Weekly UTAU Ranking #127 – Would You Like That To Go?
I’ll take the “meal” on the left, pleaseandthankyou! Oh, hey readers, I see you’re ready for another week of the UTARan. Well, I’m not one to disappoint, so please open your menus and chose what you’d like!
Sorry for the wait. It’s time for the Weekly UTAU Ranking!
It’s now mid-April, and the weather’s progressively getting warmer. It’s also the new fiscal year, and by now I think it’s the time when people start getting used to the new changes in their lives. Speaking of new things, from this week on, the data collection period has changed as I said last week. This week, the period was one day shorter because of the transition to the new system. Thank you for your understanding.
Well then, let’s see the ranking!
-Editors: chibikarla, Aster Selene, Bunnychan, Pokénatic
-Translators: kurisuto, rebecca
-Song Stats: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)
- OP: 【健音テイ】 恋愛低気圧 【オリジナル】
I can never get enough Tei. This is a very nice song.☆WEEKLY RANKING PART 1
- #20: 【UTAU】はるかぜ@ぱみゅ【オリジナル】 (!!)
Wahh, adorable Pamyu song.- #19: 【SUGITALOID】マトリョシカ【カバー曲】 (↑76)
Hmmm, okay but not the greatest.- #18: 【スイッチになれるキーボード】モザイクロール【使ってみた】 (!!)
SUGITALOID uh? Must be new or not too popular.- #17: 【ミコ×リツ×チユ】ReAct【UTAU連続音カバー】 (!!)
Perfect harmony.- #16: 【枝野ネロ】枝野官房長官にTrue My Heartを歌っていただいた【UTAU】 (↓7)
Still hanging on.- #15: 【重音テト】 再生 【オリジナル】 (!!)
Interesting picture. I like the song though.- #14: 【枝野ネロ】マクロスFのOPライオンを歌っていただきました。 (↑43)
I laughed pretty hard.- #13: 【重音テト・初音ミク】 いちご殺戮者の凱旋 【オリジナル】 (↓6)
<no comment>- #12: 【銀魂再開】杉田さんにもカートニアゴを歌ってもらった【おめでとう】 (↑35)
Another one? Something is going on that I’m not aware of.- #11: 【重音テト】 そ も そ も P 名 な か っ た 【便乗乙ジリナ】 (!!)
BEEP! I need a translation of this.☆THIS WEEK’S PICKUPS
- #27: 【和音マコ連続音】アーバンシアター【UTAUオリジナル曲】
A nice blend of old style and new style music.- #42: 【響震路】 乞い 【オリジナル】 (NEW VB)
Like the accent.- #43: 【UTAU】 神経衰弱 【波音リツ オリジナル】
<no comment>- #44: 【UTAUカバー】Palette【新音源配布】 (NEW VB)
Quite a surprising voice coming from that image.- #50: 【重音テト】凍った涙【オリジナル】はやぁー
The image leads me to believe that this is a sad song.- #57: 【和音マコ】優しさに答えを【オリジナル】
Different producers, same illustration as #27. Also a great song here.- #61: 【鈴音アリカ】サンクチュアリ【オリジナル】
This has been deleted. 🙁 That sucks, this is a great song.- #70: 【重音テト】三塁打【オリジナル】
<no comment>- #73: 【重音テト】あまやどりのてってしいあ【オリジナル】
Very uplifting tune.- #80: me in me 【重音テト オリジナル曲】
I like the trance feel.☆WEEKLY RANKING PART 2
- #10: MikuMikuDance P 名 言 わ れ た け ど @DISKOMORY (!!)
LOL, what?- #9: 【重音テト】P m e i-P m e i【オリジナル】 (!!)
Earworm alert!!- #8: 【重音テト】output【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
Not only is the song great, but I LOVE the PV!!- #7: 【MMD戦国BASARA+UTAU】東照+謀神+鬼神で月と太陽のめぐり【コラボ】 (↑ OUT OF RANKING)
<no comment>- #6: 【重音テト× 巡音ルカ】マヒルドライブ【オリジナル】 (!!)
Ill-P~! Add another amazing track to your amazing list of works.- #5: 枝野長官が「あいさつの魔法。」を歌ってくれました(full.) (↑19)
I shouldn’t laugh, but….- #4: 枝野官房長官にご自身がカラオケで得意な歌を歌っていただいた (↑ OUT OF RANKING)
<no comment>☆EXTRA RANKING
- #5: 【MMD】 Change me 重音テト ~DIVA2nd~ 【UTAU】
Anyone looks sexy doing this dance~- #4: 【おしゃべり】ルカとテトと少しテイが何か話しています
Too…. cute….- #3: 【MMD】夏だ水着だ!テトさん戦隊パイレンジャー 参上!
Pick your flavor!- #2: 【みんなで】 笠原さん誕生日おめでとう 【祝ってみた】
Long-lost sisters?- #1: 【トークロイド】ボーカロイドたちの生活7『スキスキレン君デラックス』
I never have any real clue what is going on in these, but I always enjoy them.☆THIS WEEK IN HISTORY (Weekly UTAU Ranking #75)
- H5: HANASUをやってみようとしたら違う何かが出来た – Uh, wow. Wow. I remember these, so I’m guessing it’s all still being worked on.
- H4: 【だてっぽいど】まさむ音サマがUTAU『炉心融解』【戦国BASARA】 – <no comment>
- H3: 【KAITO・UTAU】Hello Hello おはよう【オリジナル】 – Hello!
- H2: 【UTAU連続音・白鐘ヒヨリ】旅の終わりに【オリジナル曲】 – VERY relaxing.
- H1: 【UTAU 重音テト 連続音】MY LITTLE LOVER Hello,Again~昔からある場所~ – Very solid.
- #3: 枝野官房長官にマトリョシカを歌っていただいた (↑4)
I couldn’t keep a straight face last week and still can’t this week.- #2: 【姉音モネ オリジナル曲】アネモネ【弟の姉】 (!!)
This is awesome. Everything works together perfectly.- #1: 枝野官房長官に「only my railgun」を歌っていただいた (↑3)
I like number three better. 😛
- ED: 【UTAUオリジナル】海龍伝説【翔歌トリ】
Another song where I’m asking myself why I don’t have it.
The number 1 was an “Only My Railgun” cover, featuring Edano Yukio (created from samples of his voice). Yes, this week too it was Chief Cabinet Secretary Edano w The boom has calmed down, but it seems it was still pretty strong w
To conclude this ranking, let’s see number 21 to 100, as well as the extra ranking number 6 to 25. See you next week!
To celebrate my first anniversary, I, Sukone Tei, declare open the celebration event! Let’s get fired up with three projects: “Kikitei,” “Sukone Tei’s Big Chorus,” and “Looking for the new logo”!
“Kikitei”: multiple Tei users tune her voice and draw images, then the viewers have to find out who did what.
“Chorus”: many people participate, and sing the song “I Declare War on All VOC@LOIDS“. Other people can participate to this project (UTAU tuners and illustrators), so check the special website!
“New logo”: we’re looking for the new Sukottei (Sukone Tei) logo! The logos that were uploaded will be made public, and the viewers will vote for their favorite ones. Check the special site for further details!
We’re waiting for your participation, everyone!
Each week we’ll feature one reader’s video pick. If you’d like to see your pick here, please comment and list the video and why you like it; it can be any video, so long as there is UTAU involved!
Since we have no Reader’s Pick this week, it’s time for another video from the UTARan SP 2011. This week is number 102, “Taketori Hikou~Neeting Princess” by Koishi featuring Kaguya from “Touhou.” Please check out this Youtube video with English subtitles. This is a parody song and actually quite funny.
Ahhhh, I wish I had the time to do something for Tei’s celebration. *la sigh*
The Edano meme does seem to have started tapering off; I wonder what the next big boom will be? This week my favorites are number eight, six, and three.
See you all next week!
Hm, I don't remember any of this week in history… weird. Maybe I just didn't watch that week.
I love the talkloid videos, but gobouP sometimes goes off the deep end with the dramatics (like when Len died except it was just a dream and then there was that weird LenxRin moment…). This time it's Luka in the hospital… though we do get to see (hear?) ikeLen, which is a nice change of pace considering he's kind of a crybaby in the talkloid videos, heh.
I have to say, this video actually did a very good job of portraying Tei as a yandere. At parts, I actually felt bad for her. But she really is batshit crazy… I can't wait to see what happens next.
Umber 2 is very amazing! You all should try it 😉
And thanks for Weekly UTAU Ranking =)