Weekly Vocaloid Ranking #169 – Resolutions
Vocaloid NND Weekly Ranking
Weekly Vocaloid Ranking “Unselected”
Welcome back to the last (full) vocaran of 2010! I hope all of you had a great Christmas with your families, and had fun (but not too much with alcohol…) over the holidays. Watch out for Rin/Len Append songs coming out next week!
Naho’s Opening Statement:
The time has come once again for this week’s VocaRan! “Kagamine Rin/Len” has been released for three years now! And now their Append has been released! Rin-chan! Len-kyun! Happy birthday you two!
Also, there’s only one more week left in 2010! The ranking is also affected by the end of the year! With year-end events and the Winter Comiket and such, there’s lots of new songs in the ranking!
Well then, let’s begin! This week as well, from number thirty, we’re starting! Douzo!
-Editors: Pengy, DTKel, Holocauxt, deztora, descent87, bunnychan
-Translator: deztora
-Song Status: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)
- #30: 【BIG-AL】DANCING☆SAMURAI ~ branch “Ham Handed Traveler”【神威がくぽ】 (!!)
lololololol. This is actually kind of awesome. Happy birthday Big-Al! I’m so happy this made the ranking! It is made of awesomeness!- #29: 【巡音ルカ GUMI】 ハッピーシンセサイザ 【オリジナル曲】 (↓25)
Also listen to Wotamin’s cover here.- #28: 初音ミクのオリジナル曲 クリスマスツリーを切り倒せ! -Full ver.- (↓2)
<no comment>- #27: 【鏡音リン】星天ドロップス【オリジナル曲PV付】 (↓3)
<no comment>- #26: 【GUMI】弱虫モンブラン【オリジナル曲PV付】 (→)
<no comment>- #25: 【初音ミク オリジナルPV】ファルセット (!!)
Really pretty PV.- #24: 【鏡音リン】チェックエンチェイス【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
Eviilll Rin. Ohhhh, nice emotion here.- #23: 【初音ミク】むかしむかしのきょうのぼく【オリジナル】 (↓11)
<no comment>- #22: 【VM-1グランプリ2010】No.0021 ASH【弱音ハク、亞北ネル】 (!!)
I don’t know what this is, but it’s not a song. …And…- #21: 初音ミク・巡音ルカ オリジナル曲 「ワールズエンド・ダンスホール」 (↑24)
<no comment>- #20: Snow Quartz 【巡音ルカ/オリジナル】 (↓10)
<no comment>- #19: 初音ミクより『クリスマス中止のお知らせ』(再通知Ver.) (–)
I love singing the Japanese version of this song, it’s great.- #18: 【GUMI】ポーカーフェイス【オリジナル曲PV付】 (↓17)
Didn’t like this at first, but I kind of dig it now.- #17: 【初音ミクappend】 Ameto 【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
Oooh Append Soft. Thought this was loli!Luka at first. o.o- #16: 【初音ミク】Trees In Our Homeland【オリジナル】 (!!)
I can always tell its a ryuryu song before I look at the info. So pretty~- #15: 【初音ミクAppend】 Re: 【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
nana, ’nuff said. Also very pretty. Saw this when it was tweeted. After listening to it a few times, I really like it.- #14: 【鏡音×バルシェ×囚人P】 騎士道~アニメPV~ 【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
FREAKIN’ AMAZING. I wish to steal ShujinP and use his animating skills for my own nefarious purposes. >8|- #13: 【GUMI】モザイクロール【オリジナル曲PV付】 (→)
Whoa, both are in the same rank they were last week.- #12: 【オリジナル曲PV】マトリョシカ【初音ミク・GUMI】 (↑14)
You can also watch the MMD here.- #11: 【鏡音リン】おひめさまになりたいのッ!【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
Rin isn’t overly turned in this one, getting better OSTER? While the song itself sounds like an amalgamation of a few previous OSTER songs, the whole package is very well-put-together and enjoyable.THIS WEEK’S PICK-UP: 「This love will not be successful」 song by 初音ミク (!!)
I like the beat.- #10: イッシュのポケモン 言えるのか! (↓1)
<no comment>- #9: 【初音ミク】ジブンインチモニター【オリジナル】 (!!)
Brb squealing like a girl at 164. God, I like 164.- #8: 【巡音ルカ】 6th. 【オリジナル】 (!!)
Do like. The PV is ssooooo beautiful.- #7: ARCA【初音ミクオリジナル】 (!!)
Sooo many pretty songs this week.- #6: 【GUMI】モノトーンコレクター【オリジナル曲PV】 (↑76)
A heavier GUMI song, I approve.- #5: MEIKO「壊セ壊セ」【オリジナル】 (↑7)
Yeh for MEIKO bump! Yes! Top five! Finally!- #4: 【初音ミク】うたうたいのうた【オリジナル】 (!!)
I have a feeling this could turn into an earworm.THIS WEEK IN HISTORY: (WVR#116)
This spot is for a look back at the VocaRan one year before. Here are the top five songs from that week.
- H5: Amazing MEIKO cover is amazing.
- H4: Ooh I remember this last year.
- H3: Wait… what… YESH. Ah, I miss that being my signature…
- H2: Great song.
- H1: MMDPV of this is here if you haven’t watched it already. 8#Prince FTW. The furitsuke kinda sucks, but the song is great. (And the furitsuke sucking isn’t the fault of 8#Prince…)
- #3: 【鏡音レン・初音ミク】 泣キ虫カレシ 【オリジナルPV】 (!!)
Mmmm カレ, wait… wrong カレー. Great artwork though. This is rather sweet. Didn’t like it at first, but it grew on me.- #2: 【巡音ルカ】 ブラックゴールド 【オリジナル】 (!!)
I like Lukarock, although I don’t like death/metal much. Oh hellz yeah, something I can headbang to~! I already tweeted about this but what the heck. Otetsu-saaaaan! You’ve returned! \o/- #1: 【初音ミク】左右 -みぎひだり-【オリジナル・PV】 (!!)
Right, no wait left. Hmmm might be right though. The song may be kind of simple, but the PV sure isn’t. Kind of disappointing. The PV is pretty cool, but that’s about it.- ED Song: 【自作曲】003「Eyes in the Night feat. 鏡音リン」
Ohhhhh, why haven’t I heard this one before??In Other Vocaloid News:
That was this week’s number one song.
As we approach the end of 2010, there’s a huge event. Japan’s biggest place to buy doujin products, “Comic Market 79” will run from December 29th to December 31st at Tokyo Big Sight. Of course, there will be a lot of Vocaloid circles participating.
If you’re participating in the event, be sure to read the rules carefully, listen to the instructions of the people in charge, and mind your manners. Also, be safe returning home, so you can be greeted by the new year…
And with that, here’s the rest of the ranking, from number 31 onward.
Final Thoughts/Analysis:
It’s too early to see Rin/Len Append songs up here, but expect them next week! There had better be Rin and Len Append in the top three or the Buns will rage!!
…And so with that, we end this week’s Vocaloid Ranking review. Please join us again next week, and have a Happy New Year!.
Black Gold is so good! otetsu has been releasing some great songs recently, I can't wait until they're on iTunes. Side note: If Black Gold comes on while you're driving, you will start to exceed the speed limit. There's no way around it, just be advised.
soo that's wat valshe was doing…. the animation is amazing!!
Gotta say, I didn't expect BigAl to be used like that. And the fact that Gakupo is in there too makes it even more epic and hilarious. I hope to see more of this Brothers From Across the Ocean style.
The MMD of Gumi in Matryoshika is amazing, especially the execution of the 5-2-4. Very well thought out.
Haven't seen a lot of Baker lately. Hope the Pickup gains.
Not getting any earworms here.
#3 wasn't good to me. Parts of the background music were off by a half tic and it made following along painful.
#1 isn't Wowaka? Fooled me there.
Next week's first spot is being taken by DYE2 without fail. Sorry for those hoping for an Append Sweep.
Actually… OSTER Project’s new song so far is looking to take the top spot.
Unless DYE2 can keep up it’s pace and OSTER’s starts to fall dramatically…
#11 Classical OSTER here, it reminded me a bit of トリコロール・エア・ライン, guess she likes these southern america's rythms
[youtube qposrgcopGk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qposrgcopGk youtube]
With this new number 1, of course every first thought of ura-omote… but I think instead of accusing the song of copying ura-omote lovers, or complaining that wowaka's songs alls ound the same, the community should accept that the fast-and-rhythmical melodic-rap style characteristic of these songs have matured into its own genre… and I like it!