Weekly UTAU Ranking #106 – Getting Back On Track
Here we are in the second week of our new system… Testing. Testing. Can you hear me out there? Good. Time for some music! For great justice!
Sorry for the wait. It’s time for the Weekly UTAU Ranking.
As we pass the middle of November, the year’s end is drawing near. There are various UTAU-related events being planned for the end of the year and the beginning of the new year.
Just as there were all kinds of events in October and November, it seems the year’s end is also going to be busy ♪
Along with that, the voting for the third “Let’s vote on songs we like and make an album video!” project will be opened. The album video should be uploaded before the end of this year. The details are here. Thank you for sticking with us!
Well then, let’s begin the ranking.
-Editors: deztora, chibikarla, Aster Selene, Holocauxt, Bunnychan, Pokénatic
-Song Stats: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)
- OP: 【UTAU】electelectroLB【蒼音タヤ】
Ohhey, I loved this song!☆WEEKLY RANKING PART 1
- #20: 【桃音モモ】ドリルの歌【替え歌】 (!!)
Song is cute, but Tei on the light pole made my day.- #19: 「白虎野」をファミコンっぽくなく+α (!!)
<no comment>- #18: 【D’n’B】 シーケンスライフ 【雪歌ユフ】 (↓1)
Aw, harsh drop! By the way, turns out shiikensu is an alternate way of writing ‘sequence’ in katakana. Goes to show you how much I know. =( Hate this dropped so much, it’s such a great song.- #17: 【UTAUカバー】欲音ルコで『パズル』 (!!)
Great use of appends here! Sounds great!- #16: 【UTAU】ウチウジン【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
Not sure what to think….- #15: 【欲音ルコ・ルーク】番凩【UTAU】 (!!)
Is this an original? I must find out more; this is the first timeLukeRook has sounded decent to me… oh, it’s a cover. D: RUKO-SAMA andRook!! Sounds really awesome, it’s a shame people don’t use these two more.- #14: 【UTAU】 コンパスローズ 【重音テトオリジナル曲】 (!!)
I like how gentle Teto’s voice is here.- #13: 【重音テト】 パレット 【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
<no comment>- #12: 【重音テト】 KING OF THE BLUE!! 【オリジナル曲】 (↓2)
Not as bad a drop! Still not really feeling this song, though. I still love it.- #11: 【重音テト&Mac音ナナ】時間【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
Song is great; voice tuning could be better. I have to agree. Will be saving it anyway.☆THIS WEEK’S PICKUPS
- #24: 【UTAU】la serenata(オリジナル)【実音とわの】
EFF YEAH TOWANO RETURNS! DenkaiP rules!! Ohh, nice song.- #31: 【UTAUオリジナル曲】宇宙人になる【重音テト】
This P has some great stuff. I really, really like this one.- #35: 【桃音モモ】M.O.M.O.【オリジナル曲】
So simplistic, yet catchy. My cup of tea!- #36: 【UTAった】1/7【UTAUオリジナル曲】 (NEW VB)
Great song, great VB. When it gets a name, I’ll be on the lookout for it. This VB DOES sound amazing! Hope we’ll hear more in the near future.- #49: 【波音リツ】Separation【オリジナル】
Ewww, what’s wrong with Ritsu’s voice here? Ohgod, the bad tuning! D:- #69: 【UTAU】オリジナル曲「ダイド。」【マコイブキヒビキサナナナめろり】
Hey, is this Sana’s first UtaRan appearance? I think it is.- #81: 【重音テト】一人じゃない【オリジナル曲】
<no comment>- #86: 【水音ラル】 Blue Light 【UTAUオリジナル】
Song is pretty; character art is disturbing. I’ll be honest, I laughed.- #88: 【和音マコ】あったかい冬【UTAUオリジナル曲】
<no comment>- #94: 【UTAU】てくてく【小豆野こまめオリジナル】
I don’t recognize this UTAU, but he’s cute and has a good voice. Very nice voice.☆WEEKLY RANKING PART 2
- #10: 【重音テト】ワールド・リピート【オリジナル】 (↑11)
This monstrosity went UP? Go listen to it. It may sound nice in this clip, but the song’s a nightmare.- #9: 【UTAU+MMD】UTAU萌えモデル39人?で『かにぱん★ロマンティックナイト』 (!!)
NOT AGAIN D: I do wish people tried more different stuff on MMD.- #8: 【UTAU】夢茶ちゃむver1.0デモ動画【新音源配布】 (!! – NEW VB)
MuchaP made an UTAU! And her voice is really nice and she’s really cute and and and and Voice and design are ADORABLE~- #7: 【欲音ルコ&ルーク】コクサンイーバ【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
I don’t know if I like this or not… but I downloaded it, so I guess I like it? I find I’m this way with a lot of 6410P’s stuff. (Not Silent Variety, though.) Song and voices aren’t the best, but I’m also keeping this one. The art is great.- #6: 【重音テト】 ゼロからはじまる物語 【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
Something is different w/ Teto’s voice here. And that artwork!!- #5: [重音テト]こいにこい[オリジナル曲] (↑47)
I know this song is repetitive, but it sounds so nice that I don’t think anyone really notices or is bothered by it. Repetition isn’t always bad, as you can see in this song.- #4: ゆっくりに本気で 『秘密警察』 を歌わせてみた (!!)
<no comment>☆EXTRA RANKING
- #5: 【ゲーム音楽アレンジツアー】魔界塔士Sa・Ga プロローグ【鏡音レンUTAU】
Ah, so this P is back. This is different and nice.- #4: 【歌奈子&エレーナ】iDOL虎の穴第4話【取 引】
<no comment>- #3: 【UTAU】ココロ♥デフォ子の本気【MMD】
But but but Kanipan’s hair doesn’t look like thaaaaaat D:- #2: 【エルシャダイ】ルシフェルのonly my railgunに映像つけてみた
<no comment>- #1: 【MMD】テトさん27人で教えて!!魔法のlyric
This is actually pretty cool. I like seeing all the different models, and I love Teto’s cover of this song. Look at all the Tetos! I didn’t know this many models existed.☆THIS WEEK IN HISTORY (Weekly UTAU Ranking #54)
- H5: 【穂歌ソラ連続音・重音テト連続音】Always【UTAUオリジナル】 – Oh, I have this song! I love TeatimeP. Wow, amazing song, why don’t I have this??
- H4: 【重音テト】LOVE&JOYを歌って踊ってもらった【MMD】 – <no comment>
- H3: 【リン&テト】 汽車の窓が映す恋 【オリジナル】 – Another great song where Teto and Rin sound great together.
- H2: 【重音テト連続音】 celluloid retake 【カバー】 – She sounds really young (Tetosanjuuissai indeed) but also pretty realistic. Completely agree.
- H1: 【重音テト×巡音ルカ】ドリーミードリーム【オリジナル】 – いるーP! I miss you! Make more stuff. D: IRUUP!!!! No word at all since July when he last posted lyrics on his blog, I hope he reappears.
- #3: 【重音テト】ハジマリ【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
Wait, this is new? But I’ve had this song for months– oh, maybe it was on Kino’s piapro but not on NND. That’d make sense… anyway, normal god-tier Kino work here, go listen to it, et cetera. Mind-blowing awesome.- #2: 【日本鬼子】*紅の鬼*【デフォ子】 (!!)
A Defoko song in the top three? Am I dreaming?? Also, the tuning is really good, and this IS an original. Go Defoko! This is a great song, will definitely have this on repeat for a while.- #1: aloof-重音テト オリジナル曲 (!!)
This is another UTAU処女作? Amazing… good use of breaths. I highly support more producers like this guy!
- ED: 【重音テト】 超特急妄想乙女号 【-オリジナル-】
Cool song, great HANASU.
Number one was a Kasane Teto original song, “aloof.” Congratulations! It’s a very cute cool song ♪
Just like last week, this is the producer’s first work with UTAU. Since UTAU seems to be getting more and more new users, it’s really exciting to see what comes out next!
Well then, it’s time for the ending consisting of the rest of the top 100 ranked songs and the rest of the 25 extra ranking songs. Until next time!
This is an experimental new section I’ve decided to try out after mulling it over for a while. Here I (and any other editor who feels like it) will post an UTAU video that is considered a “must-see”. The only requirement is it must be an UTAU original song. It could be a PV, an MMD video, or even just a really cool song. It doesn’t have to be new, but it can’t have been mentioned in this section before. We shouldn’t have that problem yet, though. ^^;
deztora: It’s a coincidence that this week’s image is also my pick for this week: Silent Variety. In particular, you should watch the PV for it. Very, very cool, in a slightly twisted sort of way.
bunnychan: For this week I’m stealing something dez posted in the forums and mentions below, lol, PandolistP’s 1st color featuring Ruko. This song really reflects how amazing Ruko can sound.
Ruko didn’t make as big of a splash as perhaps some would’ve liked, but a lot of what came out were covers, so maybe it’s for the best (that 1st color is being grouped into next week’s ranking). =D
All the top three songs were amazing this time around, and all originals! I am a bit sad by the lack of Ruko though, but a lot of what DID come out is great, so be sure to check out her tag on NND for lots of good songs.
Anyway, see you next week for another installment of the Weekly UTAU Ranking! Comment with your thoughts! We honestly care what you have to say ♪