Weekly UTAU Ranking #108 – Wind Chills Ahoy
Hey guys, it’s Bunny here, taking over the article for dez this week (hope I did everything correctly!). This is our first WUR of December and burrr, is it cold outside! So grab a hot drink, a warm blanket, and join us for some UTAU that will warm your ears.
Sorry for the wait. It’s time for the Weekly UTAU Ranking.
The Kouhaku UTAU battle is getting intense, huh ♪Almost every day new participating videos are uploaded for it.
The last participant will be the one that passes the 200th mark. What an amazing number! I’m surprised! I hope all of you will enjoy the Kouhaku UTAU Battle as well!
The “Let’s vote on songs we like and make an album video! project” part three voting will go on until this Sunday. We’re waiting for your vote! As always, thanks for the support. URL: http://a-sanutau.sakura.ne.jp/
Well then, let’s begin the ranking.
-Editors: deztora, chibikarla, Aster Selene, Holocauxt, Bunnychan, Pokénatic
-Song Stats: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)
- OP: 【波音リツ】 古樹 【UTAUオリジナル】
I love the whispery aspect in the voice.☆WEEKLY RANKING PART 1
- #20: 【ハリあしゅ】桃鉄キャラたちが 愛をこめて札束を を歌ってくれました (↑28)
<no comment>- #19: only my railgun Ver.駅名替え歌 (!!)
<no comment>- #18: 【UTAUカバー】とおせんぼ【京音ロン】 (!!)
Voice is pretty strong here. Roooon, why won’t people write original songs for youuuuu?- #17: 【UTAU】おばけホテルとモーニングサービス【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
LOLwhat?- #16: 【重音テト・白鐘ヒヨリ】 Citrus!! 【UTAUカバーアレンジ】大百科 (!!)
This song is fun. Is this a remake of THAT “Citrus”? ‘Cuz man, it kinda needed it. Also, I like this.- #15: 【UTAU】Lat式改変櫻歌ミコモデル【ルカルカ☆ナイトフィーバー】 (!!)
Why are all the Lat models so pretty?? Hey, did you know the Lat Teto model is actually just an edit? I didn’t know that! I thought the same person made it. [/slow] I did not know that! o.o- #14: 【ポケモンBW】ED曲に歌詞付けてみた【穂歌ソラ(連続音)】 (!!)
I’ve heard Sora sound better…- #13: 【UTAU+MMD】UTAU萌え42モデルで『スキスキ☆ファイアーエンドレスナイト』 (!!)
Do we get a new one of these every week? Sure seems like it.- #12: 【重音テト・デフォ子】電子世界より愛を込めて【オリジナル】 (!!)
<no comment>- #11: 【MMD】富士重工製ラビットS301【PMDモデル配布】 (!!)
<no comment>☆THIS WEEK’S PICKUPS
- #31: 【デフォ子・雪歌ユフ】月のあかるい夜には【UTAUオリジナル】
Totally in love w/ this one.- #33: 【雪歌ユフ】紅いサボテン【オリジナル曲PV】
And this one as well.- #34: 【和音マコ】桜の季節に会いましょう。【オリジナル】
Mako sounds good here. Waaay too quiet. I can agree w/ that, but what I can hear is nice. Plus I see Mako as much of a “quiet singer” anyway.- #36: 【UTAU】追憶【VIPPALOIDオリジナル曲】
Their voices blend well…- #42: 【重音テト】ヘトテト【オリジナル曲】
Younger sounding Teto. Not sure how I feel about sasayaki Teto yet…- #49: 【UTAU/オリジナル】 ありがとう 【翔歌トリ】
Such a cute, simple video. Ahh, I love this pairing… Wait, did I jus*explodes*- #55: 【重音テト】 nn 【オリジナル】
I like the base beat on this one.- #64: 【揺歌サユ】 空想遊び 【オリジナル曲】
I really like how the voice is tuned here. Sayuuuu! My waifu returns!!- #85: 【UTAUカバー】HAKUMEI【UTAU日本鬼子】 (NEW VB)
Not as good as Ritsu’s cover, sorry.- Out of Ranking: 【夢茶ちゃむ】つなぎめぐる【UTAUオリジナル曲】
Wow, I LOVE this song. Charm! Note to self: check out this song.☆WEEKLY RANKING PART 2
- #10: 【UTAU】響震路に「Pane dhiria」を歌ってもらった (↑17)
<no comment>- #9: 【重音テト】貴方の好きな星みたく【オリジナル】 (!!)
Hmm, something w/ Teto’s voice just doesn’t sound right here. Like it’s… scratchy? I agree.- #8: 【UTAU】シンデレリック・マジック【桜音ミリオリジナル曲】 (!!)
Adorable is the only word I can use here.- #7: 【UTAU-PV/UTAU鳥組】翼をください【歌に翼】 (!!)
Innnnnnteresting.- #6: 【紅白UTA合戦】桜前線異常ナシ【波音リツ】 (!!)
Ohlord, Ritsu’s voice is giving me chills here~ Which team is it for? Go Red!!- #5: 【エルシャダイ】エルシャダイズマインをルシフェルに歌って貰いました (!!)
Sorry, had to laugh a little. Mou…- #4: 【BASARALOID】ドSなあの人にUTAってもらった【MMD戦国BASARA】 (!!)
<no comment>☆EXTRA RANKING
- #5: 【雑誌が歌う】紙音シュシュで炉心融解【UTAUカバー】
My ears…. I think they’re bleeding…. Not enjoyable in the LEAST. Why make something like this?- #4: 【GUMI&テト】real miku-tack 小さなミク時計 -オ.レ.ノ.コ.ト.カ?-【例の曲】
FACE KICK! I guess Teto’s in there somewhere.- #3: 【トークロイド】第6回!Miki☆Teto Radio Jam!!【AHS生誕祭2010】
Sounds awesome, wish I completely understood what they were saying. Cuuuuuuute 8D- #2: 【MMD】ぽっぴっぽーMk-Ⅱちびっこ店だよ【ぷちテト】
A loli version, too cute!- #1: 【トークロイド】ボーカロイドたちの生活2『スキスキレン君』
Ruko-sama’s lovely voice~ *swoons* Ritsu sounds so smooooth~ kyaa~☆THIS WEEK IN HISTORY (Weekly UTAU Ranking #56)
- H5: 【波音リツ/連続音】リツリツ★ナイトフィーバー【UTAUカバー/MMD】 – <no comment>
- H4: 民安★ROCK「秋桜」演奏したりしてみた – So… am I a loser for remembering this?
- H3: 【雪歌ユフ】雪が降るように【オリジナル】 – God, I love Yufu so much now. Ah, you didn’t know this song? I love this P’s work; it’s all pretty much God-tier. I was bad about avoiding Yufu for a while, bur now I can’t get enough of her. Note to self to check out this P’s works.
- H2: 【重音テトさんアニメ】テトテトさん・第2-1音・学校に行く – I don’t completely get this, but the pictures made me laugh.
- H1: 【月読アイ】はじめてのおうた【オリジナル曲】 – Ohgod, these things. XD
- #3: 【重音テト連続音】 ImagineBreaker 【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
Nothing mind-blowing here, but a nice song. Anyone else think Digimon when looking at the picture? You too, uh?- #2: 【UTAUオリジナル】FuQK【重音テト連続音】 (!!)
Okay, this was entertaining. There’s something really polished about this video. Everything is very intriguing; the song is catchy, the video is well put together…- #1: [重音テト]メトロ[オリジナル曲] (!!)
Tis is the season for nice, mellow songs. I like how we’re starting. Saw this coming… it might be number one next week, too; we’ll see. Anyway, nice song.
- ED: 【穂歌ソラ】 doll 【UTAUオリジナル】
A+ here. なにこれ、かっこいい
Number one this week was KarapP’s original Kasane Teto song “Metro”. Congratulations!
At times when the endless grind gets you down, there’s a warm, melodic song here for you ♪
Well then, it’s time for the ending consisting of the rest of the top 100 ranked songs and the rest of the 25 extra ranking songs. Until next time!
This is an experimental new section I’ve decided to try out after mulling it over for a while. Here I (and any other editor who feels like it) will post an UTAU video that is considered a “must-see”. The only requirement is it must be an UTAU original song. It could be a PV, an MMD video, or even just a really cool song. It doesn’t have to be new, but it can’t have been mentioned in this section before. We shouldn’t have that problem yet, though. ^^; (NOTE: After this article, I will be taking out this blurb. Those who can read should realize what this section is by now. Thank you.)
deztora: Reminded by this week in history’s number three, my pick for this week is the Towano original Vague. A song that makes good use of Towano’s exceptional voicebank, it’s a must-listen for UTAU fans who are also fans of good music!
bunnychan: This time I’m featuring one of my all-time favorite songs, “Dreamy Dream” by IruuP. This song features Teto on main vocals w/ Luka on backing (honestly, you hardly hear her at all). This song tends to get repeated multiple times whenever it plays on my Sansa and is one I’ll never tire of.
Man, a lot of great stuff fell hard from last week. Next week is looking to be great, though, especially with more videos rolling in from the Kouhaku UTAU Battle that’s going on. Oh, what’s that? You have no clue what that is? Well basically, there are two teams: white and red. If you enter your NND ID number in a box that’s linked on the site, it’ll shuffle you into one of the two teams. Then, when you upload an UTAU video, it’ll be a video for that team. The tags for it are 紅白UTA合戦2010, UTAU紅組2010, and UTAU白組2010 (the last two referring to the individual teams, red and white respectively). This’ll be going on until, like the opening said, more than 200 people have done so. Exciting deshou?
Funny, I was more blown away by more Pickups than the main Ranking this week. The top three weren’t bad, but nothing like #64 or the Out of Ranking one. Though I will say #6 had great vocals. I wonder if we’ll see more Miko stuff as it gets closer to her birthday….
And that’s it for this week. Tune in next time, where I review the latest bonus chapter of Genshiken in great detail! (…uso)
I actually thought "Kaiga Shin" when I first saw the thumbnail for #3. Must be the orange top+goggles.
Whoa, red team's got lots of good UTAU producers on their side, eh. Makes me kinda wish I wasn't on the white team XD
知ってる?VocaloidのTVが始まるよ!^_^ http://vocarevo.com/
@Bunny: It took me two days to notice the error but this article was actually posted as WUR #107 instead of #108, but anyway corrected now. ^ ^;;
Geez, seriously? God, that's stupid of me. :/
It's okay, no big deal anyway~ I was looking at the video and it says WUR #108 while the article title mentions WUR #107 so I thought I would go check and correct it.
No comment again for number 10?? That tuning is GODLY!
I cant find the video for the OP anywhere!! >.< urk! I really want it! I've searched youtube all overr!
Uh, not to sound mean or anything, but you DO realize that we LINK all of the songs here, right? Just click on the link for the OP. o.O;