Weekly UTAU Ranking #122 – Dreaming of Better Days
After the past week I honestly don’t have a lot to say right now. Nami’s Opening Statement this week is a good sum of what I’d like to say, so I’ll just jump straight to it.
Sorry for the wait. It’s time for the Weekly UTARan!
Last week-end, a disaster occurred, with an earthquake and a tsunami striking mainly the Touhoku region. There are a lot of casualties and missing persons, a lot of victims. Many things still remain unpredictable, and it’s all very worrying. It’s not much, but I hope this video will ease your heart a little.
-Editors: chibikarla, Aster Selene, Holocauxt, Bunnychan, Pokenatic
-Translators: kurisuto, rebecca
-Song Stats: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)
- OP: 【UTAU】オリジナル曲-その先へ【雪歌ユフ】
Great Yufu song.☆WEEKLY RANKING PART 1
- #20: 【MHP2G】がんばる私のモンハン日記 番外編【アイルーイズマイン】 (↓15)
<no comment>- #19: 【UTAUカバー】キリトリセン【重音テト】 (!!)
<no comment>- #18: 【櫻歌ミコ(UTAU)】ふわふわばる~ん【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
Adorable video.- #17: UTAU音源試聴「光がいっぱいの日」(ぱみゅ) (!!)
Too cute voice.- #16: 【Minimal】 default is default 【唄音ウタ】 (!!)
THIS is something I can get down to!- #15: 【雪歌ユフ】TASOGARE【オリジナル】 (!!)
<no comment>- #14: 【UTAU/櫻歌ミコ】蕾桜 -ツボミザクラ-【カバー】 (!!)
Excellent tuning of Miko.- #13: こずえさん (↑ OUT OF RANKING)
<no comment>- #12: 【MMD】蒼77 (そうなな)Append-Power モデル配布 (!!)
<no comment>- #11: 【GK】達海中心でマ.ト.リ.ョ.シ.カを歌わせてみた【替え歌】 (!!)
I think it will still be a while before we see this song die off anywhere.☆THIS WEEK’S PICKUPS
- #27: 奈落の底にて君を待つ【UTAUオリジナル曲】
Not bad.- #31: 【重音テト・波音リツ】回路迷宮【オリジナル曲】
These two together made me go “uhhhrrr” in a good way. Lovely techno beat.- #39: 【AME-6】耳のあるロボットの唄【UTAUカバーアレンジ】 (NEW VB)
Sounds like a good quality voicebank.- #40: 【根音ネネ】オリジナル「僕の世界Ⅱ」
Dance beat for sure.- #53: 夏への扉
Doesn’t blow me away, but still very nice.- #58: 【UTAUオリジナル】舞い散る【重音テト】
Same as above.- #66: 【UTAUオリジナル曲 】Null【ナミダ・欲音ルコ】
This one, on the other hand, is AMAZING.- #70: 【雪歌ユフ】ふわふわ【オリジナル曲】
<no comment>- OUT OF RANKING: 【UTAU】自作音源テスト・マフラーでつないで【オリジナル】 (NEW VB)
Another whisper UTAUloid. Nice.- OUT OF RANKING: 【UTAU】走る街と走らない春
<no comment>☆WEEKLY RANKING PART 2
- #10: 【櫻歌ミコ・波音リツ】 In Wonderland 【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
Wow! I’m surprised this isn’t in the top five.- #9: 【初音ミク・重音テト】卒業【オリジナル(PV風)】 (!!)
Soo pretty.- #8: 【UTAU】瀬戸内★ナイトフィーバー【戦国BASARA】 (↑16)
<no comment>- #7: 【MIKA-03】「 心拍数#0822 」【UTAU-PV/カバー】 (!!)
I really like this voice; it’s high-cute but very clear.- #6: UTAU音源試聴「eucryptex」(鉛音ピネ) (!!)
LOVE how different this is!!- #5: 【MMD】UTAUねんどろ達でNyanyanyanyanyanyanya! (!!)
Song is all over the place but…. *covers nosebleed*- #4: 【デフォ子誕生祭2011】「 Imitator 」【UTAU-PV/カバー】 (!!)
Why did I miss this? Ahh, need to stop being sleepy so much. Anyhow, LOVE it, great cover, and I adore the PV.☆EXTRA RANKING
- #5: 【トークロイド】 弦巻マキの喋らせ方講座 【VOICEROID】
<no comment>- #4: 31才?の「テトテト☆ファイアーエンドレスナイト」[feat.重音テト]
Love the stage.- #3: 【MMD】Lat式テトでロミオとシンデレラ
Very pretty.- #2: ボカロオリジナル曲をポップン風に描いてみた【9】
<no comment>- #1: 【巡音ルカ】浪漫主義【オリジナル】
Still loving it.☆THIS WEEK IN HISTORY (Weekly UTAU Ranking #70)
- H5: 春歌ナナでブリ(゚∀゚)ハマチ – This meme still makes no sense, but goshdarnit, it’s so cute who cares!
- H4: 【重音テト】辞めてやるよ歌い手なんか【オリジナル】 – The ironic story behind this is great.
- H3: 【UTAU】波音リツ上下装備連続音配布 – Excellent cover.
- H2: 【重音テト】閃光のカドルヴェイン【オリジナル曲】 – <no comment>
- H1: 【重音テト】最終鬼畜全部テト【MMDでMIDIアニメ風】 – LULZ.
- #3: 【戦国BASARA】闇トリオがBa/d Ap/pleを歌ったよ+本編+おまけ【UTAU】B (↓2)
Only one spot drop for second week? Excellent.- #2: 【MikuMikuDance】ガラスの林檎(松田聖子)【Bar巡音】 (!!)
Yufu looks sooooo pretty. There was a lot of time spent on this one.- #1: 【戦国BASARA】 特殊な性癖を持つ BASARALOID変態王子 耐久戦 【UTAU】 (!!)
Not sure if this is serious or not, but it sounds really good.
- ED: 【揺歌サユ・Mac音ココ】今このとき【オリジナル曲】
So pretty and a bit sad.
The number 1 was ”Tokushu na Seiheki wo Motsu BASARALOID Hentai Ooji Taikyuusen,” with BASARALOID. This week I don’t feel like talking a lot. I just want to get back to brighter days, so we can smile again.
To conclude this ranking, let’s see number 21 to 100, as well as the extra ranking number 6 to 25. See you next week.
Each week we’ll feature one reader’s video pick. If you’d like to see your pick here, please comment and list the video and why you like it; it can be any video, so long as the main focus is UTAU!
This week reader nyaa recommended the updated version of Armillary Sphere by Pika-P. They stated, “The same pretty video & music, with improved vocals. Just beautiful.” I completely agree! Wow, you guys are throwing out some excellent recommendations, please keep it up!
Still don’t have a lot more to say; my comments next to songs this week pretty much sums it all up.
What I’d like to do is point out a couple of stores that are doing sales to help raise money for Japan. KarenT will be donating all the money they make between March 16th to April 15th to the Japanese Red Cross. HobbyLink Japan is doing a disaster relief sale. There is also, of course, our post here that points out NND’s efforts. This is only a small portion of donation options that are available. Our hearts go out to Japan and we wish them only the best.
A message to Holocauxt:
AkiGlancy (who made Null) says she loves you *chu*
Wait, Holocauxt? That's interesting… I wonder why.
Anyway, no comment on that amazing "Imitator" cover by Defoko? It's so clear!! :O I also love inaphon's nonsense Pine song. It's really catchy. 😀
Oh, the name and link are missing on history #5…
As far as recs go, is a PV okay? There's a PV of "Orbital" that I really like (sm8733626). I like the song, too, and the video features a lot of different UTAU. Some of the art's a little stiff, but for the most part, it's really well put together.
Oii, that was where I had to stop for a night, so I was in a bit of a hurry. I will correct that ASAP.
Anything goes for the Reader's Picks, so long as the UTAU is the main focus (if it would allowed in any part of the UTAURan then it's pretty much fair game). If you would like I'll add your pick to the list; is there anything else you would like to add about it?
Well, since it's an UTAU-PV, I guess it'd be in the Extra Ranking… so that's my rec, then! I don't think I have anything else to add about it, though. ^_^;
Haha, it's actually all me in these articles 99% of the time, though I can see how it's hard to tell Holocauxt and my color's apart; I'll see if there's anything I can do about that.
And I'm glad AkiGlancy likes my comment. It's a BEAUTIFUL piece of work.
Oh it was Bunnychan. Sorry, font colors similar.
Aki loves Holocauxt too.
#6 is really interesting. Gotta applaud inaphon's use of Pine there. Loving his Pamyu song too~ [/fangirl]
Thanks for putting up my rec ! If I could rec something again, here's "Futari" (http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm10690456) by neL/Maiyo-P. A really nice and calm song with Yufu and Sayu, their voices really fit together.
Last but not least hoping for all the best for Japan, I wish I could help more but I'm a broke college student as it is ;_;
why is there a furry there?
That's Moune Loup, an UTAUloid. You can see her in this week's number 12 video.