Weekly UTAU Ranking #126 – It’s Inescapable
Let the cuteness of Nana and Pam sink in your soul; you’ll need when you get to this week’s top three. Actually, you’ll need it for a good chunk of the ranking. >.>
Sorry for the wait. It’s time for the Weekly UTAU Ranking!
Like last week, there’s a lot of new videos this time, so we’ll present more of them: 30 in the main ranking, and 15 in the Pick-up segment.
Due to changes in the uploader’s private life, the period for which we collect data will be different starting next week. For further details, check the link on the video description. (T.N.: it will be from Friday to Friday, instead of Saturday.) Thank you for your understanding.
-Editors: chibikarla, Aster Selene, Bunnychan, Pokénatic
-Translators: kurisuto, rebecca
-Song Stats: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)
- OP: 【ぱむ】にちようびのうた【UTAUオリジナル】
Very adorable.☆WEEKLY RANKING PART 1
- #30: 【戦国BASARA】 三成と刑部にあばばばしてもらった 【UTAU】 (!!)
Sounds pretty good.- #29: 【重音テト】 9.0 【オリジナル】 (↓9)
Still very nice.- #28: U-ske×重音テト「lies」オリジナル曲 (↓11)
Too catchy. >.>- #27: 【UTAUねんどろs】みんなでアピール (!!)
I’ll adopt the one with black hair and the one with white hair please!- #26: 【MMD】官房長官が歌って踊る「リリリリ★バーニングナイト」 (!!)
And thus it begins.- #25: 枝野マミのテーマ (!!)
Try getting THAT image out of your head now.- #24: 枝野官房長官に『いろは唄』を歌っていただいた。 (!!)
This one actually hurt my ears.- #23: 【UTAUオリジナル】エスケープ【重音テト】 (↓8)
<no comment>- #22: 【重音テト】CrossOver【オリジナル曲・PV】 (↓6)
<no comment>- #21: 【UTAU】重音テトで「ワールドアウトサイド」【カバー】 (↓18)
Still love this one.- #20: 【枝野官房長官に歌ってもらった】放射能がくる【UTAUカバー】 (↑63)
The voice actually sounds rather good in this one.- #19: 枝野長官が「あいさつの魔法。」を歌ってくれました(full.) (!!)
o.o?- >#18: 【重音テト】CANDY【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
How can you say no to candy from Teto? You can’t, simple as that.- #17: 枝野官房長官がワンダーラストを歌ったようです【枝野ネロ】 (!!)
Again, it’s actually not bad.- #16: 【KAITO・穂歌ソラ・朝音ボウ】希う者の歌【オリジナル】 (!!)
Great combination of voices.- #15: 【修正版】大天使にパラジクロロベンゼンを歌ってもらってみた (!!)
This video idea? Brilliant.- #14: [重音テト]セルフラブ[オリジナル曲] (↑119)
I like how simple it is.- #13: 【枝野ネロ】ねろねろにしてあげる♪【UTAU替え歌】 (!!)
No matter how hard I try to resist, I find myself singing along….- #12: 【重音テト連続音】C to F#【オリジナル曲・PV】 (!!)
Look at the beautiful PV!!- #11: 枝野官房長官に『No buts!』を歌っていただいた。 (↑83)
No familiar with the original song on this one.☆THIS WEEK’S PICKUPS
- #33: 【重音テト】深夜【オリジナル】
Nice and dark.- #44: 【雪歌ユフ】 One Minute Magic 【オリジナル曲】
I love this producer~- #49: 【雪歌ユフ】いつか、きっと【オリジナル】
More Yufu is welcome!- #52: 【悠歌ゆらぎ】見附けたものは、【-オリジナル-】大百科
Not too familiar with this UTAU but it’s a good song.- #70: 【重音テト】虹のむこうまで【オリジナル曲】
I hope how happy this sounds.- #74: 【響震路+穂歌ソラ】 死に物狂いからキミへ 【オリジナル】
Not bad, but it’s not grabbing my full attention.- #78: 【UTAUオリジナル】扁桃腺が痛いよ【根音ネネ×鈴音アリカ】
Really smooth vocals here.- #95: 【UTAUオリジナル曲】夜中の一瞬【重音テト】
I just really like it for some reason.- #105: 【UTAUカバー】番凩【片歌睦 新音源配布】 (NEW VB)
A deeper male UTAU. We need more.- #114: 【重音テト】おもちゃ箱の蜃気楼【オリジナル】
The tuning makes Teto sound very mature.- #118: 【波音リツ】 ボクノコト 【オリジナル】
Sometimes I think Ritsu and Rin were made to sing together.- #125: 【欲音ルコ】1795【オリジナル】
Songs like this are why more people should be using Ruko!!- OUT OF RANKING: 【揺歌サイ】ゆめのふね【オリジナル】
Makes me sway my head with the song.- OUT OF RANKING: 【UTAU】 繋がる奇跡 【重音テト&テッド・オリジナル】
<no comment>- OUT OF RANKING: 【UTAU】 夢 【オリジナル曲】Vo.実音とわの Co.悠歌ゆらぎ
You don’t really need any music in this one; the vocals stand strong enough by themselves.☆WEEKLY RANKING PART 2
- #10: O-type-重音テト オリジナル曲 (↓5)
*can’t stand staring at her screen*- #9: 【重音テト】コメコジキナノサー (↑90)
*holds nose* Stupid blood….- #8: 【重音テト連続音+初音ミク】弱虫モンブラン【UTAUカバー】 (↑10)
<no comment>- #7: 【枝野ネロ】枝野官房長官にTrue My Heartを歌っていただいた【UTAU】 (!!)
Facepalming is useless at this point.- #6: 【重音テト・初音ミク】 いちご殺戮者の凱旋 【オリジナル】 (!!)
NOW we’re talking!- #5: 重音テト×鏡音リン オリジナル曲「rainbow days」PV (↓4)
Standing strong.- #4: 枝野官房長官にマトリョシカを歌っていただいた (!!)
- #5: 朝焼けサイクリング てがきpv
Don’t eat the mushrooms!- #4: 【MMD】重音テトでChaining Intention
Megane points get.- #3: 第2回MMD座薬杯 告知動画
DAT FACE.- #2: 【影絵】テト誕生日おめでとぉ【ねろ~ん】
That’s actually pretty nifty.- #1: 【MMD】関ヶ原前夜祭(石田軍)【戦国BASARA】
That magic carpet sure knows how to get down.☆THIS WEEK IN HISTORY (Weekly UTAU Ranking #74)
- H5: 【波音リツ】椿の花【UTAUカバー】 – Awww, why deleted? 🙁
- H4: 【実谷ナナ】Song for…【オリジナル曲】 – <no comment>
- H3: 【重音テト連続音】えれくとりっく・えんじぇぅ 骨盤P Ver【UTAUカバー】 – You can’t deny that this is an amazing cover.
- H2: るろうに剣心ファンアート 重音テトオリジナル曲「千紫万紅」PV – I remember this one, very emotional.
- H1: 実谷ナナ「ナナナナ★フィーバーミラクルトゥナイト」【オリジナル曲】 – I still wish for an all UTAU version AND all original singer version of this.
- #3: 枝野官房長官に「only my railgun」を歌っていただいた (!!)
You saw it coming from miles away.- #2: 枝野官房長官 が カバー曲を歌ってくれたよ「メルト」 (→2)
It won’t go away!- #1: 枝野官房長官に炉心融解歌わせてみた (→1)
- ED: 【重音テト】 ゼロからはじまる物語 【オリジナル曲】
The number 1 was a “Roshin Yuukai” cover, featuring Yukio Edano (created from samples of his voice). I can’t believe it’s the third consecutive week with Chief Cabinet Secretary Edano! w Oh my God, it’s really chaos! w But this mysterious boom seems to have calmed down, so maybe things will get back to normal next week or so.
To conclude this ranking, let’s see number 31 to 150, as well as the extra ranking number 6 to 25. See you next week!
Each week we’ll feature one reader’s video pick. If you’d like to see your pick here, please comment and list the video and why you like it; it can be any video, so long as there is UTAU involved!
For the weeks that we do not have a Reader’s Pick I will post a video from the UTARan SP 2011 list. This week is number 101, “Still Alive In Love” by Fall-P feat. Sekka Yufu. This is a great song with Yufu doing some great scatting. The video is also amazing.
Man, people latch on to their memes and don’t let go, do they? But next week should be full of new stuff, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we still find Edano hiding in there somewhere. Check in next week and we’ll see what happens.
Agh, my eyes… #25 burns.
I hope all the parodies with Edano end under the fair use for parodies law and don't give AmeyaP any issues.
…But it's nice to see so many songs with a masculine male voice in the ranking for a change, haha. #4 is actually quite interesting.
the top 30 what again?top 30 utau was it. who was that guy at number 20?the one with the bio hazard suit. rememeber him from utau because i dont.oh wait i remember he's that utau from resident evil 3,ok now it all makes sense. and how did he even make it into the top 30 of anything?his synthesis voice sounds awful.and whos that utau at 17?that guy in the blue looks a little bit like kim jong il(also the same goes for number four).wonder what that songs about? and whats up with teto at 17 minute mark holy jesus christ she looks insane.and her voice sounds like satins computer.
How does a fabric have a computer?