Weekly Vocaloid Ranking #174 – Internet issues
Vocaloid NND Weekly Ranking
Weekly Vocaloid Ranking “Unselected”
Ahem, Comcast technicians are afraid of heights. (well at least mine was) So it took about 3 hours to get my modem “fixed”.
Anyways luckily I had the video fully loaded and got the stuff written down during the down time.
Naho’s Opening Statement:
Good morning, it’s time for this week’s VocaRan!
Luka was released on January 30th! Happy birthday, Luka-sama!
We’ve just entered February, and it seems the weather got really agitated. Watch out for the snowfalls and avalanches, especially if you live on the Japan Sea coast!
A bit like the weather, last week’s ranking had turned into a melee. And we still see the aftermaths this week.
Without further ado, let’s watch it! This week too we’ll start from number 30.
-Editors: Pengy, DTKel, Holocauxt, deztora, descent87, bunnychan, Krystal
-Translator: kurisuto
-Song Status: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)
- #30 (↑35): 初音ミク・巡音ルカ オリジナル曲 「ワールズエンド・ダンスホール」 (World’s End Dancehall)
<no comment>- #29 (!!): Lilyオリジナル曲 『Marie-Luise』
It’s been a while since Lily was in the top 30.- #28 (↓18): 【初音ミク】 腐れ外道とチョコレゐト 【オリジナル】
<no comment>- #27 (–): 【初音ミク】モウモクポエム【オリジナル】
<no comment>- #26 (↓10): 初音ミク(Θ)どういうことなの!?
Do you?- #25 (↑28): 『初音ミク』リスキーゲーム『オリジナルPV付』 (Risky Game)
<no comment>- #24 (!!): 歌愛ユキ – Paradise Song
<no comment>- #23 (↓7): 【初音ミク】ドミノ倒シ【オリジナル曲PV付】 (Domino effect)
I don’t know what type of music you would call this, but I never liked it.- #22 (↓14): 初音ミク】ハイドアユートピア【PV付き】 (Hidoor Utopia)
<no comment>- #21 (↑25): 【GUMI】モザイクロール【オリジナル曲PV付】 (Mozaik Role)
<no comment>- #20 (↓12): 【GUMI】十面相【オリジナル曲PV付き】 (Ten Faced)
<no comment>- #19 (↓13): 【初音ミク】 バベル 【オリジナル】 (Babel)
<no comment>- #18 (↓6): 【鏡音リン・レンAppend】からくり卍ばーすと【オリジナル】
<no comment>- #17 (↑20): 【初音ミク】かえりみち【オリジナル】 (Kaerimichi)
<no comment>- #16 (!!): 【初音ミク】 シャァベッタァァァァァァァ!!! 【オリジナル曲】
This actually made it to the top 30… RAGE- #15 (!!): 【初音ミク・GUMI】 Numb Army The BooⅡ 【オリジナル曲】
<no comment>- #14 (↑37): 【巡音ルカ】アンデルツェ【????】
<no comment>- #13 (↑16): 【オリジナル曲PV】マトリョシカ【初音ミク・GUMI】 (Matryoshka
Did recent cosplays at PAX East cause this jump?- #12 (!!): 【初音ミク】神曲【オリジナル・PV付き】
My favorite new song of the week.- #11 (!!): 【鏡音リン】 グッバイトデー 【オリジナル】 (Goodbye, Today)
<no comment>This weeks pick-up: 【鏡音リン・レンappend】 CROSSMIND 【オリジナル】 (!!46)
Great pickup to choose.- #10 (!!): 【初音ミク・雪歌ユフ】 日常鎖飯事 【オリジナル】
<no comment>- #9 (↓5): 【鏡音リン┗|∵|┓】 スキキライ 【鏡音レンAppend・オリジナルPV】 (Suki Kirai/Love Hate)
Take a listen to the hanatan/ASK cover of this here.- #8 (↑11): 【初音ミク】オリジナリティ【ごめんなさい】 (Originality)
<no comment>- #7 (↓3): 【神威がくぽ KAITO 鏡音レン】「LOVELESS×××」オリジナル曲【PV付】
<no comment>- #6 (!!): 【鏡音リン】炉心融解 -melt down- JunK Arrange【カヴァー】
<no comment>- #5 (↓2): 【初音ミク】Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya!【オリジナループ】
<no comment>- #4 (→): 【初音ミク】ストロボラスト【オリジナル】 (Strobe Last)
<no comment>THIS WEEK IN HISTORY: (WVR#121)
This spot is for a look back at the VocaRan one year before. Here are the top five songs from that week.
- #5: 【初音ミク】 ボーカロイドのうた 【オリジナル】
<no comment>- #4: 【鏡音リン】 恋は戦争 SignaRemix 【Dios/シグナルP】
<no comment>- #3: [初音ミクオリジナル曲] 可能世界のロンド
<no comment>- #2: 【神威がくぽ KAITO 鏡音レン】「刹月華」オリジナル曲【PV付】
<no comment>- #1: 【KAITO】Pane dhiria【オリジナル】
<no comment>- #3 (↑17): 【初音ミク】6900000000【オリジナル】
I knew rank 17 wasn’t enough for this song, it had to go higher!- #2 (!!): 【初音ミク】影踏みエトランゼ【オリジナル】 (Slow Down Etranger)
<no comment>- #1 (→): 【オリジナル曲PV】 パンダヒーロー 【GUMI】 (Panda Hero)
<no comment>- ED Song: おたまじゃくしとアンブレラ(初音ミクオリジナル)
<no comment>In Other Vocaloid News:
That was this week’s number 1.
It’s a bit of an early announcement, but the 62nd Sapporo Snow Festival will be held from February 7th (Monday) to 13th (Sunday). This year too, Snow Miku will make an appearance! Furthermore, there will be a lot of activities to make the festival even more exciting, such as live events and talk shows. There will be a lot of trafic in Sapporo, and this year we have huge snowfalls compared to an average year, so if you plan on attending the festival, be sure to keep your head and feet warm!
Well then, the rest of this ranking, from number 31.
Editor Picks of the week:
- 【初音ミク】サイノウサンプラー【勝手にPV】 (Talent sampler)
- 【GUMI】Green lights【オリジナル】
I loved this song when it first came out, and now a great PV has been made for this. Coincidentally this first came out on the vocaran when I started doing it.
A nice and calming song with GUMI.
Final Thoughts/Analysis:
<insert editor comments here, otherwise kindly delete/remove>
…And so with that, we end this week’s Vocaloid Ranking review. Please join us again next week, and I love CHASEE testing.
Hanatan/ASK cover of suki kirai FAR superior to the original
Interesting idea to put the names of the songs that aren't in English in their romanized forms, but why are only some of them done? And why does #10 say "Simesaba Twisters"? That's who did the song, but the name of the song is Nichijousahanji…
On that note, congrats to Yufu for making the top 30! I thought that this was the first time she's done so, but then I remembered the MMD Cup video… But anyway, I hope it ranks higher next week!
Yeahh sorry about that, not all of them are translated because I don't translate them, but usually search on youtube or something to see if there is a translation available, if not, I just leave it empty, unless you would like me to just add romanizations (which you can probably do on your own). Thanks for catching that though.
Just got back from a trip but I will post comments tomorrow morning/afternoon and will help romanize a few more if I have time. Thanks as always Pengy, ur such a beast at getting out the Vocarans, especially with hell and highwater seemingly getting in your way each week. Keep it up, this article always makes my week.
How long has it been since Miku has been on the opening page of a Vocaran? What a perfect week!
Yeah Kanji is alot harder to romanize, it actually takes some knowledge rather than just sounding it out. But hopefully we'll do it more, its a great idea.
The fact that ASK and Hana's cover of Suki Kirai has so many more views than the original make me RAGE. Utattemita covers are nice and all, but people need to give more credit to the original writers.
The original sounds cuter too, in my opinion.
I can understand your RAGE ^_^ however I must point out there’s a bit of a “conversation” between ゴム(original’s creator) and 花たん/ASK denoting their “love” in the post info of the utattemita version. I guess it’s, in my opinion, a way to show that he had a hand in the creation. Or at least some knowledge of it. Not that all songs have that kind of shout out, of course.
As for the two songs, I really like the utattemita because it seems to have a bit more emotion and feeling behind it than the original. I truly believe they gave it their all. That just Len is in append mode (I believe) is odd too.
Also, 花たん’s [ん。。ま!] … I really really like it. Can’t help myself when she does it 🙂
aw it sucks that no kagamine append songs aren't on rankings….[i was looking forward to them too] there's some good ones on nicosound, i wonder why it's not on vocaran……
Technically Suki Kirai is using Len Append
What the heck did I just watch O_____o
Is it a new internet meme or something? Please explain XD
#26 There's a typo here: DoYouSoYou is not a new entry ! (but any excuse to hear it again is worth this typo)
#11 Wow, what a surprising tunning of Rin in this song, unfortunately her voice is less fluid than I'm used to probably due to this extreme tuning.
#10 Neat, Miku & Yufu meld very well, that's Aster who will be happy. Of course Miku will again trample this week's UTAU ranking because of this duet 😀
#06 An other remix of Meltdown *yawn* I only paid attention because it was done by Rerulili. There have been so much remixes of Iroha's song that it's suprising one could rank so high. BTW, want a creepy one ?
[youtube 2tOwg6CPrHg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tOwg6CPrHg youtube]
Thanks for noticing the typo. Due to the way I do these articles, I'm bound to miss the transfer somewhere, and try to be as accurate as possible, but eventually I miss something, and people like you help me correct it. Thank you.
I think the jump with Matryoshka might have been from it surpassing World's End Dancehall in total plays. Looks like Mozaik Roll will do that as well in a couple more weeks…
I can't actually read the NicoNico comments beyond some very vague understanding of a few words, but it looked like there were a few comments that weren't thrilled with Panda Hero's keeping of #1. If that's true, I agree.
Partially because it was like on the last day of #173 that it was uploaded and ninja'd its way to #1, and it had a week to get up to top.
As much as I want to complain at Panda Hero getting rank one again… I can’t.
Last week it was either that or… Nyanyanyanyanyanya… and… well… Panda Hero is better.
This week was… well… slow. So it was expected.
I better see God Song and Slow Down Etranger in the top two spots next week, though!
#5: 【初音ミク】 ボーカロイドのうた 【オリジナル】
HOLY CRAP! OHMYGODOHMYGOD! I'VE FOUND IT!!!! i've seriously been looking for this song on and off again for about a YEAR after the video i had of it was deleted off of youtube, and the version i had was just titled "Song of Vocaloid" which was so ambiguous that i couldn't find it anywhere. THANK YOU vocaran #174 for having this song in the "this week in history"!!!! I am really so happy right now, it's irrational.
quite a few good songs here. i wonder how long Panda Hero will be #1
I have a feeling this will be the last week its #1 with Shirley out. It technically translates to Vocaloid's song, or song of vocaloid, but yah, thats the reason why I don't add in translations for all of the songs. Good thing I started adding in the titles for the history too lol