Weekly UTAU Ranking #117 – Don’t Shoot Me!

Ohmanohman, I completely got my dates mixed up and ended up missing Defoko’s birthday!! I’m so sorry about that!! *bows to the Purple Goddess* Uhh, maybe I should just start on the Ranking?
Sorry for the wait. It’s time for the Weekly UTAU Ranking!
February 5th was the 3rd birthday of the one we can consider the starting point of UTAU, Defoko. Happy birthday, Defoko! Thank you for all what you’ve done for UTAU!
So, we just celebrated her 3rd birthday, which means in one month it will also be the 3rd anniversary of UTAU’s public release. The uploader is preparing the “UtaRan 2011 Special” to celebrate this date, and should upload it on March 6th. I hope it will be up on time!
Well then, let’s see the ranking!
-Editors: deztora, chibikarla, Aster Selene, Holocauxt, Bunnychan, Pokénatic
-Translator: kurisuto
-Song Stats: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)
- OP: デフォ子オリジナル曲『ちるちる』
This is excellent.☆WEEKLY RANKING PART 1
- #20: 【UTAUカバー】 ハイウェイノート 【重音テト】 (!!)
<no comment>- #19: 【根音ネネ】傘【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
Awesomely creepy.- #18: ☆☆デフォ子誕生祭2011・オープニング☆☆ (!!)
DAWWWWWWW.- #17: 【MMD・UTAU】ねんどろ風テトとデフォ子でマトリョシカ(今度は動くよ) (↓12)
<no comment>- #16: 【春歌ナナ2周年】HarukaNyanyanyanyanyanyanya!【カバー&PV】 (!!)
Love it.- #15: 【UTAU】09年1月組で『心の旅』【生誕祝コラボ】 (!!)
<no comment>- #14: 【バンドロイド】僕が卵をユデマショカ?フルver.【マトリョシカ】 (↓8)
<no comment>- #13: 【UTAU× 巡音ルカ】レイニーウォーカー【オリジナル】 (!!)
WHATWHATWHAT ILLP IS BACK??!! *DIES FROM HAPPINESS*- #12: 【重音テト】good-bye daybreak【オリジナル】 (!!)
Nice calm Teto song.- #11: 【重音テト】シーラカンス【オリジナル曲】 (↓3)
Awesome video is still awesome.☆THIS WEEK’S PICKUPS
- #25: 【MIKA-03】 「 繰り返し一粒 」 【UTAU音源配布】 (NEW VB)
Ohh, I like this voice a lot.- #31: 【重音テト】はんぶんこ。【オリジナル】
<no comment>- #32: 【UTAU】約束の歌声@ぱみゅ【オリジナル】
<no comment>- #34: 【デフォ子誕生祭】*CradleSong*-short ver-【オリジナル】
I eagerly await the full version.- #37: 【実音とわの】卒業式に涙流せるくらい【UTAUオリジナル曲】
Beautiful.- #49: 【朝音ボウ】 ぼくの地図 【オリジナル曲】
<no comment>- #56: 【雪歌ユフ】日常と喧嘩と線路【オリジナル】
*faints*- #60: 【瓜音ウリ】ウリノーエン【オリジナル曲】 (NEW VB)
Hmmm, this is marked as a NEW VB in the MyList but now in the video….- #63: 【UTAU/オリジナル】音速飛行【音飛女クユ】
<no comment>- #79: 【根音ネネ】まよいごしょうじょ【UTAUオリジナル】
Hmm, pretty good.☆WEEKLY RANKING PART 2
- #10: 【UTAU】Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya!【桃音モモ】【ミクカバー】 (!!)
*nosebleed*- #9: 「中の人」のいない音源作ってみた (!!)
<no comment>- #8: 【UTAU】あたし電波りようこちゃん【春歌ナナ】 (!!)
Too adorable.- #7: 【UTAUなの?】M&B-W アルナイワリサイタル(おまけもあるよ) (↓4)
<no comment>- #6: 【雪歌ユフ】hello,world【オリジナル】 (!!)
Completely in love w/ this.- #5: ナナイロノート/春歌ナナ (!!)
Spread the Nene love!!- #4: 【重音テト・桜塚ディタ】 Mirage Rouge 【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
This would be excellent, except I think Teto is tuned just a little too high.☆EXTRA RANKING
- #5: 【MMDドラマ】よしひさっ! 第一話
<no comment>- #4: UTAUのPへ、一問一答!【突発企画】
<no comment>- #3: ねんどろテトさんとりっちゃんと例のキャラ?でマトリョシカ
Ohlord, those shadow demon Tetos!! XDXD- #2: 【巡音ルカ】きみのて【重音テト】
<no comment>- #1: 【リアル猫】Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya!【UTAU】
O.- And…. yet…. I love it….☆THIS WEEK IN HISTORY (Weekly UTAU Ranking #65)
- H5: 【音源配布】耳のあるロボットの唄【手書きPV】 – <no comment>
- H4: 【巡音ルカ・波音リツ】早く迎えにきなさいよ-M-【-オリジナル-】 – <no comment>
- H3: 【雪歌ユフ】nowhere【オリジナル】 – I’m become such a Yufu fangirl; when this first released I was all “meh” and now I’m “LOVELOVE.”
- H2: 【穂歌ソラ+巡音ルカ】 Pillow Talk 【オリジナル曲】 – The title makes me think such naught thoughts~ But it is a very nice song.
- H1: 重音テト×初音ミク オリジナル曲「Alive」PV – Excellent song and PV.
- #3: 【雪歌ユフ】to white【オリジナル曲・PV】 (!!)
SO. FRICKING. GOOD. I would love it if this made number one next week.- #2: 【UTAU+MMD】右目と梟雄のBad Apple!!+α【戦国BASARA】 (→2)
LULZ video will be gone next week, GJ.- #1: 【初音ミク・雪歌ユフ】 日常鎖飯事 【オリジナル】 (→1)
Deserving of keeping this spot for it’s run. Congrats!
- ED: 【UTAUオリジナル曲】butterfly【FULL ver.】
Almost haunting, but not quite; nice emotion.
It’s the second consecutive week that Shimesaba Twisters’ “Nichijousahanji,” a Miku and Yufu duet, is number 1! Congratulations! Shimesaba Twisters had already reached high positions with Teto songs, but that was the first time he reached number 1, and stayed there for two weeks! I hope it will go on like that next week too ♪
Well then, let’s see number 21 to 100, as well as the extra ranking number 6 to 25. See you next week!
Actually guys, I want to try something different here. I have a different taste in music and I don’t think it’s fair to just post my personal picks all the time. SO, I was thinking of asking for you, the readers, to share with me YOUR favorite UTAU songs/videos. It can be an original, a cover, a MMD vid, just about anything, so long as UTAU is the main focus. Each week you can post a comment or e-mail me ([email protected]) a video (or more, if you’d like, but please be reasonable), telling me why you like it so much; I’ll keep a log of all comments and will post one or two each week (everyone’s will be published eventually, I’ll go in order of received!). Below is the form you can use to send your picks.
– Your Name (or username, whichever you prefer)
– Video URL
– Video Title (in rōmaji and/or English, if you can)
– Video/Song Producer (basically, who made it)
– Say why you like this video so much
How does this sound to you all? I want to involve our readers more and I also think this would be great way to share a vast majority of UTAU videos; you never know, you might just find something new you really love!
February 14th is Valentine’s Day! Introducing “Valentine Attack by Sukottei.”
Make Tei sing or talk, draw her, confess your love to her, make a video where she confesses her love for Len-kun, or let her express her yandere personality to its full extent… Are you ready for the “Valentine Attack”? Even though she’s often represented as yandere or with her butcher knife, let’s not forget Tei is a girl! It’s your chance to confess your love to her!
This project will be centered around NND and Pixiv. You’ll have to use the following tag: バレンタイン☆アタックbyすこってい. It is recommended that you lock it. Additionally, you can use other tags like 健音テイ, すこってい, or UTAU支援中 (TN: using the “UTAU支援中” tag means your work can be used in UTAU-related videos). In the case of R-18 works, please follow the corresponding rules. As long as you don’t violate the terms of use of NND, Pixiv and Sukone Tei, everything’s fair game!
Uploading time: Until February 14th 2011, 00:00. But late submissions are fine too!
The submitted works will be presented in an NND Live Broadcast, on February 14th, from 10pm and onward.
The main host is expected to be ShouyuP.
For further details: Sukone Tei blog, Pixpedia and NiconiCommunity.
Ohman, a Tei celebration! Too bad I’m far too busy to draw anything for it….
For me, the return of IruuP IllP is some of the best news EVER. Apparently he has also changed his username, so he is officially IllP now (ah, you silly katakana, how I can never read you right). I highly suggest checking out his MyList for some amazing works. Other good news is this week’s number three, I can’t get enough of it~
Right now the plan is for me to do an article for the upcoming “UtaRan 2011 Special” video, so please look forward to that! I’ll try and get it up as quickly as possible, but you guys know how real life gets in the way a lot sometimes. I’m also sure you’ve noticed I’ve been changing small things here and there, so let me know your thoughts; for example, do you like the commercials to have their own section?
I also want to mention a thankyou to everyone that pointed out my horrible Japanese translation of FALLP’s name; if you see anything that is an error in these articles, please say so! I appreciate having mistakes pointed out so I can get it corrected (they happen and I want to learn from them). Again, thankyou.
Well I am here regarding the fav UTAU vids…hmm this MMD vid have Miku and Rin, but since the song is sang by teto and the three trio Teto, Defoko and Momo also included I think it pass?
Name : hellcove
Title: MMD CUP 5 Enamel Sentai
Author: :テトロスP
reason? well its n old vid, but still…IT SO DAMN CUTE!! FUWAA!=w=
No comment on #9? That one’s a voicebank created solely using MIDI instrument samples – no human voice sample whatsoever. Now THAT’S vocal synthesis…
As for the UTAU videos rec…
Title: Armillary Sphere
Author: Pika-P
Reason: Beautiful song + cool MMD video + updated version with smoother vocals = WIN.
…oh shoot.
I remember those This Week in History videos.
Meaning…it's been a year since I started covering the UTAran…
…Except I've been so neglectful of it half the time orz
just out of curiosity, does "曲" mean Hachi? i'm still working on my japanese, but i see this little kanji pop up frequently in Hachi videos, but i also see it appear in a few other videos…
Tune/Music, if you use firefox, get the rikaichan addon that lets you highlight kanji and a little popup shows what it means.
Poor Len. That's all I can say.