Weekly UTAU Ranking #113 – Witty Title Goes Here!
*Witty intro goes here.*
*Anecdote no one cares about goes here.*
*Reference no one gets goes here.*
*Peppy, overly-energetic comment about viewing the UTAU Ranking goes here.*
deztora’s translation coming up soon. Thank you for waiting!
-Editors: deztora, chibikarla, Aster Selene, Holocauxt, Bunnychan, Pokénatic
-Song Stats: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)
- OP: 【重音テト】テトさんと不思議な午後【オリジナル曲】
- #20: 【MMD+UTAU】おんなじキモチ【UTAU girl’s ??】 (!!)
<no comment>- #19: 【UTAUオリジナル】手首を骨ごとジョッキリ【健音テイ】 (→19)
Yeh~ Tei kept her spot!!- #18: 【UTAU/重音テト+Sinsy】 Here We Go Round Again 【オリジナル】 (↑20)
<no comment>- #17: 【松田っぽいよ(+初音ミク)】アルビノフロッグ【UTAUオリジナル曲PV風】 (!!)
Kind of creepy and sad at the same time.- #16: 【重音テト】 お弁当の中身を片寄らせるお化け 【オリジナル】 (!!)
Has an odd echo effect.- #15: 【UTAUカバー】時計塔のうた【松田っぽいよ】 (!!)
Good cover and I LOVE the art.- #14: 【穂歌ソラ】 歯の隙間に挟まったパイナポー 【オリジナル】 (!!)
Not really feeling this one.- #13: 【ゆめにっき替え歌カバー】マドリョシカ【波音リツ】 (↑50)
<no comment>- #12: 【櫻歌ミコ・波音リツ】廃都アトリエスタにて【UTAUカバー】 (!!)
DAWWWW.- #11: [UTAU]again…大百科 (!!)
I can barely hear the voice here. :/☆THIS WEEK’S PICKUPS
- #21: 【UTAU重音テト】 秋風のままで 【オリジナル曲】
Awww, sad Teto….- #24: 【波音リツ】 仮面と貴婦人 【オリジナル曲】
I like this kind of Ristu.- #28: 【重音テト】もうすぐ陽がのぼる【オリジナル曲】
Something different and right up my alley!- #33: 【UTAU】愛音アノン紹介【新音源】 (NEW VB)
Sounds like a good quality voice, we’ll see if she gets popular.- #44: 【波音リツ】嘘吐きガール【UTAUオリジナル曲】
Ritsu looks AND sounds adorable here.- #47: 星、靴
Ohhh, loving this one.- #48: 【新音源公開】ハロ/ハワユ【詩楼ニコ】 (NEW VB)
A lower, whisper type voice? Not bad.- #74: 【空音ユイ】ナゼ【オリジナル曲】
A deeper female voice, I dig it.- #90: 【りょくも】UTAU音源配布【UTAUカバー】 (NEW VB)
Cute design, but the voice isn’t really catching me.- #92: 【重音テト】笑い袋【UTAUオリジナル曲】
A bit different, I like it.☆WEEKLY RANKING PART 2
- #10: 【BASARALOID】クリスマスだョ!全員集合【超特大号】 (↓2)
<no comment>- #9: 【重音テト】ワレモノ【オリジナル曲・PV】 (↓1)
Still a good song.- #8: 【UTAU】そんなGO MY WAY!!で大丈夫か? (!!)
What in the….- #7: 【UTAUカバー】アンチクロロベンゼン【櫻歌ミコパワー連続音配布】 (!!)
This actually works rather well.- #6: 【波音リツ】WEATHER【UTAUオリジナル】 (!!)
Deep the effects on Ritsu’s voice.- #5: 【UTAUオリジナル曲】 「おはよ。」 【夜凪音和子】 (↑93)
Hell of a bump.- #4: 【UTAU】 紅き少女と誓いの剣 【重音テトオリジナル曲】 (!!)
Seems sad, I need a translation.☆EXTRA RANKING
- #5: 【MMD戦国BASARA】三成の「みくみくにしてあげる♪」斬滅してやんよ【UTAU】
I like the sword light effects?? >.>- #4: 【HANASU】我が家のUTAUたち
<no comment>- #3: 【新春HANASU祭り2011】UTAUキャラで笑点
<no comment>- #2: 【MMD-DMC2】マトリョシカをテト、リツに踊らせてみた
I love this so much.- #1: 【トークロイド】ボーカロイドたちの生活4『分裂した心』
Ohlord!! XDDD☆THIS WEEK IN HISTORY (Weekly UTAU Ranking #61)
- H5: 「 1 」/春歌ナナ – LamazeP can do no wrong.
- H4: 【UTAU】You Raise Me Up 【カバー】 – <no comment>
- H3: 重音テトの暴走(LONG VERSION) – I can’t help but love this cover.
- H2: 【ゆっくり】リフレクティア【雪歌ユフ・重音テト】 – <no comment>
- H1: 【重音テト・初音ミク】Your figure looks like me【オリジナル】 – This song is ssssooooo good.
- #3: 【雪歌ユフ】いないいない、【オリジナル】 (↑4)
So~ good.- #2: 【魔王エンジェル】ゆるして★PAIタッチ【UTAU三人娘】 (!!)
Cute, but not my favorite ever.- #1: [重音テト]カメレオン[オリジナル曲] (↑29)
dez called it!
- ED: 【貴野ユキ】汽水域【オリジナル】
<no comment>
deztora’s translation coming up soon. Thank you for waiting!
Bunnychan: For this week I was to feature the Kamome Sano feat. Kasane Teto song 沙野カモメ – 願い事. It has a very simple and electronic beat that I can’t help but love to death.
Haha, I love how dez totally called this week’s number one last week. GJGJ!! Otherwise, not a ton of new stuff this week, but there were some nice gems this week.
*Emo comment about no one viewing the UTAU Ranking posts goes here.*
Join us next week for *clever quip goes here.*
Hahaah, what's with Sengoku Basara being all over the ranking… ? I love it, though.
And I really like #3. <3
I've actually read these articles ever since they started being written. I just don't usually comment.
I felt sort of cheated that most of the non-ranking parts of this article were just a joke on the repetitive structure of the posts, instead of something interesting like last week. I'm not trying to insult, but please don't do that in the future, okay?
Comment expressing sadness at the lack of Luka this week goes here. Additional comment about how this will be rectified next week goes here.
*Rant about how UTAU are still far from Vocaloid quality even if great Ps like Lamaze are on it*
…You did /not/ just say that…
…I hate it when people say that without further qualification. It's not necessarily true at all…so please say /how/.
I seriously think "UTAU is inferior to Vocaloid" is a myth. Like Halo's said before, nowadays I actually prefer UTAU to Vocaloid, especially when mostly unedited.
It's just that you convinced me to pay more attention to UTAU with your (very nice) article about VCV. Unfortunatelly, there's no VCV this week in the ranking or the P's doing them deliberately kept a very artificial tone to their song. But I understand that you may have mistaken my statement as a generic judgment about UTAU while in fact it was only about this week's ranking.
I understand that one may like the metallic voice of many UTAUloids, but Take #1, you can still hear Teto almost stuttering at several point. I doubt it's a problem with からつP's skill …
Actually, からっP uses CV Teto. His/her songs are so catchy, and the lyrics so nice, that I forgive him/her, though.
Skill? No way to tell. The decision to use CV probably has everything to do with it, though. For example, if you want to hear VCV Teto, look up "a day in the loop." by 毎夜P.
Thanks Dez, Teto still has this metallic voice, but it's undoubtedly smooth singing. I also discovered a LOT of Teto song with a better voice and clever use of VCV, very often on par with many Miku song produced by skilled Ps <3.
And you know what ? My next "album" purchase will be Graduation From Lie (http://karent.jp/special/teto10) …
[youtube BrJP_ckRos0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrJP_ckRos0 youtube]
On a related note: I noticed that you write からっP with a sokuon and not a regular つ. Having read his name on the PV, I though it was just a problem of handwriting accidentally reducing the つ. But if it's his correct name then that's the first time I see a sokuon geminating a romaji character. Especially nowing that this character is an abbreviation.
Well, it's easy to tell it's the small 'tsu' and not a regular one because his/her P name comes from the first song s/he did, which was からっぽのうた. So, からっP. Geddit 8D
And yes, "Graduation From Lie" is definitely worth buying. Sky Swimmer <3 <3 <3 Melody <3 <3 <3 Intermedio <3 <3 <3 updated Tetrapod <3 <3 <3 and Murphy's Law <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 SO GREAT