Weekly UTAU Ranking #111 – Holiday Sniffles
If anything seems a little off guys, I apologize, but I’m getting over a little illness. Isn’t this weather great? /sarcasm
However, a good ole dose of Weekly UTAU should help knock out that runny nose! (please note that I am NOT a doctor and I don’t guarantee results from a UTAU treatment)
Sorry for the wait! It’s time for the Weekly UTAU Ranking.
Another year of UTAU Rankings has come to an end. Thank you for all the support throughout the year. Even though there’s not much left of 2010, make sure you don’t leave things undone.
The uploader’s year-end project “Let’s vote on songs we like and make an album video!” video has been uploaded. If anyone hasn’t listened to it, make sure you check it out; you’ll be glad you did! Thanks! Video ID: sm13128241.
Now then, let’s begin the ranking.
-Editors: deztora, chibikarla, Aster Selene, Holocauxt, Bunnychan, Pokénatic
-Song Stats: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)
- OP: 根音ネネは空を見る【オリジナル曲】
This is rather cute. Typical Nene fare, though that’s not a bad thing.☆WEEKLY RANKING PART 1
- #20: 【重音テト】ウイスキーが、お好きでしょ【カバーMini】 (!!)
<no comment>- #19: [UTAUオリジナル曲・波音リツ]AzureArkより「蒼の聖域」 (!!)
Ahhh, Ritsu, why do you sound so good~? Because she is simply amazing! *awaits corrections*- #18: 【UTAU】 LEAP VOICE 【重音テトオリジナル曲】 (!!)
Really pretty video, and a rather nice song as well.- #17: 【UTAUオリジナル】 アクアリタ 【デフォ子】 (↓11)
There needs to be more Defoko love. Wow, it’s still on the ranking. Awesome.- #16: 【重音テト連続音】れもら【オリジナル曲】 (↑19)
Still cute. Indeed. As expected of this P whose name I always have trouble remembering.- #15: 【MMD】デフォ子でミラクルペイント 歌わせてみた (!!)
Why make covers with Defoko? WHY? WHY??- #14: 【根音ネネ】いつか蝶になる。 (!!)
I think Nene is slowly worming her way into my heart…. To be fair, she should already be there.- #13: 【櫻歌ミコ】30パーセントダイアリー【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
All I can say is dawwwwww. An original song that’s not by that P I hate? All right!- #12: ゆっくりに本気で 『めてお☆いんぱくと』 を歌わせてみた (↓2)
<no comment>- #11: 【BASARALOID】『龍』をこじゅっぽいどにUTAってもらった【UTAU】 (↑13)
<no comment>☆THIS WEEK’S PICKUPS
- #35: 【UTAUオリジナル曲】ボクハウタウ【重音テト】
God, I love this kind of music. Oh, I like this P’s stuff too! S/he continues not to disappoint.- #36: 【波音リツ】藍の塔【オリジナル】
An older sounding Ritsu, I like.- #39: 【型破ルト】ひよこのうた【オリジナル】
Like the voice a lot. RUTO? IN MY RANKING VIDEO? YESSSSS.- #40: 【櫻歌ミコ・根音ネネ】「チクタク時計」【白鐘ヒヨリ・BIG-AL】
Oh, fun. Interesting combination, but not a bad one.- #54: 【UTAUオリジナル】ゴロゴロ【重音テト】
For some reason, I really, really like this. If the tuning were a bit better, it’d probably be on the ranking proper. It’s a very catchy song.- #59: 【白鐘ヒヨリ】遠いヌクモリ【オリジナル】
Sounds godlike. More Hiyori? And last week we had Himeka… well I’m not complaining.- #85: 【桃音モモ連続音音源】冬の水道水【オリジナル】
This will be on repeat for some time….- #99: 【UTAU】ほのかげ【 悠歌ゆらぎ・オリジナル】
<no comment>- Out of Ranking: 【UTAU】Winter box【鳴海イツルオリジナル】
Kind of a shame this is OoR, it’s rather nice. Wow, it is. =D- Out of Ranking: 【音源配布】よくわからないまま音源作ってみた【水音ノム】 (NEW VB)
I think there’s promise here. Eh, I could take it or leave it.☆WEEKLY RANKING PART 2
- #10: 【UTAUカバー】テトテト★ナイトフィーバー【MMD】(修正版) (!!)
<no comment>- #9: 【サブウェイ】裏表サブウェイズ【マスター】 (!!)
Ugh. I despise Ruko’s male voicebank. B(- #8: 【UTAU+MMD】重音テトで『Nostalogic』 (!!)
Sexy Teto is sexy.- #7: 【UTAU】HELLO X’MAS!-Page 0-【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
A nice collective UTAU X-mas song. This P never disappoints!- #6: 【UTAU三人娘】Happy Christmas(War Is Over)【カバー】 (!!)
English sounds pretty good here. I’d like it better if I didn’t suddenly remember the original, that I hated. Hated oh so much.- #5: 【UTAU】永遠にクリスマス中止のお知らせ2010 (!!)
LOL.- #4: 根音ネネ/そらに歩く樹(UTAUオリジナル) (!!)
Darn you Nene, darn you!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NENE-CHAN! God-tier mia子 work once again.☆EXTRA RANKING
- #5: 【初音ミク】クリスマスツリーを燃やす【来いよ、石原】
What in the world?- #4: 【トークロイド】ボカロでラジオでツアーなんです!2 入り口【HANASU】
<no comment>- #3: VM-1グランプリ2010 No.0007 鮑と松茸
<no comment>- #2: 【MMD】重音テトact2 最終版配布
So which is your favorite?- #1: イッシュのポケモン 言えるのか!
<no comment>☆THIS WEEK IN HISTORY (Weekly UTAU Ranking #59)
- H5: 【白鐘ヒヨリ連続音】しずかな夜 ふたりの宇宙【オリジナル曲】 – Why don’t I have this amazing song?? I don’t know. I downloaded it almost a year ago. I LOVE it. ^^;
- H4: 【MEIKO・重音テト】今年のクリスマスは中止DEATH【オリジナル】 – Duuuuuuude. I forgot about this. O.O
- H3: 【重音テト・初音ミク】 Tube Screamer 【オリジナル】 – I. Love. This. Song. I could never get into it. I absolutely love BitCrushe though.
- H2: ゆっくりに本気で 『君の知らない物語』 を歌わせてみた – I swear….
- H1: 【UTAU】 チルノのパーフェクトさんすう教室 【ドナルド】 – Ron Ron RU~ God. I remember this one, though I tried hard not to. >_>;
- #3: 【すこってい連続音発表】13km【健音テイ】 (!!)
Oh, a Tei VB upgrade? I already loved her and this song, but WOW she sounds SOO good!! But she sounded good befHOLY CRAP THAT’S TEI??- #2: 【UTAU】東西アニキでマトリョシカ【戦国BASARA】 (↑5)
Oh lulz. Whyyyyyyyy?? *watches* …Okay, I guess it is… a bit cool… but still.- #1: 【MMD】歌うテトさん大百科 (→1)
I’m not surprised at all this kept the number one spot, it’s very well done. Congrats on V2! It is very cute.
- ED: 【地味音オトセ】あの日のボクにさよならを。【UTAUオリジナル】
What a soothing song.
Number one for the second week in a row, it’s oimo-san’s cover of “Melancholic” with Kasane Teto. Congratulations!
All the work that went into this is evident; it’s fascinating. It’s a fantastic PV ♪
Now then, it’s time for the ending consisting of the rest of the top 100 ranked songs and the rest of the 25 extra ranking songs. Until next time!
deztora: Pulling out an older favorite of mine, m.u. is a great song in a genre that’s hard to pin down. It’s got the brilliant Fuuchan and Raichan behind it (the same ones who did number 5 in this week’s history, by the way), so you should trust me and listen to it.
bunnychan: Nene is starting to be like Yufu and is starting to find a place for her in my heart (I’m not sure if this is a good thing, lol). When Nene first came out I wasn’t too enthralled w/ her, but “Muddy Creeper” by ItachimaP did catch my ear. I highly recommend it.
Number three makes me very, very happy. And number one is still one of the cutest videos I have ever seen (makes me want to role play out the video in cosplay). Other than that, a rather good week, lots of new songs and most of the stuff in the Pickup I would recommend taking a few minutes to listen to.
Happy birthday Nene Nene, and here’s hoping that there are more awesomesauce songs to come! Other than that, I don’t really have any comments aside from agreeing with bunnychan’s. =)
Till next time folks, this is the Weekly UTAU Ranking signing o-ACHOO!
#3 made me completely fall in love with Tei. Not that I didn't like her already before, but this is just beautiful.
Tei's VCV = Awesomest thing ever.
By the way dez, mind if I write an article on VCV? I want to spread UTAU love~
You know, you don't need my permission or anything to write an article. Just write it and have an editor overlook it+publish it. o/
That having been said, I think it'd be a good idea if you wrote said article. If you need help with anything (HTML, embedding, finding pictures, etc), let me know.
#1… so… cute… can't… breathe……………