Weekly Vocaloid Ranking #180 – Pray for Japan
Well this week the vocaran is done by another person named iori, who usually does the Monthly VocaRan, and sippotan approved it as a substitue for this weeks Vocaran. sippotan will also be taking a 2 week break, and he/she is safe with his family right now. Rankings after the break!
Opening Statement:
I’m alright, I’m fine…
Due to the disaster that occurred in eastern Japan, it has been announced that the production of the Weekly Vocaloid Ranking will be stopped from #180 on. Since the Monthly Ranking normally uses the data from the Weekly Vocaloid Ranking, we had no choice but to collect the data ourselves this time.
This ranking is published as a Special Edition of the Monthly Ranking. Also, unless there are exceptioal circumstances, the present data will be used for the Monthly Ranking Top 30 too. The week we have collected data for is March 7th 2011, 5am to March 14th, 5am.
Main differences with the Weekly VocaRan:
1) the rules concerning the videos that can enter the ranking or not have been greatly loosened. However, all the videos that have been excluded from the rankings until now are still excluded
2) the excerpts of the songs that are featured are from 1min to 1m20.
Without further ado, let’s see the ranking!
-Editors: Pengy, DTKel, Holocauxt, descent87, bunnychan, redemption2
-Translator: kurisuto
-Song Status: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)
- OP Song: 【ニコニコ募金】東北地方太平洋沖地震 支援メッセージ動画 (North-Eastern Pacific Ocean Earthquake Aide Message Video)
Explanation and how to donate is located here- #30 (–): 【初音ミク】桜前線異常ナシ【オリジナル曲】
Why does this sound so familiar? Honestly was never a fan of it. Love the music, never liked Miku’s singing.- #29 (!!): 【初音ミク】 箱庭傍観者 【オリジナル】
I love how the piano follos Miku’s voice as it goes up and down.- #28 (↓24): 【ミクオリジナル曲PV付】ひまわり【三重の人×ぎヴちょこ×キセノンP】 (Sunflower)
I like this type of hard rock. I approve of your approval. This is classic j-rock right here.- #27 (–): 【初音ミク】桜の花を咲かせましょう【オリジナル曲】
<no comment>- #26 (↓8): 【初音ミク】 Symphony 【オリジナルPV!】
<no comment>- #25 (!!): 【初音ミク】 SECRET DVD 【オリジナル PV】
What was that about some inclusion restraints being loosened?- #24 (↑35): 初音ミク・巡音ルカ オリジナル曲 「ワールズエンド・ダンスホール」 (World’s End Dancehall)
<no comment>- #23 (↑44): 「卑怯戦隊うろたんだー」をKAITO,MEIKO,初音ミクにry【オリジナル】修正版
Urotanda! What, they couldn’t find something else to watch?- #22 (!!): 秘密の放課後(オリジナル)【MEIKO,ミク,リン,ルカ,GUMI,miki,ユキ,Lily,いろは】 (Afterschool Secret)
I’d buy this game, or at least torrent it. GUMI route of course.- #21 (↓11): 【鏡音リンレン】リモコン【オリジナルPV】 (Remote Control)
If you’re going to sing the Konami cheat code, show a Genesis controller, not an NES!- #20 (↓13): 【GUMI】十面相【オリジナル曲PV付き】 (Ten Faces)
<no comment>- #19 (↑85): 【初音ミク】むかしむかしのきょうのぼく【オリジナル】 (Once upon a me)
Ice cream song.- #18 (↓3): 【GUMI】おニューのかさぶた、ペットに食われろ【オリジナル曲】
I expect a recovery in a couple of weeks.- #17 (!!): 【初音ミク】GREEN SHIP【オリジナル曲】
Best new song in the top 30 for me. Art is top notch for a “still” PV.- #16 (↓10): 【オリジナル曲PV】マトリョシカ【初音ミク・GUMI】 (Matryoshka)
<no comment>- #15 (↑53): 初音ミク が オリジナル曲を歌ってくれたよ「メルト」 (Melt)
One of my favorite songs of all time. I hear it everytime I get a SMS message :3 And they say MikuPa failed. Ha.- #14 (!!): 【巡音ルカ(ラップもあるよ)】 Passion 【オリジナル曲】
Great work with english on Luka. The supporting track is painful in my right ear.- #13 (↑37): 【初音ミク】ザ・カンニング【オリジナル】 (The Cheating)
Miku almost sounds like Luka. It sounds kind of plain for a top 15. And I think Luka is a supporting harmony in the back.- #12 (↑15): 【GUMI】モザイクロール【オリジナル曲PV付】 (Mozaik Role)
<no comment>- #11 (↓6): 【オリジナル曲PV】 パンダヒーロー 【GUMI】 (Panda Hero)
<no comment>- #10 (↓2): 【GUMI(40㍍)】 キリトリセン 【オリジナル】 (Cutoff Line)
Take a listen to this cover. You’re not going to tell us who’s it is for the sake of the Youtubers?- #9 (!!): 【GUMI】 ウソ 【オリジナル】 (Lie)
<no comment>- #8 (!!): 【巡音ルカ】 if 【オリジナル】
<no comment>- #7 (!!): 【初音ミク GUMI】 ユメネコ 【オリジナル】 (Cat Dreams)
Am I seeing a link to Secret Garden here?;- #6 (!!): 【初音ミク】「夢町コントラスト」【オリジナル】 (Dream Street Contrast)
Wasn’t this photo used in like… 17 different PVs?- #5 (!!): 【初音ミク】「イキたいの。」【オリジナルPV付き】
:<- #4 (!!): 【初音ミク】グレイシア【オリジナルPV】 (Glacier)
<no comment>- #3 (↓1): 【ニコニコラボ】 Mr.Music 【ボーカロイドオリジナル】
I still can’t get enough of this. Have to post the Cover. Epic colabs create even more epic colabs.- #2 (!!): 【GUMI】 Prayer Will Live 【オリジナル曲】
I was turned off from Nuns thanks to Guilty Gear. I just changed my mind again.- #1 (!!): 【GUMI】 カーニバル 【オリジナル】 (Carnival)
Gumi is really dominating the rankings. Wow, go otetsu.- ED Song: 【鏡音レン・初音ミク】 キミのセカイ ボクのセカイ 【オリジナル曲】 (Your world, my world)
This reminds me of a remix of a Nami Tamaki song.
Editor Picks of the week:
- 【おどP】マーキュリー【初音ミク】 (Mercury)
- 【Lily】Existence-Another-【オリジナル】
- 【鏡音リンレンappend】シンデレラ~another story~[オリジナルPV+曲+小説] (Cinderella ~another story~)
- 【初音ミク】Lost Memories【MMD-PV付き】
- 【GUMI】 生きて 【オリジナル曲】 (Live)
- 【ミク・ルカ・グミ】pray for【オリジナル】
- 【初音ミク/挫折P】 今の僕にできる事 【Pray For Japan】
Theres something about this song that I love, and it should deserve a spot in the top 30.
Not alot of Lily songs have made it to the top 30, but this is a great vocarock song.
Amazing use of the Kagamine Appends.
A nice song, and a good MMD pv to match it.
Such a sad song. Translation here.
Pray for Japan, and hope for a speedy recovery. English translation here I expect this to be #1 next week.
Same as above.
Final Thoughts/Analysis:
I don’t really like this style, it might just be because I am too used to sippotan’s WVR, but the clips of the songs in this don’t really show the full song, or the best part of it. However, it was kind of iori to do the Vocaran while sippotan is away. Many songs popped back up out of nowhere (Melt being one of them) and might have been caused by MikuPa. No pickup this week, so you get extra picks from me.
I’m neither here nor there when it comes to this. I think I would have preferred it have gone on hiatus than be filled in by a different user, though I’m happy for the effort that was made. I’m noticing a lot of multi-loid songs recently, and that’s really difficult to pull off well. And of course Gumi had yet another dominating week. When is she getting her own concert again? Oh that’s right, they did a spot using the same transparent screen technology in a concert that no one saw or recorded. T_T I wanna see GUMI in 3D!
I’ve been donating left and right to charities for Japan. I hope you all will join in the relief effort in some way. Ganbare Nihon!
…And so with that, we end this week’s Vocaloid Ranking review. Please join us again next week, and I hope Japan can recover quickly from this disaster..
So wait, is the weekly vocaran stopped after #180 for the time that sippotan is taking a break? Or is it permanently switched to monthly vocaran only?
#30 probably sounds familiar because it is. Or were you not watching the VocaRan back when that song came out? Though I could swear it wasn't THAT long ago…
I agree, this style is kind of weird. The clips part is explained by the notes from the uploader at the beginning (where it says the clip is at a set 1:00 to 1:20 instead of just being X number of seconds of the chorus), so yeah.
MikuPa might have caused some of the bumps, but I think a lot of it was caused by the mylist modifier going back to being a straight x20 for this ranking. I like the ratio better (since it kept songs like Melt out of the top 30 quite successfully)… but hey, this ranking is a lot better than nothing! I'm not going to be ungrateful. I think it's great that someone else stepped in to take over Weekly Vocaloid Ranking duties until sippotan becomes comfortably situated again (which I hope is soon, and not just for the WVR!).
I think we all hope Japan can recover quickly and safely…
It came out 4/10 (the song) and I wasn't into the vocaran then.
It was a pretty big hit, though. It reached #2 IIRC (might've been #3?), and then slowly dropped off the top 30 after that. Even if you weren't watching the rankings, you probably ran into it somewhere along the lines, and that's why it sounds familiar. 😀
I also thought I should mention that the ED is really great. I love Vocatrance, and it's seven minutes of fatP greatness (fatP is so under-appreciated!). A lot of the comments on the video say it reminds them of that song from Air, though. -_-; (Well, it does sound kind of like Tori no Uta, but that's not the point!)
I'm a week late on this, but actually, if you do the math, you'll notice that the point score for each song is calculated with the weighted MyList score, rather than the old straight multiplier. It's just that the Monthly ranking uses the straight multiplier (which makes sense, since scores are measured over a longer period), and the uploader didn't change that in his ranking format video, though he used the Weekly scoring.
hate this week ._.
only like #21
30 look like another old song…?
Cinderella ~another story~ was my favorite song this week 😛
Im such an obsessed kagamine fan…
I like a lot of the songs from this week. I don't think I'll be getting tired of Ten-Faced for a while.
It was really nice to see a song like Melt back up on the list, too. Made me smile. :3
Prayer Will Live is my fav new song~ I LOVE Eurobeat! By the way, all these Gumi songs lately have been for the compilation album GUMIsm.
#15, Melt was definetly a nice surprise this week.
#17, That picture looks like a rip from 5 cm/s…. or maybe just a strong reference to it?
And #1, that umbrella has got to be a Soul Eater reference…
I agree with Pengy; This style isn't really an improvement, this weeks rankings haven't improved much either, and the clips, if anything, have gone tow steps backwards. I hope Sippotan is back soon, but I also give a round of applause to Iori for stepping in for Sipps during this rough patch.
What are you talking about? Nuns are the best part about Guilty Gear!
#1-15 I noticed that GUMI owns this chart's upper part XD is there a recent activity on a lot of GUMI users? XD
Tons of old things jumped. I wonder why.
Like random anon said above, it was probably because of the mylist modifier going back to x20 instead of a ratio. The latter was done to keep incidents of "false popularity" from happening, in the wake of the Meltdown controversy.
Why the dogpile hate on #30? It was a great and weird song when it came out and it still is now, and I'd much prefer to get composers doing something different like that than that generic eroge-opening-esque Gumi song at #2. Anyway, it's great seeing Pinocchio-P and otetsu again, despite my dislike of #2 it's awesome to see Gumi kicking some butt, and it's hilariously awesome to see Urotanda jump up again.
very, VERY late to see this ranking. ;_;
well, #30 is "Sakurazensen Ijou Nashi", right? I just like how this composer tune Miku's voice into something like this, and you don't have to use Append to make it like that. Well, it's just my opinion, anyway. 😐
#28 not a big fan of j-rock actually, but this is an exception. Totally love it even just heard it once 🙂
#19 it's back! ice cream :d
#15 MELT! :DD
#5 what the…? ._.
#3 still a fan of it ^^
Conclusion : Gumi sure dominating the rankings, doesn't she? 🙂