫モンブラン【オリジナル曲PV付】 (↓22)
<no comment>- #24: 【初音ミク】○+●【オリジナル】PV (↓14)
<no comment>- #23: 【初音ミク(1640㍍)】 タイムマシン 【オリジナル】 (↓11)
<no comment>- #22: 【鏡音リンオリジナル曲】クロノフォビア (↑30)
<no comment>- #21: 【巡音ルカ】イヤイヤ星人【DIVA応募曲】 (↑24)
Not surprised this is up.- #20: 【mikiのエリア】 SALVATION 【掘リジナル】 (!!)
<33 to miki.- #19: 初音ミクのオリジナル曲 暇は人を殺せるか -Full ver.- (!!)
It sounds so cheerful.- #18: 【鏡音レン】パラジクロロベンゼン【破壊系洗脳ソング】 (↓8)
Aww, harsh drop.- #17: 【初音ミク】 ALICE iN BLACK MARKET 【オリジナル曲】 (↓9)
I’ve had this on repeat for a few days now, it’s great.- #16: 初音ミク・巡音ルカ オリジナル曲 「ワールズエンド・ダンスホール」 (↑19)
<no comment>- #15: 【初音ミク】after this【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
Nice, simple video and a soothing song to go w/ it.- #14: 【初音ミク】カロン【オリジナルPV】 (↑20)
<no comment>- #13: 【巡音ルカ】absolute【オリジナル】 (→13)
<no comment>- #12: 欠点スプリクト/鏡音リン (!!)
Lamaze~! A good one in Vocaloid AND UTAU this week, awesome.- #11: 【初音ミク】オレンジゾートロープ【PVつきオリジナル曲】 (!!)
I think I finally figured out why I don’t like Append Sweet; it doesn’t sound anything like Miku. :/
- THIS WEEK’S PICK-UP: 【mikiオリジナル曲】Star Maker【PV風味】 (#71)
Great miki song that I really hope gets a pickup in points.- #10: 【GUMI】モザイクロール【オリジナル曲PV付】 (↑16)
<no comment>- #9: 【巡音ルカ】ラストソング (↓3)
<no comment>- #8: 【巡音ルカ】 cry 【オリジナル】 (!!)
yuyoyupe does some pretty awesome stuff w/ heavier beats, and this is another one to add to the list.- #7: 【ルカ GUMI ミク】 マイルームディスコナイト 【オリジナル曲】 (→7)
Has anyone heard the English cover by uMi? It’s awesome.- #6: 【鏡音リン】アンチクロロベンゼン【浄罪系洗脳ソング】 (↓1)
Still top ten!!- #5: 【初音ミク】Heart Groove【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
I love dance tracks like this.- #4: 【GUMI】 グリーンストレート 【オリジナル曲PV付】 (!!)
I don’t this will ever be one of my favorite GUMI songs, but it’s nice.
This spot is for a look back at the VocaRan one year before. Here are the top five songs from that week.
- H5: <no comment>
- H4: <no comment>
- H3: Ahhh, DECO~
- H2: Also a great classic.
- H1: Hahaha, yes!
- #3: 【オリジナル曲PV】マトリョシカ【初音ミク・GUMI】 (↑5)
Welcome back to top three! Though now I’m more in love w/ the Teto and Ritsu cover than the original.- #2: 【GUMI】嘘とダイヤモンド【オリジナル曲PV付】 (!!)
Very nice video, both it and the song are full of emotion.- #1: 【初音ミク(40㍍)】 君の手、僕の手 【オリジナル】 (!!)
Every song 40mP comes out w/ lately has been amazing; I hope it keeps up.
- ED Song: 【巡音ルカ】 ボクだけの歌 【オリジナル】
Ohh, I really like how Luka sounds on this one. Same.In Other Vocaloid News:
“Finally we can slander the
red mop…”That gachapin voice has become a VOCALOID! “VOCALOID2 Gachapoid” from Internet will be released this week on the 8th, yo.
What kind of songs will people make with him… I can’t wait to find out. And with that, here’s the rest of this week, from 31.
Final Thoughts/Analysis:
I’m sorry, but Gachapoid…. I don’t mind the voice, but the character…. I don’t know what to say about it…. Yeah. Anyhow, not a huge busy week this time, w/ a lot of stuff from last week staying on and some other older stuff moving up. But I was glad to hear some miki, she doesn’t get enough love, but thanks to the festival held for her recently we got some great new songs featuring her.
…And so with that, we end this week’s Vocaloid Ranking review. Please join us again next week!
Looking at #1… inspires me. It's so pretty…
A low ranking week. This is the first time since #143 where #1 has less than 500,000 points.
Yay! More Miki! Now if we can squeeze some more AHS in the rankings….
I'm happy #3 came back :3