Weekly VocaRan #158 – Now I Gotta Wonder…

Vocaloid NND Weekly Ranking
Weekly Vocaloid Ranking “Unselected”
Is SP5 really just around the corner? I’ve been anticipating it since… oh, I dunno… half a year ago? And it still hasn’t arrived yet! Well, it ain’t here yet, maybe I can get some suggestions for you guys on how we’ll go about the format of the SP5 article… Y’know, translations of the special features and stuff. While we brainstorm, let’s enjoy this week’s ranking.
Naho’s Opening Statement:
The time has come for this week’s VocaRan. Did everyone enjoy their extended break? With work, play, and the last of the events, it all adds up to it being really busy… seems that’s the feeling everyone has.
Also, this is the third year anniversary of the VocaRan. We really wanted to have a big celebration, but the uploader is really busy with editing SP5. Busy ’til the very end…
-Editors: Holocauxt, DTKel, Joe Mello, deztora, rebecca, redemtion2, GreenSage, descent87, bunnychan, Pokénatic
-Song Stats: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)
- #30: 【巡音ルカ】Corruption Garden【オリジナル】 (↑34)
<no comment>- #29: 【GUMI】弱虫モンブラン【オリジナル曲PV付】 (↓25)
<no comment>- #28: 【鏡音レン】パラジクロロベンゼン【破壊系洗脳ソング】 (↓18)
<no comment>- #27: 【初音ミク】 深海少女 【オリジナル】 (→)
Too bad that this is probably gone next week. 🙁- #26: 【初音ミク】Six steps【オリジナルPV付き】 (!!)
<no comment>- #25: 【GUMI】 グリーンストレート 【オリジナル曲PV付】 (↓4)
<no comment>- #24: 【初音ミク】 ミレニア 【オリジナルPV】 (!!)
<no comment>- #23: バッドアンサー【初音ミクオリジナル】 (!!)
<no comment>- #22: 【初音ミク】カロン【オリジナルPV】 (↓14)
<no comment>- #21: 【鏡音レン】パーフェクトソリューション【オリジナル・PV】 (!!)
Another one of those head-rush lyric things Now my head’s spinning.- #20: 初音ミク オリジナル曲 「ローリンガール」 (↑30)
<no comment>- #19: 【亞北ネル】ゴチャゴチャうるせー!【オリジナル】 (↑26)
God, that’s an adorably irritated Neru x3- #18: 【初音ミク】 ハッピー・ラボ 【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
Kitties =^w^= A happiness of some kind? I find I am liking this.- #17: KAITOでオリジナル曲「大宗師」 (!!)
Srs bsns How do you type the user’s name? The helplessness of war…the song’s so sad but good at the same time.- #16: [初音ミクsweet] モカ [オリジナル曲] (!!)
<no comment>- #15: 【初音ミク】クラウン【オリジナルPV】 (!!)
uneasy is the head that wears the (ry- #14: 【初音ミク】Heart Groove【オリジナル曲】 (↓5)
There’s a nice beat to this Miku song, worth adding to the loop list.- #13: 初音ミク・巡音ルカ オリジナル曲 「ワールズエンド・ダンスホール」 (↑16)
<no comment>- #12: 【鏡音リン】アンチクロロベンゼン【浄罪系洗脳ソング】 (↓6)
<no comment>- #11: 【GUMI】モザイクロール【オリジナル曲PV付】 (↓10)
I gotta say that Mosaic Roll may have one of the most iconic guitar riffs in Vocaloidom
- THIS WEEK’S PICK-UP: ミクAppendオリジナル曲PV付き 「Solitary queen」 (#69 – !!)
<no comment>- #10: 【初音ミク】 ユメクモ 【オリジナル曲PV】 (!!)
<no comment>- #9: 【初音ミクSoft】 ハロ/ハワユ 【オリジナル】 (–)
The one thing this song doesn’t need is more “desu ka”- #8: 【ガチャッポイド】たべちゃうぞ【課題曲?】 (!!)
<no comment>- #7: 【GUMI】嘘とダイヤモンド【オリジナル曲PV付】 (↓2)
<no comment>- #6: 【オリジナル曲PV】マトリョシカ【初音ミク・GUMI】 (↓3)
<no comment>- #5: 【初音ミク(40㍍)】 君の手、僕の手 【オリジナル】 (↓1)
<no comment>- #4: 【鏡音リン】ジュリエッタとロミヲ 【オリジナル曲】【初音ミク】 (!!)
Wow, that didn’t sound like either Miku or Rin. It’s cool, it’s happy, it’s good.
This spot is for a look back at the VocaRan one year before. Here are the top five songs from that week.
- H5: Should’ve been an iconic guitar riff
- H4: <no comment>
- H3: Have you ever watched Bakemonogatari? If so, please explain if it’s something other than the director being free reign to be as auteur as possible. Who was singing that?
- H2: <no comment>
- H1: Sad that Anti-Chlorobenzene isn’t living up to its predecessor.
- #3: 【初音&鏡音】 Knife 【至高のミクスチャー】 (!!)
This looks and sounds absolutely professional. It’s pretty awesome and demands your respect. I am with you on this, love the guitar parts as well.- #2: 【初音ミク】 かくれんぼ 【オリジナル!】 (!!)
<no comment>- #1: 【初音ミク】トップシークレット【オリジナル曲PV付】 (!!)
*Hoping to find and know more about the story of this song*
- ED Song: 鏡音レン 「春待ち蝶」 オリジナル曲
Probably the most mallet percussion Vocaloidom has ever seen.In Other Vocaloid News:
Today’s VocaRan title (thumbnail) comes from the Gachapoid character illustration that was suddenly released.
If you look, you’ll see it is definitely an adorable boy; sure enough, seems like Len-kyun could have a rival now…
With that, here’s the rest for this week, starting with number 31.
Final Thoughts/Analysis:
Congratulations Scop on your first number one song! It’s a toss-up as to which song I like best, but you and buzzG definitely deserve to be in the top this week. Also, who’s looking forward to SP5? I know I am!!
…And so with that, we end this week’s Vocaloid Ranking review. Please join us again next week, when SP5 may finally be up. Finally.
lol next week
paradichlorobenzene will be on 38 place xD
really nice week
Any idea why 'Hello/How Are You' suddenly jumped back into the top 10? Not that I'm complaining, just sorta odd…
A couple of utatte mita vids came out that became super-ultra-popular. My guess is that's why. (It certainly got me to re-listen to the song…)
What is SP5?
"sure enough, seems like Len-kyun could have a rival now…"
psshhh lol