Weekly Vocaran #165

Ends of the earth
Image Source: Pixiv - リョウク

Vocaloid NND Weekly Ranking Weekly Vocaloid Ranking “Unselected”

Welcome back to another Weekly Vocaran! Hopefully all of you that celebrated Thanksgiving enjoyed your break, and had a great dinner. This week on the vocaran we have new songs from Deco*27 and cosMo that made it to the top 3!

Naho’s Opening Statement:

This week as well, the time has come for the VocaRan. It’s almost December, which means that soon cities from all over will be illuminated with many lights. The streets you’re used to seeing will be blanketed in bright colors. In order not to lose out, this week’s ranking lineup is rich in variety. Definitely check it out! Well then, let’s get on with it, shall we? This week as well, from number thirty, let’s begin.


-Editors: Holocauxt, DTKel, Joe Mello, deztora, rebecca, redemtion2, GreenSage, descent87, bunnychan, Pengy, Pokénatic -Song Stats: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)

    This spot is for a look back at the VocaRan one year before. Here are the top five songs from that week.
    • H5: <no comment>
    • H4: GUMI+Bad Apple!!=WIN.
    • H3: Why hey there.
    • H2: SAMFREE~!
    • H1: This song is so awesome even Shin loves it (believe me, that’s saying a lot).
  • #3: 鏡音レン・鏡音リンオリジナル曲 「廃都アトリエスタにて」 (!!)
    Ah yes, cosMo comes out with another hit.When was the last time cosMo had a song that wasn’t a LONG VERSION? I can’t stop putting this on repeat, it’s sooooooo amazing. Didn’t like it instantly when I first listened to the song, but it has become one of my latest favorites of late. <3
  • #2: 【巡音ルカ GUMI】 ハッピーシンセサイザ 【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
    When was the last time two songs had 800,000+ points in one week? A while, I think, it’s been slow lately. And bubblegum pop like what BETTI does is perfect to my ears.
  • #1: 【初音ミク】むかしむかしのきょうのぼく【オリジナル】 (!!)
    NIINA!!! I love the art for this, Miku and Icecream don’t go well.The fourth 1,000,000+ song. This year is bustling all right. No surprise here. The song is nice and the PV awesome. I love this version of Miku so seeing her in motion wins a lot of points w/ me. I am beginning to like this Miku more after watching the PV, which is of great quality just like the song.

In Other Vocaloid News:

That was this week’s number one song. A collection of illustrations and comics based on songs (primarily with Miku), “Hatsune Miku Graphics 2 VOCALOID ART & COMIC” will be released by Kadokawa Shoten on November 30th. Also, this week on December 4th, it’s the first year anniversary of the AHS Vocaloids! Miki-san, Yuki-chan, Sensei, happy birthday! (It also happens to be the uploader’s birthday) And with that, here’s the rest of this week’s ranking, starting from number 31.

Final Thoughts/Analysis:

A high-points week! I am completely happy w/ the top three, all are by producers I really love. Last year was also a great week, I wonder if that will happen again next year?

…And so with that, we end this week’s Vocaloid Ranking review. Please join us again next week, and if you live in an area that’s cold, STAY IN AND KEEP WARM.

About: Pengy

10 thoughts on “Weekly Vocaran #165”

  1. Even if rank one didn’t have a good song (which it totally does), I’d say it’d still deserve the spot for the PV.

    But what’s with rank two? Usual EasyPop super catchy song that somehow got super popular?

  2. IT'S JUST SO FUN THAT 23 and 24 are still fighting tight!
    I really like both of the songs, they are so catchy! (゜∀゜)

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