New Anime Redesigns For Sweet Ann and Big Al!

Information from PowerFX has revealed that the company has approved Sweet Ann and Big Al’s redesigns for the Taiwan market after relaunching its site in general. You can look at the redesign for both Sweet Ann and Big Al above.
So what do fans think of the new anime style illustrations for Sweet Ann and Big Al? Feel free to post your comments below.
Info source: Hatsune MikuMiku
I like Sweet Ann, hands down. The art style looks like a grown up Flonne (Disgaea), and makes the look slightly abstract, and I feel that's a good thing.
But Big Al… no no no no, and also no. His image has totally been tarnished. He doesn't look big at all, and in fact looks almost more bish than anything. I liked the original Big Al better. And what's with the outfit? He looks like he'd be the conductor in a marching band, and the loose suspender thing has already been taken by Crypton. I reject this new reality and substitute it with the old!
You should note that these are just for their Taiwan release, and aren't necessarily official redesigns.
Thanks for the correction, article updated as such.
Looks like some people are behind on the news… didn't we deal with this issue 4 days ago? These are the new images for Ann and Al IN TAIWAN.
the news came out Saturday, thats not 4 days ago, but only 3. Either still there is still a ripple effect and that ripple doesn't calm down overnight.
Fantastic, the Taiwan redesign for Big Al continues to add to the pile of terrible male vocaloid designs (as if Piko wasn't bad enough). However Sweet Ann's is a nice mixture of antique and futuristic. Very nice.
I'm with everybody else. New Sweet Ann=cool, new Big Al=lame. Good thing these are only for Taiwan and their old designs are going to stay the same in the West.
idk, I love both designs. I honestly never liked either original design and I think these are way better.
same here…as most of the comments above…
maybe bcoz Big Al's design is not aiming for anything..or no main Idea on what he's design ought to be…or should be..
Big Al's design doesn't go with his voice.The other design wasn't good but it at least went with his voice.
I like both. I personally welcome the designs with open arms. The only thing that bothers me is the anatomy errors but overall the designs themselves are very nice and great eye candy. Taiwan sure is lucky.
Big Al, no… why did this have to happen to you?? blech blech blech
Well that's just great, us somewhat lucky people in Taiwan finally get more Vocaloids and they redesign Big-Al in this unbelievably lame way. But Sweet Ann looks kinda like Petra from Arcana Heart ^^
Sweet Ann's is good but Big Al's is terrible. I like his old one way better.
Finally Sweet Ann looks now like a real girl [or something like that :D]
Big Al's terrible, but Sweet Ann's alright. D:
I like Sweet Ann ans Big Al too. I can't understand you guys…
Too pretty and bishie I DO NOT APPROVE~ B( Where's the 'stitches'??? I like their old designs better…
sweet ann is so m-m-moeee…
but I'm considering buying this big al just because of CRAZY HAIR
Why do I feel like people are dissing Taiwan?
I love Sweet Ann’s new design, but Big Al? WTF!
This is for their taiwanese box art.