Weekly UTAU Ranking #121 – In Your Ranking, Stealing Your Number Ones
*points to title and OP image* Guess who’s back!
Hi, it’s time for UTAran.
UTAU’s 3rd birthday comes around. It was very short 3 years and we have witnessed lots of things.
Our master uploaded UTARAN SP 2011 as memorial.
Though UTARAN SP consists of five parts, it’s not completed yet. Ah…he did it again as usual.
Sorry that our master is no good…
He says he’ll uplaod them asap so please be patient.
-Editors: chibikarla, Aster Selene, Holocauxt, Bunnychan, Pokénatic
-Translators: kurisuto
-Song Stats: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)
- OP: セイハロー・トゥ・ユア・ガール
Wow, so pretty!☆WEEKLY RANKING PART 1
- #20: UTAU音源試聴「いつも、いつも」(穂歌ソラ) (!!)
<no comment>- #19: 【重音テト】全てのVOC@LOIDに宣戦布告【カバー修正】 (!!)
This is an interesting take on it.- #18: 【重音テト】ナイトウォーカー【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
<no comment>- #17: 【UTAU新音源配布】洗歌クク 紹介動画だよ! (!!)
<no comment>- #16: 【UTAU】瀬戸内★ナイトフィーバー【戦国BASARA】 (!!)
Pretty sure there’s a joke here I’m not getting.- #15: 【MHP2G】がんばる私のモンハン日記 番外編【アイルーイズマイン】 (!!)
<no comment>- #14: 【重音テト・欲音ルコ】羨人落花【欧風?南国風?】 (!!)
Ethic tune, very nice.- #13: 【ぱむ・春歌ナナ】→↓←↑【UTAUオリジナル・PV付】 (!!)
*nosebleed from cuteness*- #12: 【UTAU】「モモの日」の動画2011【三人娘】 (!!)
Momo’s humming is so soothing.- #11: 【デフォ子・重音テト】ワールド・リスタート【UTAUオリジナル】 (!!)
<no comment>☆THIS WEEK’S PICKUPS
- #21: 【穂歌ソラ、波音リツ】雷鳴【オリジナル曲】
This is good enough to be in the top ten, easy.- #37: 【重音テト】ネオカゴメ【オリジナル】
Great emotion.- #43: 【松田っぽいよ】ボーダー【UTAUオリジナル】
More great emotion!- #45: 【UTAU】オリジナル曲 Satine【貴野ユキ】
<no comment>- #48: 【重音テト・波音リツ】薄紅めぐり【オリジナル】
<no comment>- #50: 【重音テト&欲音ルコ】 ロリコンでよかった 【オリジナル曲】
Dawwww.- #54: 【櫻歌ミコ】暗い森の中に【オリジナル】
<no comment>- #56: 【根音ネネ】馬車【オリジナル曲】
Very little music, mostly great Nene vocals.- #62: ストレイドッグ、西へ
Not too familiar with this UTAUloid, but I like the voice.- OUT OF RANKING: 【重音テト】一緒拒否。【オリジナル曲】
<no comment>☆WEEKLY RANKING PART 2
- #10: UTAU音源試聴「今日ってなぁに」(雪歌ユフ) (!!)
That sprite is adorable! However, the song isn’t tickling my fancy so much, Yufu’s voice isn’t handled as well as I think it could be.- #9: 【エルシャロイド】Lilium【UTAU】 (!!)
ANY voice will work for this song and sound GOOD, I swear.- #8: 【重音テト】シュガー・ボックス【オリジナル曲】【描いてみた】 (↑15)
Loveitloveitloveit.- #7: 【エルシャロイド】ペテン師が笑う頃に【神音ルシ】 (↓5)
<no comment>- #6: 【初音ミク+ぱむ+Sinsy】 いんくりめんと 【オリジナル】 (!!)
Great mixture of voices, loves the fun-beat too.- #5: 「青く塗れ」波音リツオリジナル+PV (!!)
Love the song, love the PV. I will be sad if this drops next week.- #4: 【重音テト・波音リツ】カレイド【オリジナル曲・PV】 (↓2)
Top five on it’s second week, GJ.☆EXTRA RANKING
- #5: 【トークロイド】 弦巻マキの喋らせ方講座 【VOICEROID】
*need to learn Japanese, MUST learn Japanese….*- #4: [HANASU Project]HANASUの総合HP、メールマガジン開始![MMD]
*see comment above* Whatever this is, it looks interesting.- #3: 【MMD】ルシフェルたちがぽっぴっぽーMk-Ⅱ【エルシャダイ】
*SNORT*- #2: ボカロオリジナル曲をポップン風に描いてみた【9】
That is some great Teto tuning right there.- #1: 【巡音ルカ】浪漫主義【オリジナル】
Nene and Nana may only be providing backing vocals, but they sound great combined with Luka.☆THIS WEEK IN HISTORY (Weekly UTAU Ranking #69)
- H5: 鈴音アリカオリジナル曲『トリップ・トリップ』 – <no comment>
- H4: 【重音テト】ちびテトで恋愛サーキュレーション【MMD】 – Still causes a trip to the dentist one year later.
- H3: 【天音ルナ】 オリジナル曲 『アーミラリ・スフィア』 【MMD】 – This PV is SOOOO beautiful.
- H2: 【UTAU】「モモの日」の動画2010【三人娘】 – <no comment>
- H1: 【リツ&がくぽ】 錚々と焔は詠いて 【-オリジナル-】 – Ahhh, I remember this. Great song.
- #3: 【エルシャロイド】弱虫モンブラン【神音ルシ】 (↓1)
From one to three, not bad at all.- #2: 【戦国BASARA】闇トリオがBa/d Ap/pleを歌ったよ+本編+おまけ【UTAU】 (!!)
Is there workplay in this one? I can’t tell. >.>- #1: ルシルシ★シャダイフィーバーを大天使に歌わせてみた【エルシャダイ】 (!!)
El Shaddai/Elshaloid takes the number one spot again! I’m telling you, serious songs CAN work!
- ED: 【UTAU】オリジナル曲 LOVERS【貴野ユキ】
<no comment>
So this week’s No.1 is ” ルシルシ★シャダイフィーバーを大天使に歌わせてみた【エルシャダイ】#
by Elshaloid. Congrats!
Well, we had Elshaloid as No.1 for two weeks.
We should keep eyes on El shaddai who is still very popular!
See you next time!
Each week we’ll feature one reader’s video pick. If you’d like to see your pick here, please comment and list the video and why you like it; it can be any video, so long as the main focus is UTAU!
Direct quote this week from random anon – “Uh, let’s see, rec… rec… Reeeeeeeeeeeeec… okay… okay. Think I got it. “masquerade” by Shouka Tori. (Why do I always like the obscure ones?).” This song was produced by Nemuno. Wow, this is a very smooth voice, and a great song!
Unfortunately, I’ve been unable to dig up much information on El Shaddai/Elshaloid, other than you usually see them in silly stuff. If anyone can give me some more information, I’d greatly appreciate it. I never paid much attention to these types of UTAUloids before, though the silly videos can be entertaining at times, but the serious songs/videos are much better in my opinion.
Besides El Shaddai, we had another week of mostly new songs (only four returning from last week). I highly recommend #5, #6, #8 (if you didn’t catch it last week), and #21.
Till next week feel free to throw out any UTAU recommendations and I’ll see you, same place, same time!
Aaand El Shaddai & Basara continues to sneak into the rankings. TBH I'm still not liking them very much, but the more serious songs are actually pretty good.
May I recommend the updated version of #3 in this week's history, Armillary Sphere by Pika-P (http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12667379)? The same pretty video & music, with improved vocals. Just beautiful. (actually I recced this in a comment in a previous post but the comment never showed up…)
Thanks for your recommendation!
Elshaloid is a jiriki UTAUloid that samples from the trailer of the upcoming video game El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron, specifically of the character Lucifel. I haven't seen it myself, but from what I've heard, the trailer was ridiculous enough to be memetic. Because of this, a cover using Elshaloid – even when it isn't particularly good – will likely get more views than a cover using a "serious" voicebank. The Sengoku BASARA voicebanks are probably the same way, though I don't know very much about them.
And since I'm commenting here, I might as well leave a reccommendation. I've always liked Ame Nochi Hare (sm12420110), it's one of my favorite Ritsu songs and definitely a change from the more rock-influenced songs he's been in. Its companion song, Hare Nochi Ame (sm12382075) is also worth checking out. Someone paid about $180 worth of yen to sponsor it, so it can't be all bad.
Ohhhh, now it makes a lot more sense to me, thank you very much for that info. Also, thank you for your recommendation!
I, for one, love Luci.
But yeah, his appeal is mostly only there if you're already a fan of El-Shaddai. (And I get the feeling there still aren't many people outside of Japan who know what it even is yet.) To somebody like me it's like "Yessss LUCI!" but to a lot of people who don't know him it's just probably gonna be like "…what is this?" Hopefully El-Shaddai's popularity will catch on here when it comes out.