Weekly UTAU Ranking #107 – Just Chuggin’ Along
Wondering where 1st color will fall in the rankings? So am I. Me too, me too! Let’s go find out!
But first, would you like to see a totally unrelated 15-year-old in a bikini?
Sorry to keep you waiting. It’s time for the Weekly UTAU Ranking. November is already over, huh… December is all that’s left of this year now.
From here on out, the weather turns cold for winter. Does everyone have their coats?
About this time last year, the uploader caught the flu and was in bed for a long time… That’s why this year the uploader is going to be more careful. Getting sick is really bad, so everyone, make sure to take care of yourselves, okay?
Well then, let’s begin the ranking.
-Editors: deztora, chibikarla, Aster Selene, Holocauxt, Bunnychan, Pokénatic
-Song Stats: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)
- OP: 【重音テト】電波ソングっぽいの作ってみた【UTAU練習】
Something about this rubs me the wrong way. Teto’s voice is too robotic here.☆WEEKLY RANKING PART 1
- #20: 【UTAU】 Code: 【重音テトオリジナル曲】 (!!)
<no comment>- #19: ゆっくりに本気で 『秘密警察』 を歌わせてみた (↓4)
<no comment>- #18: 【欲音ルコ 】マイルストーン【オリジナル】 (!!)
A Ruko original? Am I seeing things?? Not only that, but she sounds great!! <3- #17: 【UTAU】響震路に「Pane dhiria」を歌ってもらった (!!)
<no comment>- #16: aloof-重音テト オリジナル曲 (↓1)
Ouch, another harsh fall. I still like this song, though. But at least it’s still in the main Ranking.- #15: 【UTAU】HAKUMEI【波音リツ強連続音源】 (↑61)
Whoa, huge rise! Would I be slaughtered if I happened to say that I think this sounds better than the VY1 version? Nah, Ritsu works perfectly here, I think it’s better as well.- #14: 【重音テト】ちびテトと「教えて!! 魔法のLyric -advanced mix-」 (↑41)
Love the models, love the furitsuke, love the cover. None of it’s original, but it’s just so cute.- #13: 【UTAU】慶次に「咲イテ傾イテ小猿ト桜」UTAってもらってみた【戦国BASARA】 (!!)
This voice sounds very nice.- #12: 【駒音クウ】アメリカの歌【オリジナル】 (!!)
… B|- #11: 【日本鬼子】*紅の鬼*【デフォ子】 (↓2)
Not too bad a drop. The more I listen to this song, the more I like it.☆THIS WEEK’S PICKUPS
- #24: 【重音テト】Acoustic sight【オリジナル曲】
Like the beat on this one.- #27: 【重音テト】 n 【オリジナル】
<no comment>- #30: 【UTAU】クリスマスなんて知りません【ぱみゅ】
Pamu and Pamyu’s voices are so smooth and soothing. (This one is just Pamyu, of course. I was just sayin’.) Amazing voice.- #33: 【雪歌ユフ・連続音】流星コイゴコロ-short.ver-【UTAUコンピ参加曲】
People seem to do their best work when using UTAU like Yufu. This is great stuff. Maybe it’s because her voice is so soft and smooth?- #35: 【UTAUオリジナル】海龍伝説【翔歌トリ】
I love Kotori! Their voices blend well together, and they’re so cute togeth… wait, did I just support a pairi*explodes* Adorable.- #37: 【穂歌ソラ】激動【オリジナル曲】
Penyapa never disappoints! This is another producer I stalk on piapro. Great male voice here.- #48: 【UTAUオリジナル曲】 Hide and Seek 【Toby Osbourne】
Can I take a moment to point out how awesome this song is and that everyone should go listen to it and mylist it? Kthx. Another great male voicebank!- #49: 【重音テト】雪の降らない街【オリジナル曲】
<no comment>- Out of Ranking: 【UTAUカバー】 Jewel 【灰名オミ音源配布】 (NEW VB)
Our first “out of ranking” song that’s been included in the ranking! VB isn’t bad, but could be better. Also, I don’t think the voice really fits the song that well. The voice has potential, but yeah, a better song choice would have helped.- Out of Ranking: 【UTAUオリジナル】 戦闘【渡瀬よみこ】
what is this I don’t even☆WEEKLY RANKING PART 2
- #10: 【デスおはぎ生誕祭】 最強テットテト計画 Metallic Mix 【重音テト】 (!!)
I MISSED SOMETHING AWESOME THIS PAST WEEK apparently. A Tetto Teto matsuri for death ohagi’s birthday!! @_@ Anyway, I love this version. WHAT IS THIS THIS IS AWESOME?!- #9: 【重音テト】アステリズム【オリジナル】 (!!)
Got my head moving a bit, will have to listen to it more.- #8: 醤油音ソイに「Middle 2 Sickness」を歌わせてみた (!!)
<no comment>- #7: 【UTAU】モモ兄音声ライブラリーデモ【音源配布】 (!!)
… B| *stares* …. XDDDDDDD- #6: 【デスおはぎ生誕祭】最強テットテト計画 6420remix【重音テト】 (!!)
Another cool remix! I’m going to look for more after I’m done commenting here. There are three on the rankings… I love great remixes~- #5: 【春香ロイド】 キャットフード 【VOCALOID→iM@Sカバー】 (!!)
Seriously! How the hell do they get it to sound so smooth?! Seriously, HOW??- #4: 【MikuMikuDance】モモ兄【モデル公開】 (!!)
*stares and XDDDDDs some more*☆EXTRA RANKING
- #5: 【Windows】俺のメモ帳が吹っ切れた【標準ソフト】
Wait, what program is this?- #4: 【MMD】蟹音ぱん。でマトリョシカ
… B| Ohgod, bad spazz attack.- #3: 【つまようじ】つまようじで重音テトを作ってみた【万能説】
Certainly interesting. AHOGE!!- #2: 【トークロイド】ボーカロイドたちの生活2『スキスキレン君』
きたあああああああああああああああああああああ! I love this series. I want to learn Japanese just to understand these.- #1: 【MMD】テトさん27人で教えて!!魔法のlyric
Wait wait wait. Do I see Keko in there? I’m gonna have to watch this video in full… OHMYGOD IT IS! =O 8bit Teto for the win.☆THIS WEEK IN HISTORY (Weekly UTAU Ranking #55)
- H5: 【UTAU】トエト【憑歌ルク】 – How the hell did… this get to… eh, never mind.
- H4: 【世界の新着動画】セカ着爆発しろ!【被害者の会】 – <no comment>
- H3: 【重音テト】教えて!! 魔法のLyric ~カバー~【UTAU】 – <no comment>
- H2: 【重音テト×巡音ルカ】ドリーミードリーム【オリジナル】 – One of the best UTAU songs ever.
- H1: 【重音テト】LOVE&JOYを歌って踊ってもらった【MMD】 – Wow, first? I mean, it’s good and all, but damn. Because it’s cute.
- #3: 重音テトによる「最強テットテト計画」Remix (!!)
Not sure how I feel about this one. Gonna have to listen to it again… The image completely won my heart, but I enjoy the song as well.- #2: 【UTAU+MMD】UTAUで『Thriller(スリラー)』 (!!)
You can tell this was made by someone who is fantastic with MMD and not so much with UTAU. Ruko and Tei’s faces at the beginning make this video. Now to just have a really great producer redo the voices and we’ll have an 100000x awesome video.- #1: 【欲音ルコ】1st color【オリジナル】 (!!)
FIRST! FIRST!! FIRST!!!!! *pumps fist in the air* That’s right people, bow down to Ruko’s greatnessand start using her more!!
- ED: 【UTAU】和音マコ:オリジナル曲:デリュージョン・ガール
What a coincidence! I downloaded this song a few weeks ago. It’s one of the better Mako originals. This sounds great!
Number one was pandolistP’s Yokune Ruko original song “1st color”. Congratulations!!
PandolistP is often using Vipper voicebanks in his works. This song was made for Ruko-chan’s birthday; it’s an amazing song, isn’t it? ♪
Well then, it’s time for the ending consisting of the rest of the top 100 ranked songs and the rest of the 25 extra ranking songs. Until next time!
This is an experimental new section I’ve decided to try out after mulling it over for a while. Here I (and any other editor who feels like it) will post an UTAU video that is considered a “must-see”. The only requirement is it must be an UTAU original song. It could be a PV, an MMD video, or even just a really cool song. It doesn’t have to be new, but it can’t have been mentioned in this section before. We shouldn’t have that problem yet, though. ^^;
deztora: My pick for this week is a Kasane Teto original from Tonarino, Kagerou no Mukou. The song is great, Teto sounds great… Basically, if you like Teto, you’ll like this song.
bunnychan: I’m not the biggest Nene fan, but muhmue’s 合歓の星祭 is a wonderfully beautiful song that matches perfectly w/ Nene’s voice.
Ruko only had two songs in the top twenty this week, but she managed to capture the number one spot with the spectacular “1st color”, so I’m happy.
Also, I’m going to start explaining what the short CMs at the beginning of the UtaRan are, just so no one has any excuse for not knowing about them. This week was a CM about Ouka Miko’s birthday celebration. Make videos, draw fanart, celebrate the adorable pseudo-Vipperloid’s birthday!
It’s running until her birthday on December 24th, and you use the tag 櫻歌ミコおたんじょうかい2010. Affixing it to previous works is okay as well.
This week’s number one made me such a happy little Bunny; now if it would just stay in the top ten I would be happier, but I’m doubting it. *lasigh*
That’s it for this week. Tune in next week, where once again, no one really cares. [/emo] I care~!
"First! First!! First!!!" well said well said indeed
1st color is full of awesome.
some people will care