Weekly UTAU Ranking #100 – Not Going Down Without A Fight
YouTube Video Part 1
YouTube Video Part 2
UTAUran’s 100th has finally come! Unfortunately, I’m busy at the moment so I’ll let someone else take care of the rest.
Hello everyone; dez here. You guys probably don’t know who I am, but the truth is, a long, long time ago, I used to post the UtaRan articles. Then sixteen college credits came along and said I couldn’t do that anymore. =( But since they’re not looking right now, I snuck over here to get this article to you guys, so all three of you reading this won’t be disappointed. <3 Love you, single-digit-number-of-people-that-care! I’ve missed you!!
Now then, onto the ranking! Stat! Before my credits find out!!
Sorry for the wait. It’s time for this week’s UtaRan. This one is the 100th Weekly UTAU Ranking! Everyone, thank you so much for all the support!
Last week was the 100th Weekly Utatte Mita Ranking as well. Congratulations!
In celebration, a video of the number one songs from WUMR numbers 1 through 100 was posted. We would like to do something similar, but the uploader doesn’t have anything like that prepared…
Before long, it’ll have been two full years, and we’ll begin a third. For that, we have plans to change some things about the ranking. When we get closer to that time and give you more details, please bear with us.
-Editors: deztora, chibikarla, Aster Selene, Holocauxt, Bunnychan, Pokénatic
-Song Stats: Rank-Up, Rank-Down, Unmoved, Unranked, NEW
- OP: 【重音テト】虚構の月夜【オリジナル】 – AAAAH! I remember this song! I really like it. Ohh, this is very nice.
- #20: 【UTAUオリジナル曲】歯車のように【雪歌ユフ連続音】 (Up from 37) – <no comment>
- #19: 【UTAU+MMD】UTAU萌えモデル36人?で『ウパウパ★ロマンティックナイト』 (NEW!) – Oh geez…
- #18: 【テトオリジナル曲】Just For…【PV付き】 (NEW!) – <no comment>
- #17: 【UTAUオリジナル】TRICKy STAR.ffd【実谷ナナ】 (NEW!) – Whoa, nice song! And thus Mitani Nana UTAU version comes back from the grave! I was hoping we’d see this UTAU in the rankings more.
- #16: 【重音テト】Ashen town ~ 地図から消えた街 ~【オリジナル】 (NEW!) – <no comment>
- #15: 【重音テト】瓜【オリジナル】 (NEW!) – Really catchy, but familiar… have I heard this before?
- #14: 【UTAU】invisible color【重音テトオリジナル曲】 (NEW!) – Also really catchy. Sounds like ラマーズP, but it’s not, since his song is later on in the ranking. I have no problem w/ more songs that are in the same line as LamazeP’s; they’re so catchy and fun!
- #13: Lat式改変デフォ子っぽいモデルでナイトフィーバー【モデル配布】 (NEW!) – Pretty model, meh overdone cover.
- #12: 【重音テト】ワールド・カウントダウン【オリジナル】 (NEW!) – <no comment>
- #11: 【健音テイ】Thin Edge Inserted【オリジナル】 (Down from 7) – This song is even better than “13km”! I love the way Tei sounds here! More awesoe Tei is a good thing!
- #33: 【重音テト、重音テッド】月華狂乱舞【オリジナル曲】 – Hey Ted. It’s been a while.
- #44: 【重音テト】 寂寥の森 【オリジナル曲】 – Very nice. Feels very… nostagic? Video-game-ish? Fantasy anime-ish? Something SeikoP would make? Ish? I would agree w/ the nostagic feeling.
- #57: 【春歌ナナ】らぶ♥らいん【オリジナル】 – Yay! Cute, not-annoying Nana-chan song! I think the problem is that too many people make her voice too high.
- #70: 【蟹音ぱん。】悪魔も踊る街で【UTAUオリジナル曲】 – And Pan is back too?? What a week!
- #91: 【UTAUオリジナル】カゴの鳥【テトルコリツ】 – Ruko’s voice is really pretty in this song. *clings to Ruko* I’VE MISSED YOU!!!
((It seems they accidentally messed up last week’s Extra Ranking. Here’s what should’ve been numbers eight and seven from last week.))
- #8: 【トークロイド】第4回!Miki☆Teto Radio Jam!!【キラミキ★フェスティバル】 – <no comment>
- #7: 【MMD】テトさんとお話しよう その9(目覚まし編) – Maaan, I wanna play this game. Also, I recognized “Tatoeba”. I love Kino’s work…
((Now here’s the Extra Ranking for this week.))
- #5: 【MMD/UTAU】ネル(withナミ)&テトで「ちょこまじ☆ろんぐ」 – Y’know, for all the crap I give Nami (for the name and what-not), I do like her voice.
- #4: 「さいごのよるのきりん」歌ってみた 桃華 – I’m interested in the original song now. I must listen to the original now as well.
- #3: 【ORIGINAL PV】おちゃめ機能【Vocaloanthems収録】 – And you didn’t use a good-looking Teto model becaaaauuuse… I don’t think it would’ve been that bad if the mouth had synced up better, but that might be an uploading issue. I LOVE the eyes on this model.
- #2: 【MMD】テトさんとお話しよう その9(目覚まし編) – Maaan, I wanna play this game. Also, I re– wait, hold on a sec, I’m getting deja vu somethin’ fierce. *pats deztora*
- #1: 「全てのVOC@LOIDに宣戦布告」を歌ってみた【くるみ餅】 – Could be better. Sorry, I’m not really big on utatte mita. Personally I like it, but Ritsu’s version is better.
- #10: 【重音テト】CrossRoad【オリジナル曲】 (NEW!) – Hmmm, not the best I’ve heard.
- #9: 【UTAU】 「あのね」 【重音テトオリジナル曲】 (NEW!) – See comment above.
- #8: 【重音テト連続音】やるやる詐欺【オリジナル】 (NEW!) – Must… ignore… comparison… to… Spirited Away ED…! *snort*
- #7: 【欲音ルコ♀・ルーク】マトリョシカ【カバー】 (Down from 5) – RUKO MY LOVE!! Hey, get your hand off the goods Rook!
- #6: 【重音テト】 Sky High 【オリジナル】 (Down from 2) – Aaaah this P is so cool. High pitches can work when used properly and this is a great example of it.
- #5: 【ローリンガール】ショタコンガール【健音テイオリジナルPV】 (Up from 11) – See, if you’re going to do a cover, this is how you do it. You get creative with it. I actually enjoyed watching this. And more Tei! Great cover and PV.
- #4: 【こじゅっぽいど+α】菩提樹とかいろいろUTAってもらった【特大号】 (NEW!) – B( Uhhh, the voices are not that good, sorry.
- THIS WEEK IN HISTORY: I… kind of remember these…? Not really, though.
- #3: 【APヘタリア】ローリンボーイ【替え歌わせてみた】 (NEW!) – I want to dislike this on principle, but… oh man… America is just so cute. He’s design is cute, and the voice has potential, but it sounds like it needs a little cleaning up.
- #2: 【UTAU7人】初音ミクの分裂→破壊【カバー】 (Down from 1) – This is another cover I like (though I have to say I’m glad it’s not number one this week). Great work, but Kipshin needs to lay off his intense enunciation a bit. It stands out in this song too much and doesn’t blend well with the other voices. I love this idea and how more like this come along. I kind of loled when I saw Ruko as Dark (probably just a me thing).
- #1: しましょ!/桃音モモ (NEW!) – I was ‘eh’ until the chorus. Then I was blown away. Good work as always, らm– er, ごじまじP! I label all my music by him as LamazeP to not get confused (how many names does he have anyway??). This man can do no wrong in my eyes.
- ED: 歯軋り昇天ガール【波音リツオリジナル】 – Oh, catchy!
<my translation will be coming up. So stay tuned!>
I’m in love w/ the VIPPALOID celebration going on right now, it’s producing some great music and art (especially of my beloved Ruko and Tei). Hope to see that continue next week.
Well, until next week’s UTAUran, see ya later! Oh, and starting next week, I shall be putting together the article either Wednesdays or Thursdays so expect them sooner in the week!
I'll get to the ranking if my parents let me. Don't kick me off the board!
Glad to see Sky High is still in the top 10
We love you too, Dezzz ;A;