Weekly UTAU Ranking #112 – People Just Didn’t Believe Me
After reading comments from various sources on Aster’s article on VCV, it turns out that people have just been ignoring me when I’ve been telling them how great UTAU can sound for the past year or better. “Yeah, yeah, okay, whatever dez. All I know about UTAU is that one song that came out in 2008, and based on that, I’m not liking UTAU ever.” Fantastic. I love it when people are close-minded. Well, at least now they’re catching on.
But enough negativity. Ranking time! I have a feeling I know what’s going to be number one, and I am definitely looking forward to it. Onward!
Sorry for the wait. It’s time for the Weekly UTAU Ranking.
Happy New Year everyone! We’ve begun the first part of 2011 ♪ Last year, we got lots of support and assistance. We’re going to work hard this year too, so thanks for all the support!
On another subject, at the end of last year, the person responsible for the Monthly UTAU Original Song Ranking, Ceriph-san, uploaded the “UTAU Ranking 2010 Year SP” for us.
For the people who haven’t yet seen all the songs from last year, be sure to check it out ♪ Video ID: sm13176495
Well then, let’s begin the ranking.
-Editors: deztora, chibikarla, Aster Selene, Holocauxt, Bunnychan, Pokénatic
-Song Stats: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)
- OP: 【重音テッド】謹賀新年【オリジナル曲】
This is awesome.☆WEEKLY RANKING PART 1
- #20: 【UTAU/重音テト+Sinsy】 Here We Go Round Again 【オリジナル】 (!!)
Catchy! さすが耳ロボP. Also, I’m so happy he’s back. Also, it loops! Oddly catchy.- #19: 【UTAUオリジナル】手首を骨ごとジョッキリ【健音テイ】 (!!)
TEI-SAMA!!! She sounds amazing here.- #18: 【UTAU】HELLO X’MAS!-Page 0-【オリジナル曲】 (↓7)
<no comment>- #17: 【TetOniko てとにこ!】Calc.【UTAUカバー】 (!!)
Not a bad cover of a song many will recognize. Eh, I’m not feeling it. Then again, I’m super picky when it comes to OneRoom covers. Not bad, but I do like the original more.- #16: 【重音テッド】KKKの怠惰な食卓【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
Hoods, I’m worried. XDXD- #15: 【Google翻訳日本語さん】おちゃめ機能【UTAU連続音】 (!!)
<no comment>- #14: 【重音テト】 冬もマシンガン 【SAKEBU】 (!!)
I AM A MACHINE GUN- #13: 【オリジナル】ぽんぽんぺいんのうた【ネギドリル】 (!!)
It’s cute.- #12: 【雪歌ユフ】 ナイトエンドソング 【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
Totally in love with the art, don’t know where to begin, who is this pretty avatar/UTAU? Song is great too. This be Sekka Yufu! Definitely a fan favorite. If you look at a few past UtaRan articles, you can find a few editors’ picks with her. *raises hand* I’m a Yufu fan, she’s amazing.- #11: 【MMD-DMC2】エクストリーム一万尺【にぎやかし部門】 (!!)
That had to take alot of work, well done.☆THIS WEEK’S PICKUPS
- #22: [UTAU 白鐘ヒヨリ] Breathing [オリジナル]大百科
Oh so very pretty. Hiyori has a very calming voice. Oh, more Hiyori, me likie.- #29: [重音テト]カメレオン[オリジナル曲]
I fully expect this to be number one next week. It is very good.- #37: 【雁ヶ音ユエ】教えて!! 魔法のLyric【UTAUカバー】 (NEW VB)
Not bad, but something doesn’t seem right… hm. Great harmony though.- #38: 【重音テト】Winter song【オリジナル曲】
<no comment>- #44: アイアムクローン?/﨑﨑コールドハート(UTAUオリジナル)
Should find a place on lots of people “chill out” playlist. mia子 is very, very good at that. Love everything about this.- #48: 重音テトオリジナル曲「8bitの世界のお姫様」
OK what is up with all this stuff trying to make me like UTAU. Feels like a hachi song or something.GIIIIVE IIIIINYou can not escape~- #52: 【UTAUオリジナル】おくりもの【助手の森君】
This… isn’t a new VB? How have I not heard this before? Great voice!- #71: 【重音テト】sweet【オリジナル】
<no comment>- #93: 【UTAUオリジナル曲】 「おはよ。」 【夜凪音和子】
Like I said previously, this would be fantastic and an instant favorite if it weren’t for the distracting accent.- Out of Ranking: 【蟹音ぱん。】ガラクタシティ【UTAUオリジナル曲】
I have a hard time believing Pan is hard to use right. Seems like there are more good Haruka Nana songs than Pan songs. Anyway, don’t care for this.☆WEEKLY RANKING PART 2
- #10: 【心音チヨコ】ココロノオト【UTAUオリジナル】 (!!)
Wait… isn’t this a new VB? Oh, nice song. I see so much parody in that artwork. Not a terrible voice.- #9: 【すこってい連続音発表】13km【健音テイ】 (↓3)
Nooo, my Tei!!! At least you stayed in the top ten.- #8: 【阿久女イク誕生祭2010】 なんて淫らな阿久女イクだ大百科 (!!)
Oh, haven’t seen Iku in a while. Man, people have gotten 1000x better at making her sing.- #7: 【重音テト】Blue Chain【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
Two Kino songs for the price of one ranking! Fantastic! Great stuff.- #6: 【サブウェイ】裏表サブウェイズ【マスター】 (↑9)
<no comment>- #5: 【朝音ボウ連続音】 紅一葉 【UTAUカバー】 (!!)
Very well done Red Leaf cover. Right up there with Luka and Miku. Has a few awkward moments, but overall, I agree, though nothing will ever beat Takano Yuki’s version. Not bad at all.- #4: 【雪歌ユフ】いないいない、【オリジナル】 (!!)
Eeeeeeeeeek!! 毎夜P!! *fangirls* Anyway, of course I love it. *fangirls w/ you*☆EXTRA RANKING
- #5: VM-1グランプリ2010 No.0045 テイレン
No real clue what they’re saying here, but I love the interaction between the two.- #4: VM-1グランプリ2010 No.0003 活音テク
<no comment>- #3: 【MMD-DMC2】Nostalogic【波音リツ】
Dat model….- #2: 【MMD-DMC2】マトリョシカをテト、リツに踊らせてみた
This is insanely addictive to watch, the dancing is SO GOOD… I know! I can’t stop watching! Ritsu’s hair physics… so awesome… Ohlord, this could be a drug….- #1: VM-1グランプリ2010 No.0007 鮑と松茸
<no comment>☆THIS WEEK IN HISTORY (Weekly UTAU Ranking #60)
- H5: 【MEIKO・重音テト】今年のクリスマスは中止DEATH【オリジナル】 – <no comment>
- H4: UTAUオリジナル「風が吹いて、雲が晴れて」(欲音ルコ) – I still like this. inaphon is God.
- H3: 【萌々子さんへ】Dear you From U【UTAUオリジナル】 – How… how did I miss this? Same here! *SAVES LIKE MAD*
- H2: 【UTAU】 チルノのパーフェクトさんすう教室 【ドナルド】 – Ugh… Still here, huh… (-_-;) Heehee, Ran Ran~
- H1: 【重音テト・初音ミク】Your figure looks like me【オリジナル】 – Man, it’s already been a year… it was this time last year that I was complaining loudly about this being excluded from the VocaRan. Good times, good times. 8D This song is one that could turn any UTAU hater into a lover.
- #3: 【萌え散れ!】 心の鬼 【オリジナル曲】 UTAU日本鬼子音源公開! (!!)
Could be better, but not bad. It’s good, but it’s not blowing me away or anything.- #2: 【BASARALOID】クリスマスだョ!全員集合【超特大号】 (!!)
…Really? :\- #1: 【重音テト】ワレモノ【オリジナル曲・PV】 (!!)
No way I, descent, can be getting so into a UTAU song. I’m not supposed to like UTAU! What? Aaaaargh!!! (Awesome PV)GIIIIIIIVE IIIIIIIIINAnd this marks Kino song number two. This song is so awesome. I’ve been looping it all week. There are no words to clearly explain how amazing this song is.
- ED: 【雪歌ユフとか】千三つロボットガール【オリジナル曲】
Got to let it build then it becomes awesome.
Number one this week was Kino-san’s original song with Kasane Teto, “Waremono”. Congratulations!
The PV was done by Inukimei-san, and this combination has achieved number one once again. The spotlight is back on this pair, ne ♪
Now then, it’s time for the ending consisting of the rest of the top 100 ranked songs and the rest of the 25 extra ranking songs. Until next time!
deztora: For those who don’t visit the forums, akayaka has his songs available for whatever price you want to pay, and he makes great use of Momo’s whisper voice. That having been said, my pick this week is a very ambient one– it’s akayaka’s Door featuring Momone Momo (whisper). This is one of the songs in the collection, so if you like it and think you might like his other stuff, click on the link above and check it out for yourself. Maybe even buy it. Support the artist!!
Bunnychan: Well, this song is so good it was listed in my recommendations file twice. This time I want to suggest “AM” by akamimi feat. Awanu Upa. This is more of an “experimental” piece of musice that mostly features some repeating words over a bare musical base. But I love it A LOT. I highly suggest it for anyone who likes something a little different.
Enjoyed many of the songs this week while I was helping out. I must say, I have had to really rethink my personal feelings about UTAU between this and the VCV article earlier this week. Waremono really stood out. Its a great Teto song, and the stylistic art is just amazing, very deserving of #1. Enjoyed the Red Leaf cover coming in at #5 as well. Epic Matryoshka MMD cover/dance routine is epic. And given some much weaker songs (in my opinion) that made it fairly high, I am surprised Breathing only came in at #22, hoping it gets recognized more. Have a great week everyone!
“Waremono” stood out because it’s stellar work– definitely Kino at his best. The way he tunes Teto is Godly. Aaand that’s enough fangirling for now… No, forget it, I can’t believe “Chameleon” only came in 29! I know it’s because of the delay in when the points are tallied and when the video is put up, but it’s got so many views and mylists now that I thought for sure it would be in the top. Well, next week, next week.
A great week, I think! I am completely blown away by how great number one is. But on the topic on UTAU recognition…. Sadly, a lot of people hear one bad song and call UTAU quits, before giving it any real chance (the same can be said for Vocaloid, I’ve had to force people to listen to GOOD songs after they’ve run across some terrible ones). I always say give everything at least one chance, and go back for seconds if you’re not 110% sure. While UTAU may not get the same coverage as Vocaloid (being a free software and completly user-driven) there are still people out there that love it just as much as dez and I. We salute you and wish to add to your ranks! So, come on people, give UTAU a try? *puppy dog eyes*
That’s it for this week. Tune in next time, where we get more great original songs that only a handful of people will notice or care about. [/sad]
Kinda surprised at how low Chameleon was. But yeah, I dare bet that it'll take the top spot next week.
Also, MimiroboP~ I always like it when he uses Sinsy.
Oh, I also have something to ask for the staff: would you guys be doing a write-up on the UTAU Ranking SP?
I certainly wouldn't mind (even considered the idea myself the other day), but that'd be one big article… I guess I could split it up… Hmm, I'll get back to you. 8D
Since the "Strong Voice Material" revolution, I think that UTAU is becoming more and more awesome everyday. When handled properly, UTAU can rival or even surpass mediocre Vocaloid vocal. And it's free software…
I always knew about UTAU but wasn't really interested in it, because I've been telling myself that I'd have to wade through a lot of mediocre songs to find the real gems. I got kinda interested after reading the VCV article and listening to 13km. But what really got me was the song Relics. I listened to both the original and the cover and I must say, the song sounds better with Tei. Dammit…now I have to follow the UTAU scene too :/